Reviews from

in the past

Green Greens playing out of my HD rumble couldn't save this one.

Boring to replay without friends or family

Definitely one of the weakest Kirby games. However, the true arena in this game, especially if you go in with no allies, is peak.

The most boring out of the "modern" 2D Kirbies featuring the worst level design and mostly boring bosses. Once again though with this series, the final boss is a masterpiece.


Fine game, but the main story is really short, and I will not accept the content added post-release. I get that it made the game better, but it gave Nintendo the green light to just not finish games, as we see manifested in the Switch's Mario sports titles (and Super Mario Party).

Ist ein spaßiges Spiel. Sehr einfach und sehr kurz. Wenn man schon die alten Kirby davor gespielt hat gibt's hier gar nichts Neues. Man merkt, dass es ein Spiel für jüngere Kinder ist. Macht aber mit Freunden die nicht so gut sind bestimmt Spaß. Das Spiel und die Menüs sehen aber wunderschön aus. Hab den Story Mode 100% gespielt, auf die anderen Sachen hatte ich keine Lust.

hardcore gamers only you will struggle because this game shows no mercy

Kirby Star Allies is one of the weirdest games I've ever played because I genuinely don't know what my thoughts are for the most part. It just felt... very bland compared to most other Kirby gimmicks. At the very least some other games have a gimmick that interests me or excites me for my inevitable playthrough or replay like the Super Abilities in Return to Dream Land or the Robobot Armor in Planet Robobot. This game's gimmick just being Friends is just... not really that interesting when you consider that it's just something that already existed in Super Star. Which by the way, seems like this game took a lot of inspiration from that game because the last area before the final boss felt like Milky Way Wishes but... worse. I guess my two biggest complaints are that the level design is so easy that it can get boring at times and the pacing just seemed to be really off. Dream Land, Planet Popstar, and Jambastion were all really short while Far-Flung Starlight Heroes was significantly longer than the rest. The rematches with previous boss fights were also just, not interesting. The bosses in this game are relatively easy, actually scratch that, the whole GAME is relatively easy, so there's no challenge until Hyness Unhooded AT MOST. The game is also VERY generous with lives so even if I did lose some, I'd never run out. I guess I just would've liked the last area to be shorter because this game just really wasn't doing it for me and it felt like it was starting to overstay its welcome. It is very flawed but I wouldn't say it's the worst Kirby game, mainly because there's still some great qualities like the visuals, music, and new Copy Abilities, which are easily the best part of the game. I really like Spider and Paint, and the Power Effects (the Copy Abilities that are fused with an element) are pretty cool too. I liked running Sword a lot with any of the elements, though as a standalone, I really like Beetle a lot (though I know it wasn't introduced here). Overall, this one was just a lot more disappointing than other Kirby games, but as a whole I wouldn't say it's bad or mid, just underwhelming.

Ima be honest... my least favorite Kirby game. It ain't bad but it ain't good either. Does not hit the same as previous ones and the newest one. I'm sure the content over time that was added is nice but it's too little too late.

Uno de los peores Kirby en mi opinión.

El juego fue concebido como un homenaje por el aniversario del personaje con muchas referencias a otros títulos, pero no se vuelve bueno con eso.

Mi problema principal es que el juego fue hecho principalmente para jugarlo en cooperativo, toda la gimmick de ir con tus amigos en un solo jugador es insufrible, los NPC hacen TODO por tí, sin necesidad de mover el joystick, solo falta que le hagan un masaje a Kirby mientras le llevan a cuestas hasta el final del nivel.
Hay secciones donde los personajes hacen una rueda, de puente o montan en una nave que también se hacen pesadas.

Los jefes están bien pero solo hay como 5 y a 4 los repiten con diferentes colores o cambios de diseño mínimos.

Los juegos de Kirby son fáciles, pero este parece incluso que es aún más fácil al punto de parecer insultante, te regalan monedas por dar 3 pasos, acabando con una cantidad ingente de vidas que no te sirven de nada, cosa que se corrigió en La Tierra Olvidada, aún así en los juegos anteriores del personaje a lo mucho podías acabar con 25-30 vidas, aquí si no tienes 3 dígitos es porque has estado esquivándolas.

