Reviews from

in the past

I played this game ages ago, so i don't really have a full image, i just remember it was very cute! and free!

A short, beautiful tragedy, with a very simple yet fun gameplay loop.
Took us 10 hours to finish, at Level 50, while opting into every boss on Hard.
(Word of advice: on top of completing all 3 quests in each area, grind each area for all Critical Books as well. And only bother upgrading your 1st & 3rd skills)
Also it's free, so just give it a chance.

Still playing this but its so good. 10/10

For a free game, there's a lot of content. It's one of the best uses of real time combat on RPGMaker as others said and it doesn't take away much time. I keep thinking about this game for how adequate it is, it's just a short good game.

"To fight for the ones you love"

This free game proclaims this theme and more with a story that'll take you for a 5 hour ride.

The story was really good and sad, I enjoyed seeing Senia become her own person while climbing the Tower of Eternity. As well as her well deserved, unwavering determination by the end.

The music, art and combat were really good. The combat plays slightly similar to Ys 1/2 but not as fluid and there are 4 special/magic attacks that help diversify enemy encounters. There's a leveling up system for them as well as a crafting system for weapons and armor. It was not annoying or exhausting to get the items for crafting, luckily. cough YS 7 cough.

One thing I liked when fighting boss is you can choose to fight them on easy, normal or hard. I choose hard for every battle except for the final one, unfortunately, and they were great. It kept you on your toes but it wasn't painful or forced battles to be very long. It was at a really good threshold and that's coming from someone who isn't a keyboard player.(You can't use a controller on this game, I believe. It didn't work when I tried to use mine.)

Either way it was really surprising to find out this game was not god awful or unfun. The last few free games on steam I played really showed them in a different light. I'm glad I didn't actually stop playing that genre of sorts. I definitely recommend it, especially if you're in a mood to see an emotionally invested, short story with fun combat.

Another review described this game as the best use of real time combat in an RPG Maker Game they'd seen, and I absolutely agree. I also think it's the best use of the default RPG Maker VX-style graphics I've ever seen - while the blocky, square shapes are often criticized for being unnatural and claustrophobic, in Eternal Senia that feeling enhanced the experience rather than taking me out of it.

This game also made me bawl like a baby each of the three times I played it. I genuinely loved the characters and story.

Probably the best implementation of real time action gameplay in RPGmaker (at least from what I've seen) but that's all that can really be said about this one.

Pensado de forma intrigante pra um jogo de RPG Maker, temos um action RPG contrariando o formato do criador, que é mais focado em RPGS de turno. Dois elementos desse jogo chamam atenção: o gameplay simplificado e acessível, e a história, cujos finais inquietam o jogador e o fazem querer mudar a realidade do seu destino.

Story 2/5: mid
Gameplay 3/5: fun, but terribly balanced for an action RPG
Music: 4/5: carries the game
Design: 3.5/5

Are you 15? no? then you won't like it

Loved when younger, still cried when revisiting

Rpgmaker game with a sad story. Gameplay consists of action based combat, doesn't play like a traditional rpgmaker game.

More engaging than I expected from a free game, but it's a good break from turn-based RPGs to more real time combat. the story is quite emotional, and the difficulty curve isn't too much.

I thought this game was about Ragnarok Online because they stole the RO jpgs for the cover art and the sprite models for the character, but it has nothing to do with it, its an RPG Maker game. Although I still had a lot of fun.