Reviews from

in the past

If there was one game I kept telling myself "Finish it before the year ends." it was this game right here. I really liked the first Galaxy Fraulein Yuna game and while it had it's problems, it was still a fun time. Before I started this game things I was hoping were improved were the music and the battles. Did I get my wish? Well yes and no.

The story itself is still the best part of the game, granted I have the worst tastes in the world and a lot of the plot can be predictable but it has a lot of funny moments with the dialogue and it was never boring. I have to say though I hate Yuna can't see through Lia's identity. This is literally just the whole "wow I wonder who Tuxedo Mask is????" plotpoint from Sailor Moon. I never understood why Anime characters struggle so hard to find out secret identities when it's so clearly obvious who it is. Sorry for that small outburst.

The actual story parts where you're watching and interacting feel a lot more railroaded this time. You barely have anything to do outside of picking the one or two options you're given. The game sometimes has minigames or even a first person dungeon crawler thing but they are so basic and simple that they don't really stick out that much. I'm not a fan of how you don't even really explore places on your own. I'm not saying the first game was some huge open map to check out towns but at least you could look around. There's not even funny options that don't do anything for progression this time around. I guess it's nice if you just want to listen to the plot and don't wanna do all the work but I preferred how the previous game did it.

Battling is its own can of worms though. It kind of gives the impression it'll be better, it actually looks a lot better in the presentation but I just did not like it. I don't know if I'm just dumb, actually I probably am but I swear some fights are impossible unless the game pities you and gives you good cards to choose from after you game over about 2 times. I swear there are times I just can't do anything and it's frustrating. These fights also just go on for so long and you have to hear the same voice clips over and over. If I didn't have speed up for these, I would have gone insane. I tried pressing buttons, holding directions, mashing them like crazy, doing inputs like it's a fighting game. Nothing seemed to have helped so again if I'm doing something wrong then I'm sorry for being dumb.

Presentation wise it's a lot better than the first game and I really like that. The first game already looked good for the most part so seeing this game looking even better was a treat. The OST is even better this time which is great, though that carnival song SUCKS! The other music like some of the vocal songs sound amazing and feel like they could have been used in an Anime. Some of the other songs aren't too bad either. The voice acting is also enjoyable though I'm the worst critic when it comes to Japanese voice acting so I might just be completely wrong.

Galaxy Fraulein Yuna 2 is a very good game despite it's issues. It helps I did enjoy the story and while I can't recommend it to everyone, if you liked the first game, you'll like this. In the end though I can't help but feel disappointed I liked this one less than the first one. It's still a very good game regardless but man, I'm kind of sad I don't think it's a 9/10. There is one more game in this series on the PC Engine CD but I'll play that next year so look forward to that. There is also a Galaxy Fraulein Yuna 3 on Playstation but currently it's not been fan translated so if that ever happens then I'll be there. See you for now Yuna...