Reviews from

in the past

É um jogo de orçamento bem baixo. Tudo nele é bem simples, principalmente os gráficos, mas tudo também funciona bem. O combate ganha uma variedade por incluir todas as várias formas dos Riders jogáveis, cada uma com suas vantagens. É legal tu ir vendo como funcionam e ver com qual inimigo cada forma é mais eficiente no combate.

Fica meio repetitivo depois de um tempo, mas é beat em up geralmente é assim mesmo. A história é bem escrita e achei interessante a justificativa pra juntar os três Riders. Daria um excelente filme. Mesmo sendo um exclusivo do Japão, ele felizmente tem legendas em Inglês, o que facilita pra gente jogar sem perder nada da história ou do que tá acontecendo em tela.

Olhando em vídeo ele realmente parece muito sem graça, mas jogando ele tu acaba te divertindo muito e aos poucos vai viciando, coisa de passar horas jogando sem nem perceber, já que o game tem um ritmo bem constante e frenético, intercalando diversas sequências de luta com algumas de investigação. A Premium Sound Edition, que traz as músicas originais das respectivas séries, deixa tudo mais empolgante e acaba te deixando mais dentro do game ainda.

Não é uma maravilha de jogo e certamente tem alguns defeitos. Mas não é nada que comprometa e anule a diversão do jogo. É daqueles pra desligar a cabeça e sair esmagando botão pra bater em robô e monstro folgado.

A leap of blind faith that payed off. Bought without knowing anything about it. Enjoyed it a lot. Combat is better then I expected.

The game established a foundation that Namco could easily build up to a more refined sequel. There's so much potential in a sequel especially since there's over 50 years worth of characters and content to work with.

this game was actually kinda cool i can't wait for Namco to never do anything like this again and just send Kamen Rider back to arena fighter hell

For a Kamen Rider video game...this is surprisingly really good? Like I feel like the ground work was there for a truly amazing game. If anything this goes to show that a Yakuza type Kamen Rider game would go a long way for some people.

Boy howdy this is a weird one. A very janky kind of, not really, clearly unfinished RPG. Features a combat system that's a mix of Devil May Cry, Dark Souls and, of all things, Dynasty Warriors. Weirdly though it kind of works, and the form switching mechanic opens up a lot of fun combo possibility. Unfortunately even on normal the game is far too easy for it's own good and the story is just an absolute mess that does my boy Aruto dirty. All that said, it's still a fun time, especially if you're a rider fan.

It’s a decent game. Nothing special. Had no reason to include Kamen Rider 01 at all beyond a cheap cash grab.

A Japanese only release that conveniently included the English translation. Found out about this right when I got into the franchise and picked it up immediately. Love my boys.

por mais cagado e de baixo orçamento que esse jogo seja, ele é extremamente divertido e viciante, é uma cópia de dmc basicamente lotada de formas diferentes pra cada kamen rider, música tema é épica também

gimme a sequel with Fourze and Build please thank you i love you

I fucking love this game, it's one of the best character action games I've played on the Switch

The overall plot is that W was sent to this island "Sector City" (as opposed to City Sector which is a level in this game) because they received an e-mail asking them to "Find Professor Aida". OOO got sent there because the Kougami Foundation sent him there for whatever reason. Accel follows W, ProtoBirth and Birth are sent there by the Kougami Foundation, it also turns out Gotou and Terui know each other since they work in the same police station and Terui is his superintendent. Zero-One is just there because "AI research" or something.

Each character plays different except not actually. Flying forms and characters share the same controls and basically the same moves. Zero-One and Gatakiriba both have high jumps. Shit like that. They're cutting corners. W might be the most unique one given he has a gun, staff and fists, but in general they translated each Kamen Rider sort of okay. I'm a little disappointed that Zero-One didn't have anything but Flying Falcon in terms of early in the show forms, I think Tiger would've been cool but my guess is they literally developed the game as the show was happening, hence Fuwa not appearing and Is doesn't even get a major role, Zero-One just mentions her.

