Reviews from

in the past

Un genial juego, con una buena jugabilidad, un arte hermoso, y una linda historia. Tal vez los puzzles no sean muy elaborados pero son bastante disfrutables.

Jogo ótimo de exploração, mistério e terror (só uns jumpscare, nada demais). Sua exploração vale ouro, devido a certas respostas só aparecerem tendo achado pistas ou conversado com pessoas, mas também tem um sistema de Pontos de habilidade, igual um RPG de mesa, logo há coisas que precisam de testes ou ter a habilidade no nível necessário para conseguir tal resposta/interação, oque deixa o jogo bastante rico em replay ou vontade de explorar o máximo possível.
Claro que o fator história não deixa a desejar, já que é baseado no próprio RPG, e cada exploração você acha documentos e pistas que enriquecem ainda mais a experiência em fator narrativo. Há 4 finais, então certas escolhas de fato tem impacto, pois não há volta.

This game really isn't bad, and has many qualities, but ultimately, I have just never really loved the whole triple character mechanic. From The Lost Vikings through Trine to this game, having to switch between characters to place one over switch A and one over B and so on has never been especially compelling, because it so often feels like the solution is very obvious and that executing it is just tedium. This game wasn't helped by the fact that the first hours contain a lot of light refraction puzzles, which suffer the same problem where, if you've got general gaming experience, you walk in, see that it's a light refraction puzzle, already know what the solution is, and you just have to go through the motions of angling the mirrors or whatever just right to get the light where you want to go. It's a solved puzzle. It kinda shouldn't be included in games anymore and it really shouldn't be the primary puzzle type for hours on end. I also wasn't wild about this game's innovation, where you kind of control all of the characters at the same time as you traverse and perform combat. That just lead to lots of unintentional falls into pits for me.

All that negativity aside, the game is cute, the graphics are nicely drawn and animated and the game has some of the metroidvania mechanics I enjoy, like having a shop with some nice upgrades. The game isn't awful, it's just almost carefully calibrated to not be for me and, in a game market as heavily saturated as it is today, I just have to make the choice to move on and make time for a game that's more enjoyable to me.

note to self: dying with one character ends run, and dodge button only dodges for one character. Thus fighting is having to swap constantly between the left stick to control movement for both characters and also to swap between characters on the d-pad to have them dodge or heal, since healing is also character specific. The system just doesn't work for anything stronger than the basic enemies.

Handling two party members at the same time for not only exploration and puzzles, but also boss fights gave me a headache. I really like the aesthetic of the game, and the little hub you get with the side quests, but my brain and my fingers could not handle the gameplay aspect at all.
Shelving it for now, but I don't know if I'll ever return to it. It's just one of those games.

Blupy - на прохождение

Ну средний платформер, не хороший не плохой, чуть выше среднего. Прикольная идея с переключением персонажей, неплохой арт, неплохая музыка. Сыграть можно

I don't really have much to say other than: I LOVE IT. I love it all so very very much. And it fills me with good feelings :)

Jogo com traços de metroidvania com uma mecânica diferente dos demais jogos, onde o jogador consegue utilizar todos os 3 personagens ao mesmo tempo em tela, assumo que em muitas das vezes não se encaixa muito bem durante batalhar e até mesmo durante a exploração. Greak Memories of azur peca muito em seu combate, tornando ele muito raso, com pouca variedade de inimigos e com poucos golpes para seus personagens
- Direção de arte
- Cenário
- Trilha Sonora
-Variedade de Inimigos

This game is shit, don't bother with it.

Note to self: Stuck on a boss where you have to control all three characters at the same time. And when you die you have to do a boring cut scene all over again.

Otherwise a game I would like to continue but can't be bothered with that boss fight anymore.

Lo de llevar tres personajes a la vez se disfruta mucho en los puzzles y en las zonas de plataformas, pero falla a la hora del combate, ya que es muy fácil que alguno de nuestros personajes se quede vendido a merced de algún enemigo antes de que nos demos cuenta.

Reviews: 1

January 21, 2023 Verified owner
Greak: Memories of Azure is wonderful!
Finished in about 10 despite what GOG says.

My two minor complaints are made up for with the beautiful art, inspiring sound track, spot on controls with nice variety of abilities between characters.

Complaint one - background interactivity, is difficult at first. I wandered around for hours, only to find that the next area was a "door" in the background without any indication, aside from the breif button press indicator.

Complaint two - Easy to save yourself into a corner. Health being rare, you can save before a boss fight with little health, and nothing to do but get good. Cool option for me was turing on invicible character if you're not controlling them (in the options), drop them in the right place and they can beat the boss for you!

Loved this game, hopefull they will release a follow up!

Pequeño título que nos brinda un mundo interesante y visualmente hermoso, con una narrativa sencilla y elementos de puzzle simples pero funcionales que se complementan con los tres hermanos, no busca ser pretencioso y su simpleza lo hace una obra amena.