Reviews from

in the past

Ortalama bir platform oyunu. Kick Bastards, Steam sayfasında yazılanın aksine, derin bir hareket sistemine sahip değil. Hareket sistemi kötü değil aslında, ama Games Radar'ın abarttığı kadar da iyi değil. Bu oyuna Mirror's Edge'in halefi dediler, oyun basını acınası bir hale geldi. Düşmanların tamamını etkisiz hale getirmemizin istendiği bölümler tam bir işkence. Bu bölümlerde biraz daha yavaşlayıp, ne yapacağımızı düşünmemiz gerektiği için akıştan kopabiliyoruz. Duvarda koşma mekaniği bir garip, karakterinizin duvara tutunabilmesi şansınıza bağlı.

A pretty fun first-person speedrun platformer. It's rough around the edges, but it's still a good time if you're into this kind of game.
The developer's record times aren't holding back and are a fun challenge to beat.

Всё максимально среднее на сколько это возможно.
Средний геймплей, средний графон, средний музон, средний лвлдизайн, средняя физика. Проходится за пол часа или час.
До Neon White или Mirrors Edge как до луны.
Крайне средний платформер. Берите только по скидке.

If anything it made me truly appreciate how elite Neon White and Ghostrunner are and how they perfected the first-person parkour gameplay.

Another solid entry into the first-person speedrunning 3D platformers (a la SEUM, Lovely Planet, Neon White, etc.). Some of the "kill all of the enemy" levels feel a bit clunky in the grand flow of the game but when the levels work and you're wallrunning, sliding, and dropkicking your way through hell and an urban environment - the game really sings. I love the opportunity for shortcuts to really cut down on times, and I'm excited to see how bonkers speedruns of this game get.

One thing to note, there's some weird performance issues on my system at the moment, with pretty poor optimization with a 3070 and i7-10700. Running on High (not even Epic), there are levels that chug below 30fps for no apparent reason. I expect that these issues will be ironed out but I think it's worth mentioning regardless

I've often wondered why we haven't seen more First Person Parkour games since Mirror's Edge and Dying Light made their marks. I was pretty excited for this game and it was a fun enough time. The movement system was weird at first, but I was able to learn it within 10 minutes or so. It's a pretty short game(I beat it in an hour) and there's a decent amount of replayability. The biggest hurdle the game has is some of the levels aren't that interesting in terms of verticality and pathways. Even though you are encouraged to make your own path, some levels are pretty linear with not much going on and the game's mechanics aren't robust enough to really push the game to its' limits. For a 2 man dev team, this is a solid game and I hope they add more to it in the future.

Was really looking for something to love about this game, but it fell flat in every regard. Bad level design, sloppy movement mechanics, repetitive soundtrack, just nothing to grab on to for this kind of game.

It's an "okay" parkour game with an "okay" movement system. I did not enjoy it, mostly because of frustrating level designs. The last level is quite possibly made by The Devil himself.

It's decent, I think? The only notable thing about the game is the gameplay, and it too isn't that great