Reviews from

in the past

Yeah I can see the hype, probably wouldve loved this when I were younger.

kingdom hearts made such a huge impact on my childhood and life despite having bought it at a fair for like 1 rial where i had to play it in black and white so i couldn't even get past the darkness on destiny islands.

Very fun and cute, but I think I would've enjoyed this way more when I was like 8. I also hate how confusing the game can be, I thought this was supposed to be a kid's game.

It's pretty fun until any of 'new' story comes into play, then I lose my mind

As silly as a crossover between 'Final Fantasy' and Disney should be but with a surprisingly strong foundation for future sequels to build off of. I cherish this game if for no other reason than just how genuine and simple it is. Look how baby-faced this game is. It knows nothing of Xenahort or Nobodys or time travel yet...

This review contains spoilers

Long. Story spoilers present after a certain section, will be marked.

My most recent playthrough of Kingdom Hearts was on PC using the port released on Epic Games, however I have played every playstation version of the game in the past. I recommend playing the game on 8th or 9th gen consoles (except for Switch) or on PC using their respective 1.5/2.5 remixes. The PC version may need a bit of tinkering, but 1 is generally stable. I used a mod that reverted the color palette of the Heartless enemies to their original color schemes. Keep a guide handy if you ever get stuck, or want to accelerate your time spent.

For a first time playthrough, I don't have a strong recommendation for any difficulty, and honestly, anything goes. I played on Proud mode for all playthroughs on modern systems, but I can't say it is a much better or worse experience than on Beginner or Standard.

Kingdom Hearts (1) is the humble beginnings of a frankly giant franchise, and one that has aged amazingly and poorly in a handful of areas. It's also a game cursed from always falling behind its much more attractive sequel(s) in terms of gameplay. For those unaware, Kingdom Hearts is a simple action RPG that is also a crossover between Final Fantasy and various Disney properties. Expect much of your time on this game to be spent on the backdrops of Disney worlds such as Tarzan's giant jungle, the spooky town from The Nightmare Before Christmas, the grand Olympus Colosseum from Hercules, and more, but there are also a few original worlds that you will step foot in on the bookends of your journey, and throughout.

This game opens up with the player character, Sora in a dream sequence atop a myriad of mosaic towers, in which the game gives you a general tutorial of controls, but also a very important couple of decisions. The game presents you with a sword, a shield, and a magical staff, and asks that you choose one and rid another. I always recommend that you drop the sword, and pick up either the shield or the staff. I personally prefer the staff. As for a following choice, the game doesn't give you much details at all, but each of the choices correspond to EXP gain in early, middle and late game. I recommend just picking the middle option for all of them, or maybe one first option if you're only planning on playing the main story. While the vague nature of the questions and answers are likely intentional, I do not find that the options being concealed will serve much help to the player. Once your decisions are made, the game has officially started, and you will battle against some foes, culminating into your "Darkside", the end of this face-off will wake you up.

Once you wake up, you're introduced to the main character's best friends, Kairi and Riku, on Destiny Islands. This area serves as an extended tutorial as well as presenting our main characters, and for that purpose it does a pretty decent job. It sort of shows how you can use certain strategies to defeat enemies, how you should explore the levels in order to get what you need. Unfortunately, I also find that, whether it is your first time or your eighth time, this section just feels like a drag. Exploration and resource gathering in this game always feels like it slows the game down a little too much, as well as the emphasis on awkward platforming on occasion, and Destiny Islands is a pretty clear warning for things to come.

Finishing the prologue of the game on Destiny Islands will end with your arrival to Traverse Town, a cute little world in which much more of the grand scale of the world is presented in cutscenes, and you get introduced to more of the main cast. From here on out, the game opens up quite a bit, as you eventually pair up with Donald and Goofy and attain the Gummi ship to travel to new worlds. Combat is thus also expanded by gaining access to your abilities, equipment, etc. While this game does have very simple beat-em-up style combat, it gets a lot better as you progress in the game and get a handle on the things that require more than pressing the attack button. Learning to weave magical attacks into your combos will feel infinitely more satisfying than just spamming your attack commands on the bad guys.

Before you are able to touch down on these other worlds though, you must complete their respective gummi-missions. These are very simple on-rail shooting mini games where you must shoot your obstacles, whether they be giant space rocks, or flying enemies. You are free to customize your gummi ship using a multitude of parts that will bump up your capabilities, whether it be speed, damage, health, or more. To be frank, while having the option is nice, I don't really like these missions. They are a good change of pace, but they're just too uninteresting, and I just want to get on with it on subsequent replays.

