Reviews from

in the past

This is like one of those games you get out of a "random free game" thing on something like Humble Bundle, like I don't even remember why I bought it, but that being said, it's alright. The gameplay is pretty fun and it looks great, but it's just so...sparse. It's more akin to a mobile game with its small scope and arcade-like gameplay, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just that the game doesn't do much with it, it has nothing to make it stand out. It's a good game, and I'd recommend it if you're looking for some arcadey filler fun, but it's not much more than that.

El Infierno son los amigos que hicimos en el camino

Outside of one early level and the final boss, there really isn't all that much difficulty to be had. It looks and sounds cool, but it never mixes up the level design in any interesting or novel ways, beyond doing basic color palette swaps for each world.

Pretty fun game, nothing too crazy or amazing but its a pretty fun game.

piu piu piu matar demonios jogo baum

Decent platform shooter, visuals with particles and enemies and limited color palate makes it a little hard to read sometimes.

Rating: 7.4/10 - Good

Neat little game for an afternoon.

Simple, but incredibly fun. Plenty to do across the unique different modes, either setting endless records or optimizing campaign scores.

Shooter-platformer-bullet hell con pixeles gordos y una musica machacona que no afloja durante sus 2-3 horas de duracion, muy muy entretenido.

Short little main campaign, with a few really fun optional game modes. Platformer shooters are rare, and this brings its own touch of style to the genre. Just wish there was more campaign!

this is a reference to "hell" and how it is "other demons"

Platforming and shooting was good.Although its short, play it if you have time to spare.

Court fun et dynamique, offre un mode de jeu infini pour ceux qui tomberaient amoureux du gameplay, sinon une campagne courte mais intense avec des niveaux parfois bien corsés.

if you're looking for a game that you can blow through in an afternoon you'd probably like this game. if you want anything more than that not really - unless you enjoy having to replay a bunch of levels (potentially 3 times each depending on your skill) to unlock what i assume is additional content, there's not much of a reason to keep going after you beat the final boss. there's a bunch of shop items you could grind for, but I don't see why. the gameplay loop didn't seem fun enough to make you want to play endless, enemy variety felt a bit lacking and some enemy types were just annoying, aiming sucked especially against the chase level boss, and the upgrades don't feel like they'd make a run feel drastically different than someone else's.

at least the music is nice and the graphical style is kinda cool.

A game that is 90% juice. The mechanics themselves are well polished but nothing new. The reduced color palette at times hinders understanding of what is on the screen and different types of feedback. Worth the three hours.

El infierno son otros demonios muy raro nose no me convenció mucho

A fun, short and sometimes difficult action packed shooter-platformer. You have plenty of customisation options and levels are intense and varied.
While the pixel graphics have their charm, the choice of the game largely being in purple might turn off some people.
If you're not good or used to these types of games (like me), you'll probably find yourself grinding a bit for better equipment.

Jogo curto porem muito divertido e desafiador. Vale a pena pegar em uma promoção.

Tem sua dificuldade, mas não é problemática, vc tem um bom moveset, e a movimentação é bem suave

Jogo muito bom, músicas boas, gráficos legais. Difícil? Sim, bastante estressante as vezes, mas o segredo é tentar leveis com equipamentos diferentes, que aliás tem vários para ver.