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2013 yılında çıkmış oyunu 2024 te doğal olarak oynayamıyorsunuz (34 ingame)

um jogo de luta com da Netherrealm com estilo de Mortal Kombat, porém mais estilizado para um mundo de super-herói e não tão violento quanto o parceiro, mais fantástico no caso

a história desse jogo foi infelizmente direcionada a ficar genérica, mas na época foi uma coisa incrível de se ver e triste de ver um herói tão querido matando pessoas como se fossem nada, acabou sendo uma história que ficou datada pela saturação com o passar do tempo, mas ainda assim é muito legal de se ver

I don't normally play fighting games, but gave this a go because Batman. Did not disappoint.

Eu gostava mais dessa ideia quando era mlk, tenebroso.

Amo TANTO esse jogo que comprei a mídia física duas vezes. Só não é >perfeito< por ter poucos personagens e sistema de customização bem raso, mas é super divertido, inovador e lançou tendências.
Ah, a dublagem BR também ficou bem ruim, cheia de problemas de localização (melhoraram muito no 2).

gameplay padrão mk, gráficos ok padrão geração PS3, história padrão dc, jogo padrão, divertidinho padraozinho kkkk

A good game with a good story overall, and with a lot of S.T.A.R. Labs missions to do. I found some combos hard to do, but the gameplay is fun and similar to Mortal Kombat (which makes sense since both titles are from the same studio).

Too bad the story is very short, which is my main interest in these fighting games, but I am looking forward to playing the second game!

Injustice: Gods Among Us is a game that never really held me and kept me coming back. The premise of a DC fighting game is a no-brainer and should be made, but it often feels a little off when pulling off combos. The story isn't too bad either, with it basically just following whatever Injustice comic it's based on. The idea of Superman turning evil is always interesting and kept me playing through the game, however, once I was done with the story I just never picked it up again. Kinda fun while it lasted.

A very good fighting game for the company. Gloomy graphics and good musical accompaniment do their job!

É um bom jogo, nada de mais, uma ótima historia e dublagem, porem como todo jogo de luta, enjoa com facilidade.

Injustice (2013): Curiosamente una historia tan mala, absurda y enrevesada, me ha entretenido. Sigue sin gustarme en exceso DC, que les quitas Batman y quitas medio plantel del juego, pero podría dar para pasar el rato si no fuese porque todos los personajes luchan igual, y su profundidad es nula (4,90)

Otimo jogo de luta focado nos herois da DC, modo historia muito bom e que a todo momento deixa o jogador preso, não joguei o multiplayer mas baseado na campanha que joguei essa é minha nota.


Que história fantástica, adaptando um dos melhores arcos das Hqs, com um jogabilidade clássica da NetherRealm, aproveitando o melhor da séria MK e adaptando aos poucos a luta entre super heróis. Seus desafios bem como a platina beiram ao masoquismo.

"Two big caveats with this one: first, I'm not the biggest fighting games fan; second, I only played through the story mode, so I won't take those into account. That being said, here are the positives I experienced: it is fun to put superheroes into this sort of scenario and there is a lot of variety on who you can play as, which changes the gameplay almost completely in mostly fun and unique ways. The story mode is messy but somewhat entertaining, however, (going to the more negative side of things) the cutscene animations are really poor and the models are just plain bad in some cases, even for the time. I also experienced some difficulty inconsistency, but nothing major. Overall, it can be fun, but forgettable, I'm sure fans of the genre and/or of DC Comics will have a good enough time though."

Decided to play this because I was mildly curious to see the storyline that served as Zach Snyder’s chief inspiration for his unfinished Justice League trilogy. I don’t love Zach Snyder and I don’t really love this game. It was a fairly cool concept and i was into it at the beginning, but lost interest as the story progressed.

I also wasn’t super impressed with the visuals or the game play. When I beat Superman to end it, I really hadn’t progressed much in terms of mastering the controls. I had a couple of simple moves that I used repetitively to beat him. It really wasn’t much of a challenge, which, on the one hand, was kind of nice as this is the first video game that wasn’t an interactive film that I’ve completed since I took up gaming again, but, on the other hand didn’t really help me progress much.

Took 4 hours (haven’t figured out how to journal on this thing yet).

i got a. nerd boner for harley quinn!

Had never played fighting games besides at some friends place or events.
I was quite sad that the story mode was so short and that it was so easy!

Joguei muito na minha infância, mas agora (com maior experiência em jogos de luta), percebo que querendo ou não era basicamente um jogo de spammar botão, sem tanta estratégia em si nele.