Reviews from

in the past

Ok for what it is but I will die someday and have little more time for a vapid rpg with an ugly world, only some alright mechanics and constant tugs at my mind to try to get me to fee 2 pay their paid game, though it was only a dollar. Unlikely, but may play this as like an idle game when I can't play something worthwhile

It's a monster catching gacha game with pretty decent turn-based combat that actually has some unique mechanics. Unfortunately it has one big issue: the two main gameplay features - monster catching and gacha - literally oppose each other. Why on earth would you ever use a 2 star monster you caught in the field when you could just use the 5 star character you just rolled in the gacha? After you roll a few times there's literally no reason to ever again catch a monster in this monster catching game. This is actually a perfect example of what could have been a pretty ok little phone rpg being absolutely ruined by its gacha mechanics. Shame.

Ahhh the monster collecting game where catching monsters is useless compared to rolling the gacha.
I believe this is technically a paid game, but I got it for free a long time ago. I kinda had fun with the campaign, then after finishing it I realized there was no other content in the game like it. No more exploring the "open world", no more catching, no more of what the game description says is it's selling point. What's left is a continuation of the story through additional chapters that were just battles and vn cutscenes, that and the online. At that point it's just a generic gacha.

Esse jogo era incrível antigamente, hoje virou um jogo semi hentai com anúncios falsos

Like if you got scammed by those meticulous clickbait horror ads.