Reviews from

in the past

I once stayed home to play this game instead of going to the Metro Centre with a girl that asked me out.

Mais carros, mais musicas boas, enfim!!!

The sheer breadth of content on display in this 5th generation game makes this game a miracle to behold, an accomplishment that has really not had an equivalent before or since. The game's looseness with prize cars and money also offers a flexibility in player agency that many other Racing games struggle with, especially in later GT games. While I often find older racing games struggle to age well due to innovations in Quality of Life design and outdated car lists, GT2's PSX aesthetic is the gaming equivalent of a nice bottle fine pinot noir, and the gameplay loop of acquiring, upgrading, and racing your growing collection of cars is better executed than even later titles in the same series. A must play for auto enthusiasts and retro gamers.

Envelheceu demais hoje em dia mas serviu <3

El mejor juego de conducción durante años, y punto.

Suzuki Escudo vs HKS Drag 180sx on Test Course.

Fantastic game which I played to death around the turn of the millennium.

This review contains spoilers

Game's a hit, but bro I'm not doing the super license test.

I Highly Recommend... but also overly biased!! XD

One of my favorite racing games I come back to every year to complete the main championships/special/rally etc events and some or most of the manufacturer races.

They don't make them like they used to.
What happened to racing games?

you ever stay up all night doing endurance races?

Preciso comentar algo sobre o melhor jogo de corrida do ps1? Acho que não, se vc estiver chegando na casa dos 30 como eu jogue pela nostalgia, e se vc for um milenial que nunca tocou em jogos retro na vida, der uma chance a este jogo completamente atemporal na sua proposta simulador

Casi completado al 100, en consola original, maravilloso

honestly peak racing game idk what to tell you

Man, there is a staggering amount of content in these games

Simply a gem that almost no other racing game has been able to beat.

As somebody who never played the pre-PS3 GT games, I think this game holds up quite well. As long as the controls feels responsive, and the car physics feels right, you can enjoy any racing game no matter how old it is. But playing this does make me want to boot up GT7 instead sometimes. It's like I'm being a sim racer beginner all over again, struggling to keep my car in control because I can't see what's ahead and I pressed the directional buttons way too long. I never got truly comfortable with the driving, and I don't think I ever will. We're so spoiled with how accurate the analog controls are in the newer games.

The simulation mode is structured pretty well, with horsepower limitations for each cup/tourney making you want to buy multiple cars and tune them accordingly for different requirements. The game doesn't just give you a lot of cash too quickly, which I do appreciate. And obviously the driving license tests are as fun as ever, wouldn't be a GT game without them. But there's some quality of life stuff that I need to enjoy it more, particularly in the process of buying and tuning cars.

Lastly, I gotta say it's a treat seeing all the 80s-90s cars here. That period of time is my absolute favorite in terms of car design and culture. It pays off for all the hassle.

Banger. Played a few arcade modes and a bit of GT, not enough to finish the game or have many cars but the time I've been spending with it is great because it makes me go back to my PSOne.

I Highly Recommend... but also overly biased!! XD

One of my favorite racing games I come back to every year to complete the main championships/special/rally etc events and some or most of the manufacturer races.

Play the Sunday Cup first of all things to have actual races you can win with your starter car to then save up for upgrades/better cars and start getting some good ahh prize cars in some of the later events (also to the license tests early if you want to forget about those later). That's all you gotta do to be set for a neat journey with this game :)

Eu nunca tinha jogado um Gran Turismo, ná época do Playstation sempre ouvia falar sobre esse jogo mas nunca tive a sorte de ter uma cópia em mãos, hoje no auge dos meus 23 anos resolvei dá uma chance, é cara... como eu não me arrependo.

Claramente você percebe o quanto esse jogo estava à frente dos seus contemporâneos, mesmo com gráficos os limitados do ps1, consegue passar uma sensação de velocidade incrível, as corridas são muito divertidas e a dificuldade é equilibrada tanto para quem já tem experiência quanto para novos jogadores.

A atenção para os detalhes é impressionante, além de uma vasta opção de carros para escolher, você consegue sentir na prática cada minima alteração que você faz no carro.

Em pontos negativos, eu só teria para destacar os menus que são "rígidos e travados" a navegabilidade é bem ruim e as telas de Loading são demoradas

i remember playing this alot, so much better than the first, great racing game