Reviews from

in the past

هذا خويي عزوز اعرفه, هزم فيتاليس سولو ما شاء الله عليه ويحب لوست ارك بس شوي مو مرة وبياع ويبيع عرق

Another twin-stick top-down highscore game from the Itch Racial Justice Bundle. You control two circles using both joysticks and have to destroy enemy projectiles by letting them collide with the line that goes through both your circles. I guess highscore games aren't for me? Like mechanically you kinda get everything the game throws at you in 10 minutes or so and I ain't a fan of games where the main clue is that the "controls are janky/weird". It's competently made and if you need a time waster, perhaps this might be an interesting game?

A fun idea for a game that is IMPOSSIBLE to play in its current form