The gameplay is actually really tight, it's just boring once you're 11 hours in. The game has a levelling up mechanic that lets you unlock enhancements, they're unlocked in intervals of 2 unless you're Joker who gets one at level 1, but the rest is the same. They're things like ATK up, armor ATK up, being able to hold down the unique attack button to make it more powerful, etc. It's a decent concept except that the game really holds your hand with who you can level up. You can't level up to max from the first level anyway, which is fine, but they lock you off from being able to pick Kamen Riders so often. Most of the game you're either W or OOO and you have no fucking chance of levelling Accel, ProtoBirth, Birth or Zero-One. I ended up being able to max out W, OOO and Zero-One but I never finished Joker, Birth, ProtoBirth or Accel.

It's clearly a fanservice game, Ankh shows up, they bring in Lost Ankh, there's Mezool, Gamel, Uva, Kazari and DINOSAUR GREEED. From W's side you get Eternal, the Museum and Nazca (who is just this game's Gray Fox for whatever reason). Some of the other Dopants show up, Quetzalcoatlus, Virus, Violence, Magma, so on. There's some cyborg T-Rexes in there for like no reason. No one from Zero-One's story even shows up.

The levels are unimaginative and generic as hell from their design and just from how repetitive they end up being.

This game is carried almost exclusively by it's combat and the fact you can play as W, OOO or Zero-One.

It is absolutely STAGGERING they got Aya Kamiki and TAKUYA back to make a brand new song for this, considering it's been over a decade since we had W. Not to mention Takehito Koyasu voices Zeus in this game.

It's almost like they put effort in some areas, but not nearly enough to make it a consistently incredible game like it most definitely could've been.

Very solid character action game. Fun combo style combat and a bunch of fanservice at every turn. Honestly I hope we get a sequel.

Really makes you FEEL like a KAMEN RIDER. Except kind of not really.

First off the presentation is really cheap. Most animations are shared between Riders and music is reused here and there, especially in cutscenes. Animations themselves are super stiff outside of finishers. Cutscene animations are the worst because it's generic AND stiff animations, where it doesn't feel like characters are actually talking to each other.
One time a character is seen leaving to the right but their animation is frozen for 2 seconds.

The game is also pretty easy on it's first playthrough. Form changes are satisfying and so is countering attacks but it never gets too interesting to experiment. Break armor fast and repeat. Bosses are somewhat harder but personally I think that's at fault of the camera being a bit too close to the player. But even then, cool as hell antagonists like Eternal or "DINOSAUR GREED (??????)" are kind of easy to break when the game gives you a block with minimal drawbacks.

Riders themselves also kind of lack variety. Minus Double, they all have a form that can fly (or start outright with it). All can shoot projectiles in some way. All have a form dedicated to armor breaking. And for the secondaries like ACCEL, BIRTH, or BIRTH PROTOTYPE they just feel super weird and not consistent somehow. BIRTH's projectile is on the R trigger but PROTOTYPE's is a Strong Attack.

Plot? For a KAMEN RIDER thing? Are you mad?! Foundation X is a bunch of weirdos and brings back villains. Zero-One is there. "DINOSAUR GREED" too. Go through City Zone, Water Plant Zone, Office Building Zone, Desert Zone, Jungle Zone, and Random Shrine Zone.

That being said I did have fun and will convince myself to do a second playthrough. I hope this is not one and done and Zero-One can get his own game that's more focused and original. Some of the banter was neat between characters and hearing arranged music was always cool. The original environment music is pretty solid too.

New Game+ is an option and gives Double and OOO new forms and accessories.

Survival Mode is nothing more than 3 gauntlets against enemies and bosses, which is fun purely to mess around with but not the ideal way of having optional content.

Definitely one of the games of all time. I wish this game just had more to it.