Reviews from

in the past

Cool to play with friends and take so many times dying until domine the controls

eu amei esse jogo cara, o tanto q eu ri

1☆ This is so goofy and the controls are horrendous and nothing works properly. So does it's job pretty well but in game standards it's not very good at all.

Fun for the first few hours but can be very frustrating because of the controls and physics of the game, definitely only popular because of the youtube slop that it has produced.

Um bom jogo só nos primeiros minutos, depois você vai enjoando dele.

esse jogo me causa dor psicológica, fisica e me deu um novo medo

nunca consegui fazer nada nessa porra

I am in hell but is's kinda funny

Truly awful but if you can somehow convince a group of friends to play with you watching everyone else suffer is really entertaining

Bought it cause It looked really fun, but It's hard and repetitive, even if you're playing it with your friends

No. makes me wanna blow my brains up but controls are too awful to even pick up the gun :(

i thanked god for being able to move my f***ing fingers freely after playing this game

والله كانت تضحك

a guy picked up a gun and upon trying to inspect it shot himself

aqui eu revelo que sou brasileiro kkkkkkkkk(perfil inteiro em ingreis kakakahue)

Rahatsız edici, otizmli birini hareket ettirir gibi bir hissiyatta arkadaşlarınızla eğlenebildiğiniz tatlı zamanlar geçirip anılar oluşturabileceğiniz bir oyundur kendisi.

Marrant avec des amis, ça occupe quelques heures.

Me garantiu umas boas risadas porém QUE BAGULHO DIFÍCIL DE MEXER RAPAIZ

amanhã quero testar ele no vr

I got to live out my long thought on dream of shooting myself in the head with a magnum! 10/10 would recommend

No :D Just absolutely not wasting time on these games. Fun for 5 minutes, afterwards too silly and too awful

all i remember is playing russian roulette with friends and it being the most odd experience ever

It's a shit post but as a game, it's great.