Reviews from

in the past

Smh slower than the original game on the action/battles. And I've played it on PS4, not on smartphone or Switch.

Its cute but deletes nearly every opional quest

The definitive way to play this dumpster fire game.

my deep sense of pity could be totally paternal and unwarranted but I really wish I could give a big warm hug to every game artist who hustled for years to get their dream job at Square Enix and then had to expend their life energy cranking out this chibi homunculus nightmare that nobody in the world wanted or played

Commendable only in its efforts to bring FFXV to a wider range of players, I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. I thought it might be fun to have on the switch,as I really enjoyed 15, and was my first entry point into the mainline FF games that I actually finished, but the compromises on the reduced version stripped out what was salvageable from XV's problems.

Thought I'd like this one more than the real game due to pocket edition seemingly cutting off all the fluff from the original. Sadly they also cut any redeeming qualities the original game may have had so there's no point in playing this.
The camera is still miles better than in the original game though!

Um jogo até que decente, mas nada além disso.

Eu queria gostar muito desse jogo, mas ele consegue ser inferior até a jogos antigos da franquia Tales of.

Ele não precisava ser incrível, mas nem tentaram fazer ele ser memorável.
A gameplay não é satisfatória e é extremamente simples, ao ponto de em algumas batalhas tudo ficar entediante.
As vezes era muito demorado pra derrotar alguns inimigos, mas não era que eles eram difíceis, apenas demoravam pra morrer, não dava a sensação de que o inimigo era desafiador, apenas chato.

A história é legal, mas rasa demais, não procurei sobre, mas vi que a versão original tem várias DLC, então suponho que a história seja rasa porque não trouxeram essas DLC pra versão Pocket Edition.

tbh i haven't played this but What the Fuck