Reviews from

in the past

4th wall breaks in a horror game just hit different.

Horror games aren't really my thing, but this game is made well and provides a very solid atmosphere, while also being unique in both design and gameplay. A short experience, but definitely a solid one.

i love this shit man, i love looking through my files man

one of the horror games of all time

This game genuinely scared the shit out of me the first time I played it, I felt so bad because I thought I haunted my dad's PC with a ghost

Super cool concept, poor execution. I expected the remake to perform better.

Still, I got very scared and frantically deleted every trace of this game from my PC...

My earliest memories of this game come from my friend Gianni frantically trying to explain the scary game he played that put files on his desktop, back around what must have been the ORIGINAL original release date. Being the wimp that I was (am), any time I saw that scary white face in my YouTube feed, I'd scroll past it quick, trying hard not to cry.

But I'm thankful for that, because I got to experience this game as an adult completely blind, and I doubt I would have appreciated it as much if I hadn't. Scary as this game is (again, wimp here), the ways in which you interact with it are something else. I would talk more about it, but it would risk robbing people of that experience. All I can say is, definitely check this out, you won't regret it.

The ending sequence has you choose between two options, yet it's presented really confusing, so i just ended up getting the bad ending. Don't think im gonna spend another hour replaying the game from the start

who would win in a twerk off (all characters are covered in baby oil and naked):
-white face
-the restorer

they weren't lying, ireallyamscared

i can fix her..

nvm i can't..

It’s interesting finally playing IMSCARED after all this time. The game is over a decade old, and it’s hard not to ignore the game, or the legacy it left behind. “A game with an entity that can create folders on your actual desktop” is an amazing idea. I’m not sure if IMSCARED is the first game to affect someone’s desktop, or to break the fourth wall in the way it does. However, I know it’s definitely one of the most well known for it, and it helped inspire others to come up with similar concepts in their own games. But IMSCARED’s legacy aside, I had never actually played the game until now, and it really stood the test of time.
I’ll be honest, I’m really bad with horror games. I absolutely love them, but I get scared so easily, it’s somewhat ridiculous. IMSCARED is no exception. Though there was rarely an active threat, the constant atmosphere and droning ambience filled me with so much dread. There was never a time where I wasn’t uneasy. I also noticed that at times, the music would cut out. While it would be first assumed that it was a bug of some kind, regardless of if it is, it makes the atmosphere so much more tense. Instead of that droning ambience, you’re just drowned in silence. I was far more than just scared, I was absolutely terrified. And the minimal use of active threats makes those moments where active threats are around even more terrifying. It never feels like a “been there done this” kind of situation, each encounter feels terrifying in the same degree.
Of course, IMSCARED is well known for its Fourth Wall Breaks. Acknowledging you the player at multiple times, and often requiring you to mess with files the game adds in order to solve puzzles. One thing I really appreciate about IMSCARED is that the scares rarely come from the Fourth Wall Breaks themselves. Like I said, most of them time, messing with files is necessary to primarily solve puzzles. Later on in the game, there are some absolutely amazing puzzles that involve messing with the game or files in specific ways. When the Fourth Wall Breaks are tied to scares, they play more into leading into a scare, instead of being the scare itself. And I absolutely love the way of doing it. Though some of the fourth wall breaks definitely suffered due to the new Steam Update, fake achievements don’t work like they used to.
I absolutely adore the entities of IMSCARED. White Face is an amazing design. I love how most of the horror isn’t coming from its design, or the times it chases you. Instead, it’s terrifying whenever it watches you, staring into your soul the way it does. And that terror grows even further as it evolves into HER. While White Face is more of a lingering dread, HER is an antagonistic threat to you. Actively going out of her way to try and stop you from progressing. And seeing the writing of the game, and how the character of White Face/HER evolves as the game, and as you progress is really great. I may be talking a bit too much about the game here, and I’m sorry about that. I just really adore how the entity of the game is written the way it is.
I’m very late to the party on IMSCARED. It’s almost 11 years old at the time I’m typing this, and I’ve had this game in my library for probably a good 2 years at this point. I’ve been meaning to get to it for such a long time now, I just struggle getting the motivation to play horror games. Yet again, I get scared really easily, so I hesitate a lot. But I’m glad I finally brought myself to play IMSCARED, it really is a terrifying game, and its puzzles are absolutely stellar. While I really think IMSCARED’s ending is one to be admired, the promise of brand new IMSCARED content, especially with the direction it seems to be going is one that I find really interesting, and I can’t wait to see how it goes.

It has some great meta content, and the game is genuinely spooky, despite its low rez look. It's been a while, but that face has stuck with me for a small indie title.

the game is really scarry, this game is very different than any other horror games, it have its own unique characters who communicate to you through files (which is so cool) i loved searching through my files when i didn't knew what to do, it was an amazing experience to complete this, highly recommend it

j'ai adoré apres je trouve que avec la sortie de kinitopet le jeu a un peu fall off mais ca reste un classique imo

One of the best horror experiences of all time.

Concettualmente molto bello, e soprattutto nella prima metà fa un utilizzo vivace del suo modo di rompere la quarta parete. Purtroppo, nonostante i livelli non decrementino di intensità orrorifica, va sempre meno a mancare l'originalità nell'interazione tra utente e gioco, portando spesso ad espedienti già visti.

actually terrified the hell out of me as a kid and still manages to scare me even now. doing the meta-horror aspects with this game and messing around with your computer's settings and the game's files as a gimmick was seriously a cool idea for its time and is still a fun idea even today. loved the experience throughout

Completed everything including the 2022 Test Build stuff. I love meta-horror games that utilize your files even though its a gimmick. Pretty fun experience!

Ni tan mal, un juego indie pequeño que me ha hecho saltar de la silla unas cuantas veces la vd :o

This game is one of very few to really unnerve me all the way through. The layers it will go to fuck with you is impressive. At $4 and two hours long to do everything, I would definitely recommend picking it up this fine October.

Dava medo 7 anos atrás, e ainda da além de ter um bom mistério e 'ELA'

Simplesmente Surreal, eu realmente ESTOU ASSUSTADO.

Eu não esperava que este jogo fosse tão INCRÍVEL. Foge totalmente dos clichês de "jogos de terror", tendo um terror único e uma história MUITO boa + puzzles divertidos e desafiadores (É genial você mexer nas pastas do jogo para mudar certas coisas no game).

Ainda por cima o game consegue te enganar de muitas maneiras e de VÁRIOS jeitos diferentes durante a jogatina (Spoilers a parte o jogo consegue ser surreal no seu suspense, chegando até mesmo a "invadir" o seu computador).

O jogo é curtinho e convence no quesito "terror psicológico", entra na lista de games BONS que pouca gente conhece.

- Puzzles criativos que complementam a história.
- Bom suspense.

- Talvez um pouco repetitivo demais no final.