Reviews from

in the past

A fascinating game for tackling the subject matter of Caribbean slavery. It does so by combining aspects of turn based strategy with some clunky action gameplay. While the execution is uneven, the attempt at using these game systems to tell a story about the power struggle for freedom is admirable.

All I have to say is wow. This game was created in the 1980s by a Caribbean French black woman named Muriel Tramis. You play as a slave on a Caribbean plantation in the 1700s. It is your job to rally your fellow slaves and stage a successful slave rebellion and escape to freedom. It combines strategy, combat from Sid Meier's Pirates, and a hint of RPG. It is also brutal in difficulty, and it does not shy away from the horrific realities that were faced by slaves. Given how this game deftly handles its subject matter with respect to history, I can't but feel like we might have regressed a bit in terms of narrative. in video games. Try it, play it in a DOS or Amiga emulator that has the option for save states, and experience one of the single greatest artistic expressions in gaming.