Reviews from

in the past

Solid third-person walking simulator/exploration game with nice visuals (character models aside) about piecing together various flying vehicles. Some rough edges (unskippable walkie-talkie conversations that keep you from jumping or interacting with the environment for their duration, and the controls for grabbing objects and platforming generally aren't as tight as they should be), and the more open-ended third area probably could have used more signposting, but still a decent short play overall.

also recommend playing with Brazilian Portuguese voice acting instead of English, because the latter is... not great

Após minhas relativamente curtas horas de jogo, Hazel Sky foi um jogo que demonstrou grande potencial, mas que acabou sendo prejudicado pela curta duração.

Apresentando um mundo interessante de se conhecer, documentos bem escritos, ótima trilha sonora que deixou a exploração bem satisfatória, o seu final abrupto deixa aquela sensação de “mas já?”

O fato também de a conclusão da história ter sido mais inconclusiva do que deveria ser, piora um pouco mais essa sensação. O último capítulo, por exemplo, é muito corrido. Importante informar que o jogo conta com um final secreto que adiciona mais uma camada na conclusão do jogo, mas que também deixa mais perguntas em aberto.

Esse não é o primeiro jogo do estúdio e é evidente que ele está evoluindo com o tempo. Blade & Bones já tinha sido elogiado pela sua arte e esse padrão se manteve em Hazel Sky. Certamente é um estúdio brasileiro que devemos acompanhar e que tem tudo para entregar um novo jogo ainda melhor que os dois primeiros.

Review completo:

Hazel Sky's heart is in the right place. It's basically a mini Uncharted 4, but without any combat sections, little cinematic flair, and with the minimum budget required to make it a functional and fun game. With most games these days being influenced by either Dark Souls or Zelda, it's refreshing to see a indie dev try this sort of third person game.

The game mostly consists of exploring small tropical islands in order to fix a machine that will get you to the next island. Along the way you will be solving light puzzles and searching for notes and keys that will help open the way forward. There are light traversal sections, including climbing, swinging on ropes, and even sliding down muddy cliffs (which is taken right out of Uncharted 4, and I don't mind it at all). The puzzles and traversal are overall on the simplistic side, but it's fun enough to keep you engaged during the game's short runtime, and they contribute to the game's relaxed vibe by never making you feel too frustrated.

There's collectibles that serve as world-building lore, which I thought is done decently here, as there are a good amount of interesting stuff that is being told, despite the broken English here and there. You can also play a guitar in certain locations, and there's songs the character can sing (which are actually pretty good) if you collect music notes and play the chord written in said notes.

Unfortunately the main story is lackluster, mostly let down by the horrendous voice acting (for the English voices) and a unsatisfying plot and writing. Every now and then you'll get to talk to Erin, a girl who's allegedly on the same quest as you are, and her voice and dialogues are just too annoying, not unlike a whiny child. The aforementioned minimal budget also shows in the janky and somewhat unpolished look of the game, especially with the character models (really bad faces!).

Still, I'm glad to support a third person game of this ilk, and I had fun with it despite my complaints. If you're like me and curious about the Uncharted influence here, it's worth a shot.

Jogo bom!
História te prende, te faz querer saber pra onde vai aquilo, além de ter muita reflexão na jornada junto ao Shane, te da espaços para interpretação.
O ambiente do jogo é incrível, não é nada cansativo explorar o mundo do game, é gostoso demais ir a cada canto, ler cada livro, descrição e é muito bom parar e apreciar o Shane tocando.
O que mais vale por no papel do game é seu tempo em 2:30h tu acaba ele facilmente, platina n leva 4 horas, eu joguei sem pressa nenhuma, parando olhando paisagem, indo atrás de cada item, cada livro e conquista e levei menos de 5 horas, vai do seu julgamento se vale o valor, pra min valeu, peguei pela metade do preço e te dizer que pra MIN valeria o preço cheio.

Very fun, as a brazilian I'm very happy that the games here are gaining recognition abroad, and I'm glad Hazel Sky didn't disappoint me, I waited many years from its announcement to its launch and it would be very sad if my expectations had been disappointed. I look forward to their next work!