Reviews from

in the past

pretty good early on despite blizzard completely gutting blizzard dota after valve software manhandled them and their own IPs. then blizzard completely shat on absolutely everything and released most of the team because of their awful business model. who would've guessed, no one wants to play your beleivably shittily designed game when its competitors are two titles being argued to be some of the greatest and biggest games of alltime?

Mobas are usually well thought and executed games when it comes to mechanics, they are complex games so in order to get released and played they have to achieve certain levels of quality, I remember Heroes of the Storm to be pretty good on release, you could play as many iconic characters from Blizzard games, and the games relied a lot on the teams instead of individual players, which was also a pretty nice touch.

I know that the game got worse and worse just as Blizzard did, but i dont really have an opinion since i stopped playing it on 2016.

The most underrated MOBA.

Ayant joué au jeu pendant 3 ans je trouve que le jeu avait de bons points et des mauvais par rapport à LOL malheureusement le jeu est sorti trop tard et trop tôt en même temps (MAJ 2.0) et Blizzard a mis trop d'argent dans l'e-sport du jeu trop vite

This was the only moba I actually loved and played it non-stop for almost 3 years. It had fantastic maps, characters, visual design and casual friendly enviroment. Character designs were really creative. You can't see unique and awesome characters like Murky, Abathur, Cho'gall and Medivh in any other moba.

Blizzard definitely pushed their limits with this game but HOTS couldn't garner the popularity and praise that it deserved. Somehow, Blizz managed to fuck it up just like they did in Overwatch. They could have had their own Smash Bros. So disappointing.

PS: I was a filthy Murky main and my second favorite was The Lost Vikings. I was such a troll lol.

Déçevant pour ma part, je l'ai découvert comme beaucoup de monde lors du bounty sur OW pour avoir le skin Genji Oni. Je trouve le jeu fun pour les premières heures mais lorsque qu'on a joué à d'autres MOBA avant on ne peut que vouloir partir au bout d'un moment et d'aller sur ces MOBA si.

Le manque de suivi du jeu à surtout causé sa perte

Ta guay el como te tienes que mover por el mapa

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LoL took some lessons about pacing, speed, and objectives to drastically improve their game past this in depth and speed. But HotS was pretty solid as a faster alternative, eternal MOBA hangups aside.

I seem to get endless mileage out of just playing with friends against bots. I would; however, be interested in playing Cho'gall with one of the many people who post weird shit in the public chat. I wonder if there's a dating app-type thing for something like that.

oynadığım en kötü oyun olabilir lolün hakkını yemişiz amına koyim

Avait un potentiel de fou, mais Blizzard l'a abandonné... Et ça m'rend triste, ce jeu m'a tant apporté, entre l'OST, les graphismes, le gameplay de certains persos notamment Cho'Gall, Abathur, Bourbie et surtout les Vikings Perdus. C'est si triste purée


Es mejor que el lol, pero está fatal balanceado y hay personajes que prácticamente no están en la partida, y los mapas dan ventajas a los que más fuertes vayan, así que no hay forma de remontar las partidas.

A Moba, but with less of a learning curve

Bobby Kotik j'ai eu des rapports consentants avec toutes les gonz majeures de ta famille, déso pas déso

It wa sad to see the fall of this game actually.

It's a very fun MOBA and the fact that the spotlight it got was to be a spot for free Overwatch skins during a rough phase in the game's life cycle is a travesty.
It's the MOBA with the most balanced roster of characters. There are definitely some characters that are better than others when it comes to the level of complexity versus the reward given by playing them, but nearly every character in this game is viable. HOTS also has the most unique roster mechanically; a majority of the characters you'd see in this game (Cho'Gall, Abathur, Stukov) would never be considered by Valve or Riot in the modern day.
The biggest downsides to HOTS would likely be the maps and Blizzard themselves. The maps in HOTS revolve much more around playing objectives than in other MOBAS, and some of the maps have grabbing objectives effectively making or breaking the game you're playing instead of giving a skill-based advantage. As a result, the gameplay on these maps can be jarring going from laning phase to a sudden objective phase, as giving up said objective would result in a huge disadvantage. Blizzard, in unsurprising tradition, sucked when it came to balancing this game when they were still actively updating it with being reliant on trickle-down balancing (making tweaks based purely on the pro-player level and hoping it'll change the game competitively and casually for the better).
Also Blizzard didn't nearly add enough Starcraft content which is at minimum 2 points docked.

de longe o melhor moba q eu ja joguei, pena que não tem player

Played since the alpha and loved it pretty much the whole time. Internet people can be a bummer but if you have a good group of 5 to go in with there's a ton of fun to be had. I still play intermittently; in fact I just got off a great five stack and this game is just as fun as ever, even if it's missing a bunch of the old maps and modes.

Here's hoping some of that Microsoft money revives it. I want to see it become Microsoft's MOBA; put Master Chief, Marcus Fenix, Alduin, Senua... could be a hell of a thing. In the meantime I'm just grateful Blizzard keeps the light on for those of us still enjoying it.

Abathur main for life.

Blizzard trying to make a good game: an impossible challenge (This game was actually a bit funny)

This is the only MOBA I've put significant time into. While there's a great game here, the problems inherent to the genre make playing even with long-time friends an exercise in no small amount of suffering for a new player who has not put in thousands of hours into LoL. Perhaps I just need to put in the time to get good, but still feeling that way after more than 100 hours takes the joy out of the pursuit of self-improvement.

Eh. Dota 2 and LoL are better. Has its own good points.