Every world is played through at least once (Original worlds and Olympus Colosseum are often visited more frequently), and are all fairly straightforward objectives in which you traverse a presented path to progress the story. With the exception of a few, these worlds are easy to progress, and for those few worlds that aren't, I recommend using a guide. I don't think it spoils the fun if you're stagnating on worlds that either have confusing event triggers or other aspects that detract from your entertainment. Those worlds, in my opinion, are Deep Jungle, Atlantica and Monstro. However, if you're struggling elsewhere, there is no harm in using a guide.

Speaking of using a guide, I also recommend using one for post-game content, especially farming for synthesis materials. You are able to use some enemy drops in this game to synthesize items that may help you on your journey. This is a very well done mechanic, only further improved in future installments, but I also feel that many of the late-game synthesis items can have materials that are very difficult to attain naturally. One such example is a special heartless that has a low chance to spawn, and requires that you cast stop and hit it up to 100 times before the timer goes out. This requires very specific strategies and little exploits to be able to pull off consistently. Most examples are not this egregious, but they're not as simple as killing a random enemy either.

Post-game content as a whole is brimming with things to do. Not only do you have special heartless as listed above, you also have multiple visits to Olympus Colosseum to fight in the arena, with 2 super-bosses at the end. Outside of that, you also have 3 more super-bosses, one with very significant importance to the sequel. All of them are great challenges, and force you to play on their rules, and not your own.

Overall, I think all of the little things in Kingdom Hearts adds up to a pretty sweet experience, I recommend this game if only to eventually play Kingdom Hearts 2, but that means that this game by default gets a high recommendation as well.

Spoilers past this point!
Many people online like to say that Kingdom Hearts is a convoluted, complex story. While the extended lore is up for debate, I personally just find that it just has a lot of information, this game is relatively simple and straightforward, especially since it is the first title in a franchise. I like the story of Kingdom Hearts (1), it blends the rule-of-cool and fantastical aspects of Final Fantasy with the wholesome touch of Disney storytelling. A core criticism for each game in the series is that the plot doesn't move much during the disney worlds, but it REALLY picks up towards the end once you reach, one of my favorite worlds in the franchise, Hollow Bastion. The reveal that Riku has officially turned against you in Monstro/Neverland culminates in you losing your keyblade, and conversely Donald and Goofy since they did not wish to disobey the king. Teaming up with Beast and helplessly finding your way back to your friends through an assortment of strange puzzles and transportation means is a great way to take control away from the player, as well as giving the player more of a chance to get a good look at their surroundings. Once you fight back for control of the Keyblade, the world opens up again, and the sheer size of this evil castle can be fully contextualized with its sprawling, almost maze-like qualities. This is the peak of Kingdom Hearts (1) in my opinion, its such a brilliant location filled with powerful enemies and a a frantic soundtrack playing in the background. The first visit of Hollow Bastion ends with an epic duel between Sora and Riku, and while the fight isn't that challenging, it has brilliant spectacle and an immediately memorable music track to go along with it. This boss is followed up by the reveal that Kairi's heart was residing within Sora, in which he frees it by turning the keyblade on himself, a moment I could only describe as incredibly surprising on my first playthrough, as by doing so he sacrifices himself and turns into a heartless, just for Kairi. This event also sets in motion many moving parts in future installments, so I think it's fair to say that not only is this one of the most important events to happen to Sora, but the extended lore as a whole.

At this climax, one would expect the game to really slow down, but it doesn't! After Kairi rescues Sora with her own powers, they get forced out of the castle and have to regroup in Traverse Town. Once they develop a plan and muster up the courage to make it back, they discover that their greatest foe, Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness, has relocated to the "End of the World", a place where all of the worlds that are falling or have fallen into darkness end up.

Unsurprisingly, this place has the most dangerous basic enemies in the game, and while some parts of this area feel kind of lame (spheres coming down for battle arenas instead of natural spawns), I love how climactic this whole area feels. You revisit parts of all of the worlds you've been to, the music really signifies this grand scale of Ansem's doing, its all just so well done, and it all culminates into the final boss, a 4 phase boss fight where you finally tackle Ansem after he discusses his affinity with darkness. These fights are super dope, and all serves to cap off the game perfectly.

