Reviews from

in the past

Some divorce dad rock, a few brews, a pack of camel crushes, living moments that keep some people from sleeping. Rising Storm Vietnam better tho

this game is cool but might feel like a downgrade from the first game, i enjoy the tons of guns you have access to in co-op, havent tried versus nor am i interested in PvP gameplay

This game is so accurate it hurts. Even the commander yelling at me!

the gunplay feels too arcadey for how the rest of the game feels, but the game is alright i guess.

I don't feel like the gunplay is as good as the original but at least this one is alive and constantly updated.

One of the better multiplayer shooters I've played lately tbh. It's technically a tac shooter but game modes are all fast and have you quickly move place to place, as such it feels like if Bad Company era Battlefield if it was focused on realism.

Look how they massacred my boy

A good example why trying to make your game feel more realistic and tactical is not a good thing and why games should be games. Incredibly slow and boring gameplay. Feels like I'm playing quicksand all game.

Gets pretty boring.. devs don't seem to care much and bloat the game with a lot of DLC. Insurgency on the Source engine was a lot better, just had less content.

really hard, will give heart attack

Honestly quite a fun game, until you hear the phone ringing

It's bugged to fuck at this point and never intended on being patched, it could be 3½ stars otherwise

Very fun to join public lobbies and lie abt serving in the military

i can be a muslim man or a american man and i love to watch a american explode when i hit them with my 50mm anti vehicle rifle.

PERFECT GAME - i can finally play as a muslim fighting against the us - love to see our people or being portrayed as the villain all the time

One of the few and best slow paced Tactical FPS multiplayer games on PS4/5 .

It's got that old school charm, feels like something from back in the early 2000's PC gaming or somewhat similar to stuff like SOCOM on PS2. And I say that as a positive.

Give it a try, there's still a thriving community here so don't worry about finding matches.
Might just become your next favorite Multiplayer title.

It's one of those titles that's a 4 star but I enjoy like a 5 star

não costumo jogar muito jogo de tiro tático, pra falar a verdade tinham anos que não jogava um fps multiplayer assim, eu até curti só não senti que o jogo tem tanta coisa pra te manter preso como um sistema de progressão bem feito, mas até que é legal

Kept getting called multiple slurs and no-no words because I said someone turned their back to an enemy, then they proceeded to full magdump hold-the-trigger and miss every shot as they body blocked multiple people. Someone called in an airstrike and said "this bombing run was fact checked by real American patriots" and we all died because they bombed on top of us. No one's going to objectives half the time, people cant aim for shit, you have nobody going Commander or Observer despite half the lobby being level 400+, and no one seems to be able to throw incendiaries when their teammates AREN'T in the doorway.

In almost any other game with some sort of competitive nature, I'd hate the game. Or, I'd be mad, slinging my own no-no words like David in the bible hurling them at the great tism Goliath. But this game is magic. It's like I'm in middle school again playing Bad Company 2 all over again. I don't feel mad when these things happen. I don't get frustrated when my teammates are just treating the game as a point-and-click adventure. I have a smile on my face all while the very western-accented man with Korean text as his steam name is just mag dumping into forefingers, and the Russian named player is dogshit (and his steam profile is all in English), and I'm using an lmg on a tripod to hold a point. Was that a pick-up truck with an MG on the back? It drove off course and fell in a ditch. Did I get mad and say the game is unpolished and stupid and bad? NO! I say, the game is kino and wonderful and stupid!

This is the game you're looking for if you're typing away in Discord servers with tears rolling down your cheeks because "CoD isn't like it was in the good old days" as your hair grays. This is the game you're looking for when Ready or Not isn't really doing it after an hour or so as you think back to trying to capture B on Metro in BF3 (and how ass that one-sided map was). This is the game you're looking for when you get genuinely enraged when you think about every modern shooter because "it just ain't like it was when I was a youngin'." This one is the one. This is absolutely the game, the most modern FPS shooter I can stomach, and it's kino. The fact I got this on sale for 9 dollars is insane to me. I've had more fun out of those 9 dollars than I have with some 60 dollar games. I've had more fun with these 9 dollars I spent than the hundreds of dollars I have spent on some card games. I've had more fun because of 9 dollars compared to the nearly 2 grand I dropped on a Vegas vacation years ago. 9 dollars. I don't actually know how much this game normally costs outside of Steam sales, but whatever the number is, I can't imagine it being "too much" for what I paid for.

Why does everyone in this game act like commandos? It feels like they are engaging in real-life combat

Even though i enjoy this, the playerbase in my area is too small so games are laggy for me

My friend gifted it to me so we could try it out and we both unanimously disliked it.

I'm not sure what drugs these people are on in comments.

Its a fun casual point and click game with some elements of realism to it. Its not hardcore like squad or arma.

It can be boring but I don't know too many who play it that often without friends anyway..

They might have 'dlc' but they also add maps/content for free still after 4 yrs of release. Which I dont get why people are whining over cosmetic skins.

it never quite hit as well as the original

actually not horrendous. cool gun variety, apart from that nothing much else to say