Reviews from

in the past

Jumping for joy with simple controls...quite addictive I've gotta say. :D

surpreendentemente bem acabado pra um joguinho em desenvolvimento, mecânica criativa e muito bem aproveitada. uma pena que acabou tão rápido, material pra tentar umas runs.

in the last levels this game becomes a hell of difficult.

Free simple car game that gets surprisingly tough in the end. Simple in concept and would be a lot of fun in a more fleshed out/ graphically denser game.

Had issues with it due to hand problems but overall really fun small game.

It lags a bit, but it's fun and challenging!

Super divertido e bem mais difícil do que parece!

Short free browser game beaten in less than 15 minutes. An idea with lots of potential, challenging controls and level design that makes really good use of it. A shame the game ended when I was finally starting to get the hang of it, but I guess it's a good thing it left me wanting more.