Reviews from

in the past

Zelda BOTW for Greek mythology fans.

I was a fool and paid full price for this game- maybe I would have rated higher if i caught it on a sale. I appreciate it for the greek mythology components but the upgrades felt grindy and some gameplay didn't feel as fluid as I think it could have been. Also the puzzles are redundant and rarely- if at all, offered a challenge. Which is a shame when the greek context could've offered a plethora of inspiration that unfortunately doesn't get capitalized on.

The game offers nothing graphically, but it has an incredibly bad optimization. I don't understand what kind of system requirements they're expecting for graphics that look like mud. Immortals Fenyx Rising also reminded me of how much I hate puzzles in games. There's always a bit of puzzles and riddles in these kinds of games, but they're not much of a problem when they're just rare side content. The player should be able to choose whether or not to interact with this content, but when you make it a core gameplay mechanic, the whole game becomes a chore. I decided to play the game because the genre is categorized as Action, Adventure, RPG, not because I wanted to solve ridiculous puzzles every minute. Finally, Zeus and Prometheus, the narrator characters in the game, blabber too much. Their constant attempts to be funny make their dialog even more mediocre.

Well it was a nice game, the story and all but the gameplay gets repetitive, doing the same thing over and over again

Un juego sencillo, bonito y divertido, ¿para qué más? Es de los mejores juegos que ha hecho Ubisoft en tiempos modernos precisamente por darle una identidad, un estilo propio y una jugabilidad mucho más básica y entretenida. Aunque es un mundo abierto no te vomita miles de coleccionables y eventos secundarios, tienes una serie de cosas por hacer que conforme avanza el mapa te van saliendo más, no se hace abrumador en absoluto. Es cierto que peca de repetitivo en algunas cosas, pero no lo suficiente como para aburrirte o hacerte abandonar la aventura. Un muy buen juego, disfrutón.

A fun mix of AC: Odyssey and Breath of the Wild.
I liked the more comedic storyline and dialogue, and the art style looks great. The open-world collect-a-thon aspect can be very tiring, but once you max out your stats and get your trophies, you can basically ignore what you no longer need to collect - which is what I did. The main meat of the gameplay is the exploration and puzzle-solving, as combat is trivial after a certain point, and I think the game definitely nails those aspects. There is only one area of the game that is super frustrating and that is the northern most landmass - King's Peak. It is just a super unfun bummer area after the cool locations we explore throughout the rest of the game.
Overall though, I had a good time with this game.

jogo delicinha q nao precisa pensar

it looks like "My first Assassins Creed" at first but once you get into it, it's actually really fun

Immortals Fenix Rising is an open-world adventure RPG filled with puzzles. It was released on all platforms in 2020. by Ubisoft Entertainment.

This game can be described as a cartoonish visual-styled AC Odyssey with small puzzles on almost every corner. It has the best part from AC Odyssey, the combat and the same formula as every Ubisoft game, an open-world filled with collectibles.
This time the world isn't as huge as the last three less-stealth oriented AC games. As I've already said it's still filled with collectibles, where almost each collectible offers something valuable, some resources are needed to upgrade your character, some new weapons... But to actually acquire many of those items, you have to complete a puzzle. The puzzles and the game overall aren't hard, really, even though the game notes you that if you get stuck in puzzles, it'll give you a hint, you'll probably never use the option since many of the puzzles are easy to solve and the same puzzle mechanic tends to appear again many times after. There are also Vaults of Tartaros, which most of them are puzzle-oriented and some of them are arenas filled with enemies. In those Vaults, the puzzles are much more varied and a bit more difficult and many of them will have requirements. The requirements are Godly Powers and the game will notify you when you don't have the required power upon entering the Vault.
The world is also filled with bosses, divided into Lieutenants, Mythical and Legendary Bosses, each category scaling the difficulty. When talking about normal enemies, they're also devided into levels which are displayed as a better equipped enemy with a different details color, but I would've wanted there was more of them, more types of enemies, a little bit more variety. The combat is as good as the one in AC Odyssey, you don't have as many weapon selection, you're only limited to a sword, axe and bow, but the action and satisfaction stays the same.
The only thing that isn't as good as the combat is the story, which is mediocre. Basically you're the one who will free the Gods and with their help you will defeat Typhon, the one who set everyone in stone and who took the powers from Aphrodite, Ares, Hephaistos and Athena.
As apart from you, the Gods and the horde of enemies there isn't anyone vivacious to talk to, while playing you'll hear Zeus and Prometheus talking to each other and arguing most of the time, as Prometheus is the one who is telling the story you're playing, which is a nice addition to break the silence while travelling.

All in all, I was amazed by this game as I didn't have high expectations before start playing it, but this game showed me that even Ubisoft can sometimes deliver a game that goes outside of they're safe zone and deliver something unique (when compared to other Ubisoft games) and fun.