A futuro agregaron más personajes y un modo de juego donde los usas en un epílogo de la historia pero tampoco es la gran cosa, laberintos idénticos con puzzles interesantes eso sí, que aprovechan bien las mecánicas de cada personaje.

La boss rush la cambiaron, ahora puedes ajustar su dificultad, no me gustó el cambio, ahora o es muy fácil o es endemoniadamente difícil.
Admito que usé la habilidad de la roca para pasarme la más dura y me la quité en el último momento para que se registrara que me lo pasé sin habilidad, merezco vuestros mejores insultos.

Visualmente es increíblemente bonito eso sí, aunque la variedad de entornos es muy simple a comparación de los de los juegos de 3DS.

60 pavos para una mierda de juego de 1 hora nintendo la vamos a tener tu y yo por tu culpa he dejado la saga kirby

Das Spiel liegt leider weit hinter Forgotten Land, was dem sehr langweiligem Schwierigkeitsgrad geschuldet ist.
Kirby Spiele müssen nicht schwer sein, aber man muss finde ich immer einen "Aha"-Effekt erzeugen, damit man die Level nicht stumpf durchläuft, was hier leider öfter passiert und die Begleiter machen dieses Problem nicht gerade weniger und vor allem Bosse extrem unübersichtlich sind bei 4 Partnern.
Die Bosse, Grafik und Soundtrack sind noch die positivsten Dinge, ich würde zu Forgotten Land raten, aber das Spiel ist grundsätzlich solide.

Always compared this to Sonic Forces as the agressively mid game on the series. After replaying both for a bit, I can say Star Allies deserves it existence way more than Forces and at least doesn't truly damage the image of the franchise.

Nothing out of the ordinary with a kirby game. Really good gameplay, kinda short, some side features that are fun and very cute. Nothing much to rave about, but nothing to really complain about.

I'm a bit conflicted on this game, the gameplay is really easy and kinda boring (and that's by Kirby standards) but the amount of lore this game drops and the how much it changes the series is incredible.

U get monkey, mark, gooey, yoyo and fire and win. THATS THE GAME.

I love killing a god of hate and destruction with the unstoppable power of love and friendship.

Kirby Star Allies is a really divisive title. Many fans of the series consider it a stepdown compared to other previous titles of the franchise. Other see it as a rehash of classsic ideas that are not combined together in the most effective way.

And at launch this may have been the case. However, I consider Star Allies to be my favorite Kirby game. And why is that?
Because it encapsulates everything I love about this franchise. It's a proper celebration of the over 20 years of iconicity of the squishy pink boy, brought together by a collection of playable heroes and villains of across the series, a series of great side modes that adds a lot of spice to the difficulty, and a story that opens some of the most fadcinating lore speculations I have seen in a Nintendo title (also yes Kirby Lore goes hard...)

Maybe not the best start if you are new to the franchise, but.... it's really worth cheking out if you're a fan of the series.

Really fun. Almost got all of the Guest Star Allies finished.

I remember finishing this back in '20. I liked it! It was sweet, and was an okay difficulty. I don't get why so many people hate it -- it's not that bad! I also really like Kirby's victory dance in this game... the tune is nice. Just wish the levels had more to them.

IK this game is apparently on the bad side of Kirby games but honestly playing this has put me off from the rest of the series

fairly standard Kirby game, good combat as always and set of copy abilities to use, new mechanics with the elements and the return of buddies helping you are both interesting, really fun boss-fights, the visuals and music are still fantastic, very colorful and full of charm like any previous Kirby game.

the level-design is a bit basic though and the game is extremely easy, way more than an Kirby game usually is, if you want an challenge I think it's generally better to not rely on your Helpers through the game, maybe just 1 helping you is enough even if that means that some puzzles will be impossible to complete without an group of 3.

I still think it's worth playing especially if you are looking for an enjoyable action platformer to play with your friends and family, it's the perfect game for that but in comparison to previous Kirby games such as Triple Deluxe or Planet Robobot but even more so after Forgotten Land, Star Allies