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in the past

I had more fun watching a man talking about the history of Hot Wheels for a hour and 35 minutes on YouTube than playing this DLC as a whole.

Overall a pretty decent DLC offering. The new map is pretty neat and the mechanics are fun to experience once, but it feels like a one-and-done for me. Looking forward to maybe checking out some user created tracks with the new Trackmania-style pieces, but I can't see the DLC or Hot Wheels-branded cars making me want to stray away from doing rally races in the base game Mexico map.

I'm always happy to play more Forza Horizon, even though I feel the DLCs don't ever reach the same heights as the main game.

The important thing to understand is that despite the Hot Wheels licensing, this is still very much a Forza Horizon game and not the other way around. While the map is blissfully Hot Wheels with its orange track, loops, and spirals, the Forza Horizon physics haven't changed. The Hot Wheels cars don't handle much differently than the real cars in the game. This isn't a bad thing, but it is notable.

If you are looking for more of an arcade Hot Wheels experience, the Hot Wheels Unleashed games might be a better bet. That said, if you're just looking for more Forza Horizon content, you can't really go wrong here.

Not as good as FH3's attempt at the same thing, but still kinda ok at least. More of a questionable choice/return than anything. Map feels a lot less inspired, but it's something else to do at the very least.

Forza Horizon e Hot Wheels nunca é demais, é uma DLC obrigatória para a série!
Confesso que fiquei meio desanimado quando anunciaram pois o Forza Horizon 3 já tem uma DLC Hot Wheels, mas essa do Horizon 5 é tão boa quanto a do jogo anterior. O mapa é muito grande, tem uma boa variedade de pistas, a sensação de velocidade é excelente e a história é bem legal pois contam um pouco da história da Hot Wheels.
O único defeito que vou apontar nessa DLC é que não adiciona muitos carros Hot Wheels, a maioria deles nós já vimos no Forza Horizon 3 e 4 e alguns que apareceram nos jogos anteriores não estão no Forza Horizon 5.

It's good if you like Hot Wheels

I like the vroom vroom (but this time on hot wheels circuits)

Respect the vision of cramming in an entire Hot Wheels history lesson alongside a 300mph vertical drop racetrack guarded by two dragons.

Una expansión divertidísima que añade una zona mucho más arcade y una variedad muy divertida al juego base.

La variedad de entornos, tramos de circuito y superficies hace que sea muy divertido simplemente conducir por el nuevo mapa y la velocidad de las carreras hace que siempre sean emocionantes.

El sistema de progresión dentro del DLC funciona estupendamente y me hubiera gustado ver algo así en el juego base también.

Es un DLC sencillito que no aspira a ser más de lo que promete, pero es muy divertido y complementa estupendamente al juego base.


A really fun expansion pack that adds a much more arcade area and some really fun variety to the base game.

The variety of environments, track pieces and surfaces makes it very fun to simply drive around the new map and the speed of the races makes them always thrilling.

The progression system within the DLC works great and I would've loved to see something like that in the base game too.

It's a simple DLC that doesn't try to be more than what it promises to be, but it's very fun and a great addition to the base game.

While I didn't enjoy it as much as the basegame, the Hot Wheels Expansion adds a lot of meat to Horizon 5 and I greatly appreciate the offerings it brings. Defying physics racing round the Hot Wheels park is so much fun, and I appreciate the attention to detail the team gave when creating an absolute loveletter to the toyline. The only downfalls for me personally are the lack of races (which the game tries to prop up with some pretty average "drive here from here" missions) and the constant goalchasing that the DLC can turn into (complete this, this, this, this, now that you've finished the Goliath you should 100% everything!) that leads to you constantly pushing towards minor internal goals rather than stopping to sniff the flowers and take in the fun and beauty on offer here.

One I'd recommend for sure to any Horizon fan, but it's not without its flaws, and I don't think it quite hits the glory of past expansions in the series.

You do loop the loop in hot wheel car except big like real car, its good :)

It's more Forza Horizon but it's hard to be excited about - they've done the Hot Wheels thing before, it's cool to do a big-ass loop-de-loop a couple times, but ultimately it's just a handful of bright orange lines that keep you from using your fastest cars until you've done a few races and played a few of the Hot Wheels Advertisement Missions. I don't have any nostalgia for Hot Wheels, so I primarily find myself wishing that it was a little more like FH4's LEGO collab - slightly more imaginative.

There's still good stuff here, especially with the ice and water flume tracks, but you could mostly achieve this same result by adding more "Dirt" and "Cross Country" races in the base game. It's alright, but unless you're a massive Hot Wheels or FH5 fan, you'd probably find more enjoyment in purchasing an entirely new game at the same price point.

Lindo! Não tão divertido quanto a versão do Forza Horizon 3, mas é tão boa quanto. Recomendo.

muito legal, só queria que não fosse forza...

Hot Wheels e Forza Horizon é a melhor combinação. Achei a DLC curta mas peguei ela em promoção então valeu muito a pena e me diverti em cada segundo. Me senti criança brincando com os carrinhos

Plusy: nowa mapa zasadniczo jest ok
Minusy: mało contentu, AI oszukuje na niespotykanym do tej pory poziomie, znów Hot Wheels, mało nowych samochodów

Excelente dlc, a sensação de velocidade está incrível, e toda hora de gameplay adicionada valeu a pena para sanar o desejo de velocidade

Better than the Rally DLC. If you have to choose between one, I'd get this one.

Uma excelente DLC! Tão boa quanto a dlc anterior do hot Wheels do FH3.

У нас в оригинальной игре все 4 сезона выглядят одинаково, может добавим в дополнении хотя бы снег? Нет, давайте уже третий раз подряд возьмем денег с производителей игрушек и сделаем длс с их продукцией. Из этого могло получится что-то прикольное, ведь с тематикой Hot Wheels можно сделать суперэкстремальные трассы, с проездами по каким-нибудь бильярдным столам или что-то подобное, но вместо этого мы получили просто линейные трассы, с которых даже съехать невозможно (я как будто вернулся во времена старых нфс, где есть только дорога и все). Особенно круто, когда ты едешь на очень быстрой машине, то твоя машина уже не может магнититься к трассе и просто улетает фиг знает куда при первой же кочке. Не знаю для кого это вообще было сделано. Лучше поиграть в отдельную игру про Hot Wheels, которая вышла не так давно!

Ganz nett für paar Minuten aber leider nichts aufregendes und die Langzeitmotivation existiert auch nicht.

bacana mas podia ter os carros do acceleracers

They put a lot of effort into creating a whole new world where there's a lot to do outside of the tracks laid out all over the place. But even with all the fun stuff to do, once you've completed the missions, there's not much else to do.

Playground doesn't miss, Crazy Tracks and a gorgeous new hot wheels park to play around on.