Reviews from

in the past

one of the best of all time, nothing but happy memories and cant wait to play the remaster

This game started the downfall of the Harvest Moon series and it never recovered from it. One of the first games to ever disappoint me so greatly that I wasted spending money (was my parent's money so whatever actually) on. I could have picked any other game but since I loved Back to Nature so much I just saw Harvest Moon and thought, wow damn, this also exists for the Gamecube?! This can only be better! But no, it lacks everything that made BtN great.

The biggest criticism I have with this game is that the game world is insanely small. It's like moving from a nice comfy village to a barren wasteland. Where everyone also is a boring person that reminds you too much of real life. People living their own life, growing older, you can feel how nobody in this game loves their life. As a little kid I was appaled and thought, wow, I really wish I don't grow up to become like ANY of these people (Didn't quite work, I'm just as boring as these NPCs and also hate my life)! There's literally not a single festival that's worth your time, not a single person that you want to marry or truly want to hang out with, nothing to explore, it feels like you're trapped in a cage you can't escape from. Maybe that's what the game really wanted you to teach? About the suffering of real life? Every other Harvest Moon makes living in a boring ass little town look like fun and full of love. While this one shows you that it can also quite suck to live somewhere where absolutely nothing of note happens. Living a life you don't want to live. A life that's hard to escape from. Restarting the cycle of boredom and lack of ambition onto your own kids so they can take over your old boring job you grew tired of so they can do it for you.

The first HM game I ever played and none of the others ever quite did it for me after that. Hundreds of childhood hours just milking cows, talking to my wife and fishing, which ended in a crippling addiction to farming/sandbox games that I never quite fill.

Enjoyed this more than most Harvest Moons, but I don't remember why

A game I sometimes revisit just to unwind and relax. Don't try to binge through this one, it gets stale fast. however everything about Forget-me-not-valley, the weather system, the lightning system, some of it's deep farming aspects and sound design is just really stellar stuff. It's a very relaxing game.

The most unique Harvest Moon game, and my personal favorite. 10 day months made the seasons feel like they weren't dragging on forever like in other entries, and watching the entire cast grow throughout the game made them feel that much more real.

This review contains spoilers

este é o melhor jogo de simulação de fazenda + novel (famoso harvest-like) de todos, os personagens são muito gostáveis e bem escritos, fazendo você se apegar por eles, as personagens casáveis são 3 ao invés de 5 como de costume, se não contar a Lumina que é casável no special edition, mais a quantidade menor favorece muito o jogo pois todas as 3 são muito legais, fica até difícil escolher qual voce ira se casar, isso é extremamente difícil de fazer em jogos desse genero, como por exemplo o friends of mineral town ou até mesmo stardew valley tem um numero maior de casáveis, mais elas/eles brincam mais com estereótipos e cada um ser muito diferente um dos outros, o que tira esse peso de decisão pois voce vai acabar escolhendo uma pessoa com o estereótipo que mais te agrada, isso é um defeito? claro que não, mais é isso que o a wonderful life tem de charme,
além disso o sistema de fazenda dele é mais simples que jogos harvest-Like mais modernos, sendo focado em plantações, nos animais, na pesca e nada mais avançado que isso, e essa simplicidade que me agrada desse titulo, ele é mais rotineiro e mais gratificante por isso, quando eu abro esse titulo pra uma jogatina rápida, eu não tenho que ficar caçando em cavernas pra achar itens específicos no stardew ou cozinhar num sistema que é impossível de jogar sem um guia como no mineral town, aqui é mais simples e sem contar que como voce não tem muitas responsabilidades como nos 2 jogos citados, voce tem bem mais tempo pra andar na cidade e conversar com os personagens
por fim, vou falar no meu sistema favorito, o jogo envelhece com o tempo, meu amigo ou amiga, isso é algo maravilhoso, pois os jogos harvest-like eles não tem um fim definitivo, o que é muito bom, tenho que admitir, mais como um jogador que gosta de uma boa historia, é meio ruim pois os personagens nunca envelhecem, nunca amadurecem nem nada, aqui eles entregam o que eu queria nesse tipo de jogo, personagens mais velhos falecem em algum momento, crianças cressem e viram adultos, voce consegue ver o seu filho conquistando as coisas e o jogo acaba com você falecendo de velhice, claro, isso é um pouco mórbido e bem triste, mais... esse jogo traz essa metáfora pra voce jogador, que tudo nessa vida terá algum fim um dia, que voce não verá mais uma pessoa amada, que o seu filho vai se auto-sustentar um dia, que os seus animais não são eternos e por aí vai, então aproveite cada segundo com as suas pessoas amadas, comendo a sua comida favorita, assistindo aquela serie/filme/anime favorito, ou até mesmo jogando harvest moon a wonderful life!

I love this game so much! Love the story

It's the best harvest moon game which is not saying alot. The main game itself progresses really slowly, but the highlight is the child raising.

Es un lindo juego de granjas, pero tiene varios defectos que lo hacen innecesariamente complicado, como la jugabilidad en sí o el poco tiempo que tienes en tu día a día, ya que el tiempo pasa demasiado rápido. Si no te vas a dormir a las 10 de la noche y te levantas a las 5 de la mañana, es muy difícil que te dé el día para hacerlo todo. También cuesta mucho empezar a hacer dinero, y el poco espacio que tienes para cultivar lo hace mucho más complicado, porque además las verduras tardan mucho en crecer.

I don't know what was wrong about it, but this game had none of the charm that I was looking for. Perhaps it was just too slow a start, or perhaps it was just too clunky. In any case, my farm never really got off the ground and I dropped the game out of sheer boredom.

Honestly, I didn't get this game as a kid until I got to the second year. And then... a lot of changes occur. This was the first game I played that had a world that really felt like it changed over time and in which it felt like your actions both matter and couldn't possibly matter. Also one time when I was like 6 I dropped my son through a slope near the path to Mineral Town and couldn't find him and I started crying.

i don't think i ever really played this game how it was intended but it was just incredibly fun to walk around and take in the atmosphere/environment

I've had so much fun with this game over the years. I love simulation games and "Harvest Moon" is probably the definitive example of it's genre.

There's a weird sense of melancholy that runs through this game. Time moves on, people change. No one is completely happy where they are, but they know it's a pretty good spot.