Reviews from

in the past

Between the WiiU version and this version, I've clocked in a little over 500 hours. This is definitely one of the best musou games to ever come out. The story is serviceable and gives some interesting scenarios and the music is absolutely amazing. The rock core versions of classic Zelda songs are eargasms for me.
The gameplay too, almost every characters have different playstyles depending on what weapon you choose for them, some are awesome and others are just plain goofy, like Link getting the spinner or even the Great Fairy as a weapon! And there are many different characters from all the different Zelda games of the past and some original ones. My favorite was Lana, and also my most hated (lol).
But what REALLY made me love this game was the Adventure Mode. Originally what you got was a grid based game mode where each square is a different challenge with different prerequisites. And the grid is based off the original Legend of Zelda overworld map. And over time you unlock either new outfits or weapons or characters. Eventually DLC was released (or in the definitive edition it was already caked into the game) and released even more maps with even more challenges, all based on different games, like Majora's Mask. Each of these maps had their own set of rules you must follow in order to complete them. THIS is what took all of my time, I love these, they were great to do. Some of them, though, were some of the hardest challenges I have ever done, specifically anything that had to do with Lana. It can kick you in the nuts and smirk at you without hesitation.
Regardless of all that, there's so much content here that it's worth every penny to play this. One of the best times I ever had on both Switch and the WiiU!

I can't believe the MCU ripped this game off.

Hyrule Warriors is a wild trip. As a Zelda fan, it's incredible. A perfect trip through the franchises history while still managing to tell a new and satisfying story. However, as an actual game it is WAY too repetitive. That's kind of just the flow of Warriors games to be fair but that doesn't excuse how tiresome this game can get if you play it too long.

As long as you just do the main story you probably won't run into this issue assuming you only do like 2 or 3 missions in each session but dear lord avoid the side content at all cost. This isn't even a criticism of the game. I am genuinely fearful of anyone who has completed even one of the Adventure maps.

This game's plot is surprisingly well done. Its not amazing and most of it happens purely for the sake of fanservice but they very easily could have done worse or just had put no effort into it. I think Cia is a really good villain and oddly tragic. They do the usual trope however, where the really cool new villain is just a servant for Ganon and after you fight them get completed overshadowed by him. This is especially funny because they include Zant and Ghirahim, two of the most glaring examples of this trope, and they don't give them ANY significance beyond being minions for Ganon or Cia.

I do love all the fanservice here. A majority of it is directed to Twilight Princess for some reason. Most Zelda games at least have one character to represent them or an Adventure mode map to reference them. However a lot of the 2D games hardly get representation. A Link to the Past is kind of represented with the Lorule map but not much else that I can rember. The Oracle games literally don't get anything besides a couple character alt outfits and Minish Cap literally gets NOTHING. Real shame because literally ever other mainline game gets some form of recognition.

Thats this game's charm in a nutshell. A whole lot of Zelda fanservice with some pretty mindless, albiet relaxing in the right mindset, gameplay. If you are a fan of Zelda games and do like the Warriors style of games this is more than worth the price. There is so much to do here that I'd argue there's TOO MUCH content. I dread 100% of this game.

man i haven't even finished this but theres literally 1000 hours of shit to do this is just one of the best games ever made and tingle is playable thats all i got to say about that

I was god damn addicted to this game for a whole 2 months, stupid fun, actual stupid fun

The best warriors game. Fight me. Then put this into my veins.

I had a lot of fun with this one, despite it being repetitive.

Gets repetitive, has so much content, and great for zelda fans

Great gameplay, fun story, great music, a lot of content.. but honestly? Don't bother with the Switch version. There's a serious oversight in the game that causes a memory leak, which means your Switch will get hotter and hotter 'till it overheats as you play (alongside with more and more glitches popping up mid-gameplay). It's practically impossible to play on handheld outside during the summer.
I know people may suggest to just restart the game, but it won't magically chill your console. There has been no patch fixing this. If you can, play the 3DS or Wii U version instead.

Fun, but very repetitive. Gets old after a while.

Un jeu de fou. De part la quantité de choses à faire et de son gameplay : exterminer des vagues de centaines de monstres dans Hyrule !

Ce jeu n'est clairement pas à portée de tous mais il l'est pour les autistes comme moi qui aime le farm pur et dur et l'univers "The Legend of Zelda".

Ce mélange de plusieurs épisodes et personnages de la licence est très ingénieux. J'ai aimé cette histoire non-canon de ce Link et de cette Zelda qui voyage à travers toutes ces timelines !

Même s'il paraît simple et (très) répétitif, Hyrule Warriors à un large panel de personnalisation et d'artisanat dans les armes et les bonus de chaque personnages. Certains ne sont pas faits pour le farm ou pour les combats de boss etc... Il est très exigeant dans sa montagne d'objets, d'armes et de trésors à récupérer. Pour ma part, je suis devenu accro au Mode Aventure qui est pour moi incroyable (mention spéciale pour la carte navigable en 8-bit).