I actually really liked this. Shame the potential sequel isn't getting made, but it's a fun Mythology based game. I'd recommend

Le jeu est souvent comparé au Zelda récent, mais bon on est très loin du résultat. Le jeu fait tout mal, c'est moche l'univers est nul et les déplacements sont vraiment pas optimisés et fluide après quelques minutes j'ai préféré quitter que continuer une fraude pareille

A weak game that made me want to play other things.

Não me agradei com a proposta e ter visto nesse jogo os erros de centenas de jogos da Ubisoft

Bom jogo de puzzles e coletáveis para quem busca uma jogatina descompromissada. A história é bem divertida também, entregou bem mais do que eu estava esperando.

por ser um jogo da tia ubisoft, obviamente que teremos um mapa gigantesco com várias coisas e colecionáveis inuteis, resisti muito até conseguir a platina desse jogo, porém até gostei de algumas coisas como o visual ser bem bonitinho com estilo cartoon, a dublagem em pt br está ótima e a história é legalzinha, porém o jogo fica bem repetitivo principalmente por causa do puzzles, que minha nossa senhora, a Ubi perdeu a mão nesse jogo, fora isso dou três estrela porque até que me diverti

Quer saber como séria um Zelda Breath the Wild ruim, jogue este jogo.

Nestydatá vykrádačk... Ne, MODovací reskin Breath of the Wild. Jenom bez umu, který Nintendo týmy (oproti ubisoft nádeníkům bez designové vize s jejich sdílenými assety mezi divizemi) dokáží neopakovatelně protnout do snad všech svých děl.

Je to typicky ubisofťácky přeplácané, svět a jeho objevování nehrají žádnou roli, je to generické, s otřesným "cool bro dude" přístupem k řecké mytologii (snaží se to o prcičkovské humory v jedné každé větě, což se přejí opravdu rychle, zvlášť když žádný z humorů není vtipný; čest výjimkám a snaživě hravému tuzemskému překladu).

Na druhou stranu je neoddiskutovatelné, že "herní loop" odskoč si do dungeonu řešit logické puzzly/připrav a střetni se s bossem/zkus se dostat támhle na ten vrcholek a rozhlédni se po krajině, funguje výtečně a je stejně chytlavý jako u Zeldy. Jenomže tam, kde Zelda poňoukala mimoděk k průzkumu čistě výstavbou světa/krajiny, kde byla motivace "co je asi za tím kopečkem", tak zde je to skrze ubisoftí obligátní zaplevelení mapy 1000+1 bodem zájmu.

Čili hraje se to jedna báseň, ale celé to hřeší na to, že je to o dva řády horší předělávka principů poslední Zeldy od společnosti, kde nikdo nemá byť jen náznak vlastního nápadu či invence. Což se projevuje na jednom každém aspektu. Již jen třeba trofeje, u takovéhoto titulu si vyloženě říkají o nějaká nápadité výzvy, ale ne, je to generická variace na "vysbírej vše/vylepši XY na max". Ovšem pokud překousnete svébytnou stylizaci a otravné pokusy o "jakože humory", tak to snad ani nelze nedoporučit, protože se zde najde aspekt zábavnosti pro každého. Pokud však máte přístup ke Switchi, tak není důvodu se nenavrátit raději k Zeldě.

meh. probably wont pick back up

One of My favorite games of all time

Pontos positivos: Um jogo família, com uma história leve mas que está longe de ser boba. As interações da protagonista com os deuses é incrível e a gameplay é bem divertida.

Pontos negativos? É da Ubisoft!

A cartoonish, less bloated version of AC: Odyssey. In all seriousness, this is a cute take on the Ubisoft formula, but it's not much more than that. The gameplay and puzzles are fun at first, but even being scaled down from some other Ubisoft games, the repetitiveness shows. The voice acting and writing is a weird combination of cringey and entertaining, but I found myself rolling my eyes more often than not.

100% Completion Notes: Unfortunately, this is one of the few times where going for the completion degraded the experience. The issues of repetitive puzzles and combat (once you figure out the best moves) is worsened a hundred fold. And the DLC, UGHH, just the same shit with a different coat of paint. Even the one that changed it into an isometric ARPG, it's still the same gameplay.

Terminei por ser divertido, mas é bem enjoativo.

I’m just as tired as most when it comes to the Ubisoft open-world formula but I loved my time with this fantastical adventure. There was a whole slew of fun things to do in the world and the story offers a few entertaining twists on Greek mythology. I loved combing over every inch of the beautiful game world and upgrading my Fenyx.

Full Review:

its really fun so far, i really like the open world, its one of the most beautiful worlds i saw. the gameplay, progression and exploration are really great. definitely one of my top games