Reviews from

in the past

The most underrated game on the quest. Wonderful to use interfaces and simple but effective puzzles, great stealth mechanics and a brilliant look.
From the developers of 'lies beneath' they forego the combat focus of that game for a more contemporary stealth horror that works to great effect. This game is also a decent length, which I can't say for most quest games, and has a good variety in its levels, even if there are a few too many raptor sections.
Would definitely recommend this to anyone with a quest, if you can stomach it, because this game is legitimately scary, AND physically strenuous.
Can't wait to see the expansion!

I didn't have a great time playing 'Jurassic World: Aftermath' and that's mostly because I find this kind of game grating. Similar in structure to 'Alien: Isolation,' 'JWA' asks you to stealthily perform very simple (minigame-esque) tasks on computer terminals while being hunted by ever-present velociraptors. The tasks themselves aren't fun, and so it's certainly not fun having to wait two minutes to perform the task while hiding under a desk from a velociraptor that won't go away. I really like the art style here, but I really wished for a greater variety of dinosaur encounters. You really only get the one (raptor stealth) repeated ad nauseam. Shame that I've been turned off to 'Part 2,' because the trailer for that shows pterosaurs, Tyrannosaurus rex, and Triceratops all on the attack. Why not any of this in 'Part 1?'