All of this to say, Kingdom Hearts 1 can really be split down in a way, the parts where its generally alright, and the parts where it is brilliant every step of the way. The last two worlds are unmistakeably in the latter camp. The end-game of Kingdom Hearts is by far its greatest strength.

Was a favorite of mine at the time. Beat it a bunch of times, both on normal and expert. This game had a lot of personality!

O jogo da minha vida, a minha franquia preferida, o que falar de Kingdom Hearts?
É simplesmente um jogo incrível, e por mais que a gameplay do primeiro jogo hoje seja meio defasada, ainda sim é muito divertida em tudo que se propõe, seja nos combates, mundos, magias, historia, personagens e etc.
O jogo que basicamente moldou esse ser humaninho a gostar de combate em tempo real em RPGs

This game's nice, I like it. I don't care for its story-telling alongside its sequels, but the gameplay, designs and music are tolerable which is what I love about the series. This game also has my favorite design of Sora compared to other appearances he's made in the series.

ComfyKinoes... It isn't my favorite, but I really enjoyed my time on it and appreciate the game for opening so many new doors for me.

Second game I ever played. I love being blinded by nostalgia, it's so good. I replay it every couple of years.

Idk if im just slow but i was so lost in most of this so i needed walkthroughs but this game was good regardless, also I hated the last boss fight

La nostalgia me pega muy fuerte con este juego.

As stupid as it is now looking back at it, this was the game that got me into square enix as a developer. So many years later its still such a fun game to replay

This game is terrible and its for chuds.

Love this game. Really strange moments of high difficulty though and some frustrating gameplay elements. "Rango" and Clayton genuinely made me want to quit. Adore the story and characters though.

Honestly, it’s not that good. However, I vividly recall hijacking my cousin’s PS2 to play this when I was a wee lad. I never got very far, but I loved it. I wouldn’t finish it until I was in high school. I hold that memory close to my chest.

These days I like it because it’s such a clumsy, embarrassing mess. It just enhances the comfy factor for me. Yet another game that never fails to put me in a good mood. An all-time favourite of mine. It kinda sucks and I love it.

kingdom hearts is the most enigmatic game to me for the incredibly alluring intro scene where sora monologues about fucking nothing then stumbles towards riku like a fucking dumbass then like drowns while simple and clean plays, which while dumb, had me hooked when i first opened this game a few years ago, wanting to learn more about this game and the world it had. then, all of the allure was just gone when it drops you in the first world and you have to do a bunch of annoying fucking fetch quests. however, i played through it (and lost to riku in the race fuck that guy) and then got to wonderland and dropped it because i thought it was incredibly fucking boring, not worth my time, and because i hated the cheshire cat.

however, i decided i would give this game a fair shake, so i played through it for real this time, making sure to explore every nook and cranny of every world to experience this game to the fullest and obtain everything it offers. i beat riku in the race this time, and after playing through a bunch of worlds, realized that the disney-ness AND final fantasy-ness of this game just does not do it any favors. you could remove both the disney and final fantasy parts and replace them with a bunch of generic random characters and stories and i sincerely do not think this game would be any different; in fact, i mightve enjoyed it more. it was just the most annoying, grating shit ever sometimes, and spending hours of my life busting my ass beating the shit out of monkeys or going through the most bullshit coliseum level of all time while i got rewarded with absolutely zero genuine story progression was safe to say, not worth it.

instead, what was worth it was the kingdom hearts parts. all the original parts in this game had me genuinely engaged, constantly wanting to know more about sora, riku, kairi, and the lore of this universe. the theming was like fine i guess; it was super generic about light and dark and like keeping a pure heart by maintaining your astonishment for the world around you and for other people, but by the time it hit its stride i was so fucking numb from the disney parts that i was just about ready for anything. unfortunately, this game did not focus that much on it until around hollow bastion, which is when it got actually good and i started enjoying it. but, it taking 25 hours for me to give a fuck about this game does not bode well. there were a few, and i mean a few, highs in this game that werent at the very end, like halloween town or agrabah. but even then, the levels themselves were either boring, annoying, or just complete nothing.

