Reviews from

in the past

Perfectly solid, short, little action platformer for the Gameboy. No doubt anyone who owned it would have been satisfied. Levels are tight and not too long, bosses are perfectly solid. Nothing to really drag on at all!

Though this is still dinosaur mass murder simulator, it does benefit from the Jurassic Park theming by having these water creatures and the land dinos as enemies. They all just look appealing for the screen they're on. And the bigger ones look threatening and cool, especially the underwater one that charges from off screen. The only one that looks extremely goofy is the Velociraptor.

Unfortunately it also just does not stand out very much for the platform it's on. Certainly would be ten times more forgotten if not for the branding. It's a one hour drive home kind of game, but undoubtedly one many kids would have picked back up and beaten several times.

This Game is great, for nostalgic reasons. I spent so many hours to memorize every level and finally get through. After I finally found it i completed it in a bit more than an hour... Eat this, younger me :D (The Game Boy Version, as the SNES Version is different, I'll play this later)

Actually perfectly fine as a short game. Nice that there were very few gotcha setups by the devs. Only rough part is restarting an entire level when you die, which really sucks on the autoscrollers. The main objective is to collect magnetic keys to unlock the door at the end of the level. So you have to explore each level thoroughly. I found one level hilarious because normally you have to find 5-20 keys. But this one had 54. It was just the devs messing with you because they had just grouped a ton of keys together.