Reviews from

in the past

I only remember how oily the cinematics were.


Terrible Hitman game, but also a guilty pleasure for me. Has all of the worst trends of early 2010's AAA gaming, including ugly piss filter, annoying edgelord writing/characters, linear cover shooting, etc. But surprisingly it controls really well and some of the levels are just fun to dick around in. I had fun revisiting this by just turning my brain off and listening to podcasts while playing.

As for a casual Hitman enjoyer, it is not as bad as everyone says BUT it is significantly worse than any other game in the series. Still, I enjoyed it, it has its moments

completely aberrant from its own series but if you play it as a third person shooter where you duck in and out of stealth, its actually really damn fun and gets the feeling across that i think they were going for. the scoring system makes it seem like this is “playing it wrong,” but if thats the case, why the hell would you play it right?

The only Hitman game I have beat and I hear its a bit of an odd one but I was into it. I wish I could click more with the World of Assassination trilogy like I did with this one. Agent 47 and his game worlds are filled with potential but I have yet to fully harness it.

Não me arrependo nada, mais barato do que hitman 3 e tem o conteúdo que eu esperava. Foi meu primeiro Hitman e não me arrependo, recomendo o jogo, o jogo pode ser jogado de forma stealth e agressiva, enfim, boa jogatina ai pra quem for jogar este belo game!

Okay, the good stuff first: Absolution is rock-solid in its environment design. Almost every level is not only visually-distinctive, but offers the player a multitude of ways to proceed in their assassination-focused activities. It is somewhat more linear than previous and future games, but the soul of Hitman's gameplay remains intact. I wish I could be this glowing about the rest of the game, but the story and character writing is almost-farcical garbage that taints everything else.

Super nostalgic game for me, had a Xbox 360 copy and played it there for the first time, then after getting my PC I bought it on steam and finished it for the second time, never went back to 100% it but its such a fun game, yes a bit more action than the stealth the franchise was known for but still not that bad. Underrated and overhated imo.

Прикольный шутерок на вечерок с тупым рофляным сюжетом.

Как в случае с Боруто и Темным фениксом, так и в и играх есть личный гилти плежер и это Хитман Абсолюшн
АБСОЛЮТНО ото всех слышал насколько это плохая стелс игра, и вообще стоит забыть как страшный сон, но я не готов с этим согласится
Считаю что в этой игре, лучший кинематографичный сюжет в серии, где 47ой наконец-то стал ПЕРСОНАЖЕМ, довольно неплохая графика, я полагаю
Ну и ностальгия куда же без нее. Жду, когда дюкард доберется до этой игрули

-Gunplay feels good
-Penthouse level is fun
-The rest

Had a good time and I was invested enough in the story but that's about it.

Oh I love games with piss filters. It reminds me of the good times of PlayStation 3 and XBOX 360. Hitman: Absolution is one of these games, and although it has a slightly different structure than the other games in the series, it manages to save itself with a very good story, presentation and gameplay. Although the game does not offer you as much freedom as other Hitmans and sometimes progresses in a more linear structure, it still offers options in which you can kill your target and progress with different tactics during the mission. They just aren't as creative and varied as other Hitmans I've played. I took action in many places in the game and the action part of the game is also quite fun, you can even progress with action alone. Of course, I don't know how well this fits your playing style or the nature of Hitman, but action is often one of the only options you can resort to in the game. As a result, Hitman: Absolution manages to differentiate itself from other Hitman games with a different story, different presentation and level designs, but this is not a bad difference. If you are looking for a Hitman game other than the new Hitmans and do not want it to have too old mechanics, I recommend you give Absolution a chance.

more linear than other entries of the series, just as much fun

Not my favorite within the franchise, basically the black sheep really; It's better to buy a key of Hitman 1 (If your PC can handle the god-awful unoptimized performance) or Blood Money, all of the "replay value" comes down to challenges or the contracts mode, which shutdown years back, only accessible via community made patches/emulators that bring it to a proper state. The DLCs for the game have been removed from the store because those were contract exclusives (and also Square Enix), only way to have said DLCs is buying the 'Elite Edition' on keysites. I was not hooked in the story, as the characters are almost poorly written with useless agendas and motives to their names, did not enjoy it. I managed to 100% this game and it already made me as miserable as the average hitman player.

