Reviews from

in the past

the trilogy is amazing, every mission has multiple different ways to eliminate the target making all of the games have so much replay value. them adding the custom contracts gives the game so much more value and keeping these games alive

I cannot fucking wait for Project 007.

I dunno. Didn't really grab me. I may return to it in the future, but moving on for now.

I will preface this review by saying that I played the game through gamepass, so the pricing didn't affect me.

The Hitman trilogy is one of the best stealth action games I've played. The amount of content is astounding, the level design superb, the mechanics very fluid and intuitive. The Hitman trilogy combined into one package is a wonderfully lengthy and meaty experience as someone that hasn't played these games before. The level of detail present in each mission and the variety of ways you can assassinate a target, both with the more linear "mission stories" and with your own approach is impressive.
Narratively speaking, there isn't too much to say. The trilogy as a whole is about taking down this games equivalent of the illuminati, with a few twists and turns to keep it somewhat interesting.

The always online element only reared its ugly head and got in the way a few times. At one point it connected to the server in the middle of a cutscene and reset it.
If you have gamepass, or if you're not concerned with spending the asking price, the Hitman trilogy is absolutely worth playing. If you're into stealth games, you won't regret it.

The trilogy itself is just a work of art. The variety of environments are both visually striking and pretty unique one from another, no level feels the same, they are distinguishable. There's an endless amount of possibilities on how to perform a mission and there are even challenges an community contracts to keep the replayibility of the game alive.

This new HITMAN trilogy is one of the best experiences I've had in a videogame, it's something that I can't make justice explaining in just words, it's better if you experience it for yourself.

Shitman trilogy conserta grande parte dos problemas dos shitmans anteriores. O preço é ridículo, mas como tá no gamepass acho que merece uma nota boa.

The sole reason the stealth genre isn't dead yet. Simply the three of the best games ever made are in this trilogy. I'm really not a fan of the old games but this shit is the magnum opus of the series. Superb graphics, a huge variety of ways to kill your target in EVERY stage, multiple weapons, items, suits, disguises, a lot of game modes and the list goes on. I can see the giant effort put in the games in every single second of it.

Also i really suggest to play the games the right way. A lot of the people i know play it like a complete idiot killing everyone that sees them and that's not how Hitman works, you will lose stars by doing that.

One of the best values in gaming