Reviews from

in the past

one of the best games every made quite frankly, my favorite part was when i took a picture of a fish and a guy told me to start calling it the "foot fish"

Yea, this is more everblue. You basically do the same things in the first game again with this one except with new different dungeons and a new overworld map. That isn't a bad thing, mind you, since everblue is a game all about vibin in the ocean and explorin various different seawrecked dungeons while followin an unexpectedly dramatic story. If you finished the first everblue wanting more, this will be that more that you so desire. You probably only really need to play one out of the two tbh, so go for this one.

Couple of thoughts:

1. This is the classic "do a thing to gain money -> use money to do a thing" game loop, with an evolving central hub setup through which you slowly unlock new features. This stuff is always enjoyable and I'm surprised more modern low to mid budget games don't use these tropes more. I generally classify this stuff as "Atelier Marie" vibes in my head, but I'm pretty sure many games before Atelier Marie did this.

2. That said Everblue 2 kinda lacks a consistent resource sink. I often found myself with no reason to get more money cause the game was not dangling anything interesting to buy with it. On the same note, the crafting system is neat, but given that I had no reason to backtrack to old locations, it fell a bit flat.

3. The most striking thing about Everblue 2 is how incredibly entrenched it is in PS2 Aesthetics (capital A). Between the statically rendered hub town and the beautiful full-3d low-poly ocean, this is both an extremely visually pleasant game, and a game that fully displays all of the generational tropes that PS2 Aesthetics Twitter bots thrive on.

It's kinda weird, cause I lived through 2002, and like, back then this wasn't "a style", this was just what stuff looked like. But it's not in doubt that when decoupled from that sense of "current technology"-realism, the visuals of games like Everblue 2 feel extremely striking and stylized. I don't even think it's a nostalgia thing tbh, it just looks real pretty and otherworldly.

Genuinely one of my favorite games ever. It has a vibe to it that few games have ever matched and is just a pleasure to play. The sharks can go fuck themselves tho.