Reviews from

in the past

Went through this to see just what the recent euphoria hype was all about. I can see why Drake is getting the flack for being a producer on this, because what the fuck. It's just like his music; there's way too much shit for this to be enjoyable. Kendrick Lamar was right and he should fuck Drake more violently, please.

sex scenes go on for too long, and the first two playthroughs (the only ones that I played) were mostly useless, it's a shame as the ending seems absurd and cool

Si apartamos el destrozo visual que es jugar a este juego, tiene una trama detras de todo esto muy compleja y mas aun todo el apartado filosófico que tiene esto. Si gente, que si , pero porfavor estamos en internet y creo que ya podemos estar acostumbrados a cosas fuertes, si no pues mutear juego y pa lante, que tiene muchas y demasiadas escenas horriblemente detalladas con mas de 8213827 dialogos de la misma tortura? Si, que tienes literalmente una escena en donde te dicen que la madre de una de las chicas violó al protagonista de pequeño y que esa misma chica es su hija y EXACTO, has estado follando si estás en su ruta con literalmente tu hija que es lider de una secta y te usa como juguete sexual porque eres "supuestamente" la semilla del elegido? SI, que la profesora es sin duda la mejor ruta? Tetas, pero lo que mas renta sin duda es Nemu best girl y ruta verdadera, vaya paja mental de visual novel que putos cojones.

guys i think i downloaded the wrong game where is freeon leon

Shittiest VN me ever played (meant that literally, as in non indicative of its quality. It's pretty good in that regard)


This is easily the most fucked up game I have ever played. Not only is it pretty disgusting but it also has one of the most fucking confusing stories ever. I had no idea what was even happening most of the time and the game just ends so abruptly. Unbelievable

葵 菜月 route completed. Simply cannot get used to it. Okay so this game is a horror game no doubt.

literally traumatizing
gotta love nemu tho

I believe Euphoria is a masterpiece because its no stranger to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up)
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye

If Marquis de Sade was alive, this would probably be his favourite game

This review contains spoilers

a fucking masterpiece! while there is a steep entry due to some very disturbing adult themes, there is a deep romance story tucked away. in my opinion, powering through all of the crazy shit makes that true ending so much more enjoyable.

A very good argument against freedom of artistic expression

i fucking read the thing whole because i was in a dark place and holy FUCK it is NOT GOOD please do not desensitize yourself to this slop writing of clockup

Do not play this. It is not worth it.

It's like people think when the most vapid and blatant dogshit shock media inserts any story whatsoever, that somehow it becomes valid to tout it as something more interesting than what it is.

Okay it makes more sense, but I still won't say that this game is a must-play.

what the fuck happened with 凛音 route

This is probably the weirdest hear me out I've ever written but I love the story and characters of this. I know, the whole "oh hentai with plot" thing but this genuinely tells an interesting story about getting lost in fantasy. If you're okay with a lot- and I mean A LOT of gross awful shit for the sake of an interesting psychological horror story then please read this. It's not the best by any means, but it genuinely surprised me.

The only reason it's a one star is because I don't like it lol, but I command it for its detailed writing, good visuals, and good opening

did you know the artist for euphoria also did artwork for maggot baits and fraternite. did you know ban'ya wrote scenario for some of rinne's route. did you know ban'ya exists. did you know i'm utterly insane?

ryona saw. controversial opinion fraternite was better.

This game is wild. Essentially an eroge version of Saw with the worst fetishes imaginable. But what lies beneath is a crazy story with some fantastic twists and an amazing soundtrack. I would honestly suggest skipping a good chunk of the h-scenes since the actual storyline is good.