Reviews from

in the past

Fantastic execution for a really fun game, especially fun with friends. One of my favorite yeet-likes alongside Heave Ho.

É um jogo divertido, não consegui zerar ainda e acaba que não vou tão cedo, as mecânicas quando joguei eram um pouco estranhas de conseguir pegar, mas é um jogo divertido no final do dia.

Last year I wrote a review saying COD: MWIII was the worst video game I have ever played. Not anymore. Heavenly Bodies is now my least favorite video game of all time. The movement is so terrible that it made me do something I have never done before with a video game...

Quit. I couldn't get passed the second, said "this isn't worth the frustration" and deleted the game. For that, I'm giving this game my first 0/10. There's quite a few video games I genuinely dislike and would even go so far as to say hate. However, none of them drove me to quit. I still finished them to the end because there's always a chance it might get better. Some of them did, some didn't. But, at least they had some redeeming qualities that gave them a point. There's not a thing I can say about Heavenly bodies that won't make my blood boil.

I played video games for fun, escapism and some of them even helped me grow and improve as a person. If I keep playing Heavenly Bodies, I'll just become a worst version of myself and I don't want that.

Enjoyment - 7/10
Difficulty - 4/10

Noodle boyz in space. Catch them before they get sucked by space.

o tanto que esse jogo me divertiu na mesma intensidade que me estressou, eu gostei mt dele mas tem que ter muita paciência pra concluir cada nível, recomendo muito jogar ele multiplayer local, deixa a experiência muito melhor e muito divertida.

I went into this solo and enjoyed this. This was my relax and chill game for the last couple days, but there were some minorly frustrating areas. Oxygen is and the final levels are definitely my favorite. Reasonably not a game for everyone.

While I enjoyed playing it for a few days I found myself becoming bored and uninterested in it. It’s a fun indie game but just not for me. Sorry to all those who worked on it.

This is a great game to test a relationship with. If you can play through multiple levels while laughing more than yelling at each other, then you’re doing great!

Bought it just to play it with my girlfriend. I ended up so frustrated after 1 hour that I am never picking it up again. Not the game's fault though! Learned a valuable lesson about myself and those twitch-bait physics based games.

p = m * v

the bane (and crown jewel) of this game

might replay once i make friends

I'm a sucker for trying to get human bodies through space. A nice degree of challenge even on the simplest mode, and without going for the extra goals or pickups. Only a few times where the layout/camera left me stymied as to where and what to do next.

I really enjoyed the base game but the cleanup DLC bring out the worst parts of this game. Getting stuck on your tools everything bouncing off of object youre not trying to put on. This dlc was irritating

I had a lot of fun with this in the beginning, but the later levels have so much complexity that I was actually just getting more and more frustrated with the controls instead of adapting to them naturally. I'll likely never finish this, just due to not wanting to kill myself because of those long later levels fighting with the control scheme which is the game's whole shtick.

Great co-op mechanics.
Difficulty adjusted.

Get ready to shout at ur friends

My partner and I have played for about 3hrs and it makes me angry how bad I am at this game. It's good, but I have to take a walk after playing.

I started this game solo last year but didn’t get much from it and it was pretty hard to control so I gave up. Picked up again with my brother and cousins and I’m glad I did because this is a blast with co-op and I recommend anyone who wants to play this does it with friends. It can be frustrating and there is a major learning curve as you play but even though it’s near impossible to master it is still a good laugh.

📌 RUS Version
Играя за космонавта, в «Heavenly Bodies» нужно в условиях нулевой гравитации чинить всякие штуки на космических станциях. Симпотный визуал и медитативный эмбиент — в наличии. Проходится за 4-6 часов.

Челлендж заключается в местной физике и управлении тушками персонажей: за каждую ручку и ножку отвечает отдельная кнопка. Это дарит море угара и бесконечное количество «Да блять, какого хрена ты делаешь?!».

Здесь всего восемь уровней, но в каждом вы попадаете в уникальные ситуации с разными механиками. К примеру: сбор космического телескопа, посадка растений на экостанции и даже полёт на шаттле по скоплению астероидов.

Это точно одна из лучших кооперативных игр, в которые я играл. Рекомендую всем взять на заметку.

