Reviews from

in the past

Played the hell out of the demo for this as a kid, and then my parents got me the full game for Christmas. 10/10.

when ur older brother buys an xbox 360 and you're only allowed to play feeding frenzy and the fucking surfs up movie game demo

I'll admit that the only reason I think so highly of this game is because of nostalgia. The gameplay is extremely repetitive, and the graphics are admittedly bad even for the time, but no matter what, I just can't not love it. Whenever I'm bored, I just play through the whole game every once in a while.

I used to be so good at this game

I have a lot of nostalgia for old crudely-made XBLA games and I never played this until earlier this year. It's simple and fun, doesn't need to be anything else.

Fuck I played the shit outta feeding frenzy as a kid