Reviews from

in the past

Simple but fun game with good music and great graphics for the time.

The game is fun, but gets quite repetitive, by the time you get to the Elite League, you have to race on 15 tracks while you've already done the first 10 before, and it's a bit of a slog. The AI fluctuates between unforgiving and painfully slow. The cars, while fun to drive, all drive pretty samey and some are almost unusable.

Awesome tracks, and awesome music. The races themselves get a little samey, though.

I actually remember finding this game fairly enjoyable as a kid

Nostalgia can often cloud people's judgement and memory with rose-tinted glasses, and with this being a childhood game of mine, maybe I'm a little biased. Yet I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one that thinks that, compared to the many others cheap movie tie-in games from the early and mid 2000s, this is pretty decent and fun.

Sure, it has barely any connection to the Hot Wheels World Race movie gameplay-wise, the race tracks - although fun - are mostly from places that aren't even mentioned being part of Highway 35. But the teams, pilots and their cars are here, and the "story" (No cutscenes or anything, just a reason for progression) is under the same pretext of a race worth a million dollars and the title of best racer in the world, but without Gellorum, Racing Drone and Hot Wheels City. I know budget, scope and hardware wouldn't allow for more faithful recreations, but it's still weird to make a tie-in so loosely connected to the original product.

But as I said, it's fun. The tracks are cool (There's even alternate routes), the driving isn't bad, and they use music from the movie's soundtrack. It's a game meant for older kids, but still decently fun for a weekend. Don't think of this game as shovelware, it's worth some of your time.

SCORE: 6.5/10

Nostalgic for the show and the game

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