Reviews from

in the past

Eh it's okay
I like the lil animations :)

Grow Cube es Infancia pura

No esperaba tener que hacer un Documento de Google para esto pero al final sirvio, fue pura suerte realmente haber dado con una solucion coherente

me encanto el final de este juego es tan surrealista JASJAJSJ

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piss river make lizard

Dude. These flash Rube Goldberg machines were the fucking shit back in the day. They're fun seeing in action, that's for sure. This series is only unfun when I'm trying to figure out the solutions on my own, but I'd have to really bored out of my mind to try doing stuff like that.

Last time I heard of the developer, he was really sick and low on funds. He's honestly made some pretty sick stuff with this series, and these games really did influence a lot of my childhood tastes. I hope he's doing well.

Creo que me doy cuenta por qué me gustaban tanto estos jueguitos, me llevaban el cerebro a los bumpers de locomotion al principio de los 2000s.

I didn't expect the AOL guys to be in a cube game.

One of, if not, my favorite flash games :-) it's so pretty and fun

this game proves that even people who know how to make games can make games

as a child i enjoyed this purely for it's visual aesthetic

Eu fiquei muito feliz quando consegui resolver ele, mas, convenhamos, é um grande jogo baseado única e exclusivamente em tentativa-e-erro que te deixa feliz pelo cansaço e pelo esforço que você teve que gastar.

the people walk around. i lol. what else does a man need