regarding the levels, the gameplay was really really really annoying. level design was just insanely stupid sometimes like with the deep jungle making you backtrack, super boring like with wonderland, just absolutely nothing like monstro or neverland, or absolutely fucking abyss scum bullshit like atlantica and the horribly controlling swimming. i think the reason that the good worlds were good is because of the vibes that they had, which i cant really put a finger on but thats just how it is i guess. there were a few highs, but much more lows that left me questioning not only my existence and my place in this world, but also why i was still playing this shit. thankfully, 100 acre wood and winnie the pooh saved my life in this game because that world was deadass like the best one in this entire game because its sweet, short, wholesome, and had you form genuinely fruitful friendships with pooh and all of his friends. thus, my friend winnie the pooh gave me what i needed – motivation. i trudged on and on and what do you know! the non-disney worlds were better, had more interesting stories, and kept me engaged in the game, constantly wanting to know more. hollow bastion was an actually well-designed world, with good puzzles that made me think and also strategize. BUT, the combat made me want to snap my disc in two.

this game’s combat wasn’t particularly bad, but it was just so annoying. its fun when its good, and super frustrating when its not good. its very existence is just kind of dumb – its like if final fantasy tried to be an action game, but its like a weird middle ground between an action game and a turn-based rpg. it has you fighting ridiculously large enemy groups at some points with your sword, spells, donald, and goofy, which while it may seem like a lot, is absolutely nothing because of how much this game wants to be like final fantasy. sora moves like a snail, with the only viable way to move around quickly to hit enemies being rolling. even then, his sword is a lot shorter than you would think, making melee combat really annoying sometimes. i dont know if its just the depth perception on my crt, or if its just a skill issue, but i was actually just not able to see how far i was from an enemy at some parts, which made it really tiring. this also might just be a skill issue but the animation for healing, like cure or a potion, is ridiculously long AND you cant move while casting it AND it doesnt have any invincibility frames which means you can get randomly hit by a projectile that interrupts your healing and cannot do anything about it because nomura said so. generally, the gameplay kind of necessitates that you keep moving around due to how fast paced it can be, and coming to a full stop when casting magic kind of sucks because it makes you an open target, which proves especially annoying as the game progresses and you face progressively more difficult enemies, especially those that spam projectiles. i did like the ability customization a lot though, and wailing on bosses with arcanum was pretty fun. also, the abilities that restored hp and mp and stuff by getting hit or attacking were nice. FUCK THE GUMMI SHIP SECTIONS.

lastly, i do have a lot of problems with the characters in this game. independent of the shitty dialogue and character assassinations of disney characters, the way it handles some of the supporting cast just kinda sucks. sora barely has any development with donald and goofy throughout the game, despite them being there literally the entire time. when i first saw donald being a piece of shit i was sure he would go through a character arc but literally nothing dawg. nothing even happens for them to be considered best friends because this game is just sorely lacking in actual character moments. riku is probably my favorite character because he actually had character moments, especially with sora. without getting into spoilers i also really really disliked a story decision they did with kairi that just kinda ruined her entire character.

while i did just shit on this game for 1200 words, i didnt think it was that bad. it was novel for its time – a mix of two beloved franchises, action combat mixed with final fantasy, a cast of characters that were around the age of the people playing the game that at least were meant to have genuine relationships with each other, and most importantly, winnie the pooh. despite all of its faults, i cant really find myself to despise this game, so i settled at it just being mid, because i genuinely did like parts like hollow bastion, the final boss, and riku.

Reminds me of good childhood feelings, the camera sucks, the story is cute and incredible, I love Donald Duck

I WILL NOT BE SILENCED... I hate everything about this game and everyone who plays it. You all suck toes for a living and you deserve to get doo doo aids. Thats right, I said it. You all are stinky human beings

Such a weird, wonderful mix of Disney and Square Enix. It feels like it shouldn't work at all, but it just does.

i don’t think the implementation of disney shit is appreciated enough

the comfiest game ever made. Childhood whimsy at its finest

I will never understand why this franchise spawned so many goddamn games.

I waited a very long time to give Kingdom Hearts a fair shake. I never played it growing up, but as a Disney fan I felt like I needed to try it at some point, and honestly I'm glad I did. While it definitely has flaws (primarily a ton of backtracking in certain worlds), I finally understand why this series is beloved and nostalgic for a lot of people. It has personally opened me up to playing the rest of the series and to action RPG's in general. I think the biggest compliment I can give this game is that it took an insane crossover concept and not only made it work, but made it feel less and less jarring as you play. The story is also fairly straight forward and simple compared to what's been said about the franchise as a whole, so it's a pretty good gateway game in that regard. Would recommend to any Disney fan looking to get into action RPG's.