Reviews from

in the past

extremely ambitious and i respect that!! with that being said, this is worthless as a source of fun. it is basically not functional as the game it’s meant to be, but the fact that it’s even trying is valuable to me. this is a unique game! they could have bullshit a 2D platformer with no personality (like the first one) and called it!! obviously a very circumstantial 6/10 but i think the context that this existed in makes it very interesting to me. if you spend half an hour with it you can see that it was clearly cared about.

with all of this out of the way: you couldn’t force me to keep playing this, but i would love to go through the assets soon

é melhor que o primeiro de GBA, tem partes legais mas no geral é meio chato toda hora fazer backtracking nas areas top-down. E as areas de plataformer 2D tem os controles bem bostas e bem piores que o primeiro jogo de GBA