Yes, it's now possible to 100% the game. Just visit the GitHub link below.

tldr: Absolute pass. Servers been shutdown by Square Enix, meaning multiplayer achievements are unobtainable unless you use a server emulator. Play the newer installments instead.

The average Hitman mission always starts like Daniel Craig era 007 and quickly degrades into Pierce Brosnan.

trama un poco típica pero siendo o no acérrimo a la franquicia de hitman, este juego te entretiene bastante y brinda muchas opciones a la hora de pasar una misión

Bring back the thing where, when you put two bodies in a wardrobe or locker, it looks like they’re doing the nasty.

По нелепому стечению обстоятельств левая ножка моей клавиатуры Genius была сломана. Пожалуй, это сигнал Свыше, не иначе. Признаюсь честно, к тексту приступаю Я с великим нежеланием. И всё же с лысым пора кончать, ибо как Новый год встретишь, так его и проведёшь.
Что такое Hitman: Absolution? Первое, что бросается в глаза, - это ярко выраженное детище 2010-х. Визуальная простота и минимализм 2000-х сошли на нет. Отныне пред нами грязный, чрезмерно детализированный, трижды отфильтрованный боевик, больше напоминающий очередного представителя серии Batman: Arkham, нежели финал классической саги о Шалтай-болтае. Спустя 6 лет после Грязных денег 2006 г. игра неузнаваема настолько, что без знакомого человека яйца Я бы и вовсе принял это за историю о свихнувшемся Брюсе Уэйне на подработке.
Геймплейная составляющая перевёрнута с ног на голову, а нововведений столько, что более менее освоил их Я лишь к половине игры. Возвращаясь всё к тому же Бэтмену, стелс здесь упрощён настолько, что большую часть игры вы проведёте на карачках за раставленными по всей карте укрытиями, периодически отвлекая от себя внимание бутылками и прочим мусором, попадающимся под руку. Но лишь только осознав тщетность пресмыкающегося бытия безволосого болванчика в костюме, Вы вновь воплотите в жизнь лихорадочный сон Джона Ву и столкнётесь в свинцовой суматохе одного человека против ста.
Сюжет же данного творения, как и полагается серии, умом не блещет. Правда, в этот раз оно делает этой с горделивой улыбкой недалёкого ребёнка, предоставляя нам финал эпопеи о плешивом выродке под видом линейного B-movie с его собратом по плешивому несчастью Джейсоном Стэтхемом. Также, помимо очередных параллелей с Бэтменом в лице неуравновешенных мультяшек и генно-модифицированного качка в придачу, Вас ждёт вполне себе читаемое подобие Логана, к слову, вышедшего спустя 5 лет после Absolution.
Ну а теперь перейду к наиболее скучной, но не менее грустной части. Игра оптимизирована просто отвратительно. Имея комплектующие, с которыми в 2012 Вас бы причислили к лику святых, предоставленное Мне в Steam недоразумение не удосуживалось держаться хотя бы на 60 FPS даже при нижайших параметрах до тех пор, пока Я не нашёл и не выключил сглаживание в настройках дисплея. Жалкое зрелище, недостойное трезвого взгляда.

en iyi hitman oyunu demek istiyorum ama diğerleride iyi bilemedim

Been a while since I played a Hitman game and damn is it always good fun to not go straight for a kill but to take your time and not to mention have hundreds of different ways to do it. This game is a improvement on how to dispose of bodies and as somewhat of a downside, you have to use what items you start out with and what's in the environment rather than in past games where you can choose what items to take with you to do such things as poisoning someone's drink to kill them without being anywhere near them so that you can make your way to the exit before they die.

The story to it is quite interesting and I wonder how they could make a sequel. The story is kind of predictable and you don't really do any hits, but kill people that would crush one of the enemy's companies. There is a lot of replayability here with attempting to complete the game through multiple ways and numerous possibilities to kill the target, however I generally fail at being too creative as I always get detected too soon.