Reviews from

in the past

Very well done puzzle follow up to the previous two. I thoroughly enjoyed the random generator option.

Now, this is the real deal. We got great minds out there in the world.

The puzzle game that makes you realize that a "?" is the bane of all existence and shall be purged under our numerical boot...
Goodness, I love not being good at this game.

all of y'all keep mentioning "hexagonal minesweeper" but all I could think of was the Punch-a-Bunch game from The Price Is Right

Um jogo de campo minado customizado muito bom, mas que infelizmente sofre de um fator grave em jogos nesse estilo, que é: uma alta taxa de situações de incerteza.

Explicando melhor, em um jogo de campo minado sempre há duas situações: Certeza e Incerteza. A situação de certeza é quando, com as informações disponíveis, você consegue, junto a menores ou maiores dose de lógica, determinar em definitivo onde é seguro de clicar para progredir o jogo. A situação de incerteza é o oposto, assim sendo um cenário que as informações disponíveis não te ajudam de nenhuma forma a progredir, te deixando a mercê de meras probabilidades, como por exemplo: Há apenas uma mina, porém dois espaços fechados e as informações não trazem nada útil, o que te deixa com 50% de chance de ganhar ou perder.

Em jogos de campo minado clássicos, a existência de ambas as situações é comum, o que inevitavelmente te obriga a contar com um elemento sorte durante a abertura do mapa, no entanto em campos minados customizados o fator de incerteza é inaceitável, pois as fases são montadas manualmente de forma a se utilizar de diversas informações diferentes que garantam ao menos uma certeza em qualquer situação (mesmo que esta seja difícil de identificar a primeira vista). Hexcells Infinite, não diferentes de outros jogos no seu estilo, também possui esses vários jeitos criativos e até mesmo únicos de te passar informações, mas mesmo com elas, me encontrei várias vezes em situações de incerteza.

Como eu havia dito, é um jogo bom, e vale a pena jogar se você gosta do estilo, mas em alguns momentos, não importando as informações disponíveis, você será obrigado a chutar o próximo passo - o que é um considerável defeito nesse tipo de jogo.

Если бы мне кто-нибудь несколько месяцев назад сказал, что я буду поздно вечером сидеть и залпом проходить один за другим уровни игры, внешне похожей на сапера, я бы не поверил.

Just the best pure puzzle game available. Infinite levels and even quality-of-life updates later on, it's perfect for every occasion (weddings, for example)

So excellent I spent some time developing my own puzzle game inspired by this game.

Good if you love minesweeper

+ Infinite content
+ User content allows really creative rules
+ Guessing is never required
+ Soothing, zen ambiance ("tetris effect")
+ Incredibly satisfying to clear

- Randomly generated puzzles aren't as satisfying as the intelligently designed ones

This is definitely the best of the three games. The main puzzles were all pretty good, and this time I don't remember having to guess ever. But then there's also the random puzzle generator that makes this game have infinite levels, so you could play this as much as you want. Great game. It only does one thing, and it gets old pretty quick, but it does that one thing very well.

Kind of torn on this one. One one hand, the user levels and infinite level generator make this seem like the "definitive" Hexcells game, and the one I would be most likely to recommend, but the final levels in the main mode are just straight up dogshit. Whatever insane Hexcells calculus is required to figure them out with no guessing, I just do not have the capability, or time really, to figure it out. The problem of having to complete every puzzle with no errors in order to get 100% is still here, as puzzles get longer and restarting them feels more and more like a disproportionate punishment. But hey, they made a version of Hexcells you can play forever, which is definitely a good thing, so I can't hate the main levels that much (6-5 and 6-6 can go fuck themselves, I swear to god).

Same as the previous 2 Hexcells entries, but with some even more interesting design, but also NOT FIXING THE MISTAKE MECHANIC. While every game ends up featuring bigger, more exciting levels, this also makes having to replay them if you've misclicked a couple of times all the more agonising, and once again, just boost the amount of times you can make a mistake and things become way more bearable. Cool puzzles with some of the best design, but this being the 3rd game in a row that leaves in such an obnoxious flaw makes me like this one a whole lot less. I like the infinite stuff along with the user created levels in order to give infinite playability to this, but this one also felt really, really frustrating at points to the point where if not for having some genius levels along with the user created stuff, I'd just not recommend this one. I had the least fun with Hexcells Infinite but I can also see that if you choose one of these games only, then it'd be this one, especially since I know that a lot of other people are more fond of user created content than I tend to be.

The final form of a truly great trilogy of puzzle games. This one also has level generation, so you can play it infinitely. Now that's what I call value.

once i googled "minesweeper but good"
got linked to this


Played before I created a Backlogged account.

Hexcells? To jsou takové ty jakože Miny, že jo? No, ano, ale… Ale vlastně jaképak copak; jsou, protože přesně v duchu hesla „na každém šprochu pravdy trochu“ se nepochybně dá říci, že jsou to Miny². Ovšem zároveň je to jako byste o Ferrari F430 řekli, že je to něco jako Favorit. Ano, oboje jsou auta, která vás (v ideálním případě) dostanou z bodu A do bodu B, ale tam veškerá podobnost začíná i končí.

Hexcells jsou (ne)matematická logická hra par excellence, která koncept Min rozšiřuje a zdokonaluje způsobem, až ty tituly vlastně nemají příliš společného nad rámec „odkrývání polí na základě číselných nápověd“. Samotná kampaň výzvou příliš není (snad až na snahu dohrát jednotlivá zadání s co nejméně chybami), ale ona výzvou ani být nemá. Má vám roztočit mozkové závity a nikoli je uškvařit. A navíc slouží jako trénink a seznámení se všemi pravidly pro zlatý hřeb, kterým je nekonečný mód. Ten je schopen vygenerovat nespočetná množství zadání a až s ním začíná ta pravá zábava, která vám každý den je schopna nahradit vaši obvyklou porci sudoku/křížovek/min.

FANTASTIC podcast game. Very satisfying when you solve puzzles without any mistakes on the first go. It says ever puzzle can be solved without guessing, but it definitely seems like there's occasionally a little guessing needed.

Its like if minesweeper was good. I have almost 500 hours played and 3000 puzzles completed in this game. Perfect way to waste way more time than you can afford to

Last installment of the game with most replayability due to user made levels and a random level generator. If you loved Hexcells, this is the best of the games to get.

Hexcells, but better.
Srsly tho, after two meme-y reviews, I just wanna say that this installment of the series is way better than the previous two, it felt more thought out.
Also, with a map editor and random map generation, this game have way more content than the others.

Peak Hexcells. One of the best and purest logic puzzle experiences out there.

Good puzzler. Keeps it simple and makes you take it slow if you want to do it right, but gives enough leeway to be able to play most of the levels even if you can't perfect them. I turned it into a memory game at one point as well. The "infinite" part is a little lackluster though, as the generated levels are exceedingly easy.

The culmination of the Hexcells trilogy, and uh yeah! It deilvers!

Hexcells Infinite, first and foremost, offers more of the same in regards to the content. You liked the puzzles in Hexcells and Hexcells Plus? Here's more! And of course, it's harder than ever. It wastes no time getting to some brainscratchers, and the final few puzzles are not to be underestimated.

It really does test your logic and understanding of the mechanics to their absolute limits though, and I'm not ashamed to say I had to break out a guide on one more more occasions because I simply could not comprehend the logic calculations I was being asked to make. Hell, they should just replace exams with this, if you beat this game without help you are certifiably clever.

On top of the standard 6-world campaign, the main gimmick lies in the title: Hexcells Infinite. As in, there are practically infinite, seed-generated puzzles available, so now there's no need for another Hexcells game! You can just have infinite new puzzles, forever! This is a really cool feature that ensures that everyone can get their literal fill of Hexcells, whether it's until you get tired of it or until you drop dead.

Altogether, it's a fantastic, if very hard puzzle package deal, and I'm very interested to see if the spinoffs, Crosscells and Squarecells, live up to the Hexcells trilogy.


Great puzzler that gets really insane by the end.

The best and most complete of the 3 Hexcells games. Though with it having near infinite levels as the title implies, can I really say I 100%'d it? Screw it, I got every Steam achievement. I can say what I want!

I uninstalled this because it was distracting me from doing other things too often. Near perfect puzzle game, and comfy as heck. Get it.

Even more Hexcells. Everything I've wrote in the previous reviews applies here - and also these puzzles gets HARD near the end - but this time there are no real new mechanics: instead, the game comes with usermade levels and a level generator, if you still have not enough after three entire games of puzzles.

I liked this game.