Её можно пройти и в соло. Будет трудновато, но всё равно кайфово.

____________________ ← подписывайтесь на мой Telegram-канал, пишу там тепло про 🎮, 🎬, 🎸 и 📚.

📌 ENG Version
Playing as an astronaut, in «Heavenly Bodies» you need to fix all sorts of things on space stations in zero gravity. Cute visual and meditative ambient are included. It takes 4-6 hours to complete.

The challenge consists in local physics and control of the carcasses of the characters: a separate button is responsible for each handle and leg. It gives you a lot of fumes and an endless amount of «Fuck, what the fuck are you doing?!».

There are only eight levels, but in each you find yourself in unique situations with different mechanics. For example: collecting a space telescope, planting plants at an eco-station, and even flying a shuttle through an asteroid cluster.

This is definitely one of the best cooperative games I've played. I recommend everyone to take note.

It can also be completed solo. It's going to be difficult, but it's still fun.

O jogo é focado na movimentação do astronauta que é alterada pela gravidade. Não me diverti com essa movimentação, é irritante.
Arte muito bonita.

This review contains spoilers

This game is sweet, and has a lot of soul to it but I can't bring myself to play it anymore.
I find the "Newtonian" mode (hard mode) to be too frustrating to play, but I couldn't enjoy the "Classic" mode (normal mode) because I learned a terrible secret.
That I could swim in space. That's right if I got pushed away from the ship, as long as I wasn't holding any heavy objects I could flap my arms and "swim" back to the ship.
Forced between either knowing I could easily abuse this exploit at anytime (including inside the ship) or having to switch to a more frustrating mode I didn't want to choose.

The game also suffers from a lack of a proper "push" command, you can pull but you can't push very well with your hands or legs. This makes it unnecessarily difficult and annoying to get around.

I stopped playing the game once I got to the rocket ship mission in which the rocket kept floating away from the stuff I was supposed to mine. The ship tries to stay in the same spot but it does a very poor job at it. The mission is obviously intended for 2 players. I ended up quitting the game with the last autosave being "48 minutes ago", as you can't save the game manually. I haven't gone back since.

This game was also solely focused around solving puzzle-like tasks when I would have much preferred to play an open-world (open-space?) ship management game instead, something like Barotrauma in space.

Overall, I enjoy the concept. However, I don't like the puzzle focused missions and I didn't have anyone to play it with.
If you can get it on sale with a friend, you might have some fun, but if you are on your own I would skip it.
Maybe I will return if one of my friend's purchases the game, however that is not likely.

I will be keeping an eye on what this studio produces in the future (if anything), as they show a lot of promise.

flapping about helplessly despite notionally being a trained astronaut is just really fun! the tasks you have to complete to progress are always varied and interesting, each level has a new thing to challenge you with. getting used to the controls and floating through the space station at speed feels really good too. speaking of controls, you probably shouldn't play this on a keyboard? i used an xbox controller and it felt fine but i can imagine this game might be a lot harder to control your astronaut properly with digital inputs out of a keyboard.

this was so creative and the movements made me laugh a lot, really hard controls though

Joguei com a minha namorada e ela ficava puxando meu pé, n dava pra fazer nada, mas bem divertido demos muitas risadas

I played this game co-op with my wife. We laughed so hard our sides and faces hurt. You play as astronaut in zero g trying to navigate around and do things. Some times though you just mess up and start spinning off or throw an item you need far away.

Light and fun game, had fun with it for a while

A fun and new experience with great music. The co-op was enjoyable. the Missions were good, especially with good level design.
I recommend it if you want something light and unique.

Fun little indie game with cute puzzles, just wish it was a little longer.

A "movement-simulator", I'm not sure if this type of game has a specific genre yet - but the core puzzle of Heavenly Bodies is figuring out how best to move individual limbs to push, pull, and swim your way around a 2D spaceship and carry out relatively intricate tasks. The fun of Heavenly Bodies is in the neat constant failure, and the utterly whimsical reality of the events on screen. It's fun on its own, but is excellent as a co-operative title.

Contrary to the popular consensus that I’ve encountered here, I don’t find this frustrating at all. It’s actually a really relaxing game, I love the mechanics and the soundtrack paired with all that floating around in space makes for a beautiful beautiful dreamlike experience.