Le mode histoire est cool et les personnages originaux à la série sont très bien intégrés. Les musiques sont aussi hyper entraînantes et épiques.

Hyrule Warriors c'est maintenant devenu pour moi un jeu quotidien, qui me permet de passer le temps tout en ayant la satisfaction de compléter des cartes et de trouver des armes et objets intéressant pour mes personnages. J'ai été emporté dans ce cercle infernal du farm épique et sans fin de ce jeu. Bravo à lui 🙏

En sachant que tous les anciens DLC payants sont devenus gratuits sur cette version, l'achat de cet épisode est plus que rentable pour les nouveaux qui souhaitent découvrir la série 😊

This review contains spoilers

I beat the main story and a lot of the side content, but I eventually had to put it down. The grid portion of the game is a bit of a slog, but everything else is super fun! Dynasty Warriors gameplay will always be fun, but seeing all the love that the team put into this game for the entire series elevates it to a new level.

There are some characters that are a little lackluster like Princess Ruto and Darunia, but all of them have their own fun quirks that make them fun to play. The story was fun, the original characters did not feel out of place in the Zelda universe, and overall I had a good time with the game.

There is so much that I don't think I will ever be able to complete it, maybe someday!

Yeah its warriors slop but damn does it hit different when you got a podcast in your ear.

Unfinished, not sure if I'll pick up later

This game always gives me trouble when I try to give it a definitive rating. I'm never really inclined to call the game "good" in the sense of genre innovation, story, mechanics, etc, but then I find myself sinking in to another 4 hour play session.

It's fun. Very fun. The combat is pretty mindless and each character, when leveled up, has 4-5 two button combos and a special ability to memorize - all pretty standard stuff for a Dynasty Warriors game. I've said here before that I've never been a fan of the "Warriors" games and I'm still not, but being a huge Zelda fan makes this game impossible to put down for me. Seriously, mostly every major antagonist/supporting character from all of the mainline Zelda games is playable here.

The "Legend" or Story mode here leaves much to be desired but steps through various "interpretation" locations like Hyrule Field and Faron Woods and exact game locations such as Skyloft, Death Mountain, the Palace of Twilight and more. The enemies and bosses scattered throughout each level are also taken from various game entries, and it all comes together very nicely.

The adventure mode is where the game really shines for me. While the levels are quick and simple with no storyline whatsoever, the challenge and unlockables (such as costumes, new weapons, new characters etc) more than make up for it and keep you drawn in for hours grinding for various unlockables. The map navigation itself is a bit confusing at first but once you figure it out you start to really appreciate the love for the games that went into it.

I'll put it this way - there is little to no story or innovation, the gameplay is absurdly repetitive, but there is so much content and love for the franchise built into this game that make it worthwhile for any fan of The Legend of Zelda.

Probably one of the musou games where I hear people having a bazillion hours into it more than anything else. Or, hell, any Zelda.

This said: it's Zelda fanservice done very good!

I regret buying it, as with most Nintendo games.

Pretty fun game! Unlocking characters is fun and I might come back to it sometime to unlock the rest <3

250 hours in and I'm not even close to 100% completion, addicting and awesome :)

I logged about 100 hours before I got bored, and I'm not even close to beating it lol. Great gameplay with an underrated soundtrack, although repetitive its still really fun, just dont expect to 100% it.

Este es un juego que me hubiera encantado sacarlo al 100%, pero tendría que darle más de 1,000 horas de mi vida

Decent enough Dynasty Warriors clone with some good powers and characters. The game, however, is needlessly long and pointless. It will take hundreds of hours to unlock every character and all the levels start to feel the same. if you want to 100% it, you're looking at upwards of a thousand hours. The game is good, but not that good. Also, hard to play handheld on the switch, as the screen becomes a blur that is basically unreadable. Lost so many fights cause I couldn't tell what part needed aid. Bad enough that most of the levels feel the same, but having to repeat levels because the game was too cluttered to know where I needed to be makes this a slog to get through.

Having all 3 versions and playing over 200 hours on each, this is one of my favorite games. While the story mode is amazing (and gets unreasonably hard at the Wind Waker part) it has some more adventure maps with immensely more levels.

Ningún otro musou me ha conseguido enganchar.
Este ha sido el primero y el único.
Eso sí le vas a tener que echar una barbaridad de horas XD

Every time there were more than five enemies onscreen the fps dropped very noticably and everyone looks like they've got an ig beauty filter on.

Peak musou experience, especially for a Zelda lover such as myself.

Perfect, mindless fun. I vastly prefer this entry to its sequel because it serves as fanservice for the entire franchise as opposed to just a single game. There are quite literally hundreds of hours of enjoyment to scrape out of here, and while the combat isn't super deep or anything, if you are in a rut and don't know what to play...this baby will always be there for you.

The adventure maps are so addictive that it's unreal.