Reviews from

in the past

Way to take what was so funny about the first version of the game and ruin it with dull dialogue and random character relationships. Feels like a twitter fan comic.

when i first encountered

so yea

who knew brain surgery could be so easy!

Played the original years ago, may return to it. A classic subversion of genres, fun underwater swimming section while they described boxing.

This is a weird ass game. I love it. So unexpected at so many points.

A really wierd mixture of a ton of genres, with a wierd narrative itself. Kinda funny, really worth playing.

Truly a classic fraction-type game.

Nothing like some classic frog and fraction action

It's kinda nice to go back to this classic browser game. Simple frog, simple fractions, and no funny business what so ever.

At first i saw the "Game of the Decade" thing and assumed the game must have some kind of hidden gameplay or meaning that isn't obvious from the outside. However, I have now come to understand that it is actually because the creator of this game is insane.

The command module chapter drove me actually insane

I think I started to go mad with power irl when I got the the last chapter

This game taught me fractions :)

Quite literally changed my life

Genuinely had one biggest moments of pure dread and horror in any game I've played

i like the frog he is very kind and i also liked the boxing

Please play this, this game is hilarious and free.