Reviews from

in the past

لعبة مرة رهيبة ليتهم ماحذفوها

my high score is 325 ladies hmu

Borraron esta cosa de la play store porque su creador se cansó de ganar dinero.

remember when flappybird almost started WWIII

o cara deletou o próprio jogo, tmnc

my cat loves watching me play it

i have been reviewing the evil maths games with a repetitious and comedic tone that appeals to practically only 1/1000000 or so people. such is the nature of comedic writing.
i don't consider this an evil math game.
just something stupid that happened once.
but you might think it's an evil math game.
so i'm reviewing it just so you know what i think, even though you don't deserve it.

Worst game ever. Still better than Valorant.

esse jogo foi criado pelo capeta

icoco mais comment j'étais à chier

Reminder, people once paid quadruple-digit numbers to play this game from eBay phones.

Always did and always will hate this nonsense of a game. Why it blew up beats me

My high score was 183 and I know this because I took a screenshot on my phone back in 2013.


truly one of the games of all time

My high score is 633.
Good time waster

better than red dead redemption 2, but not as good as danganronpa 2... Flappy bird 2 might Rectify this tho...

la puta cabra por culpa de este juego estoy en un psiquiatrico

nothing has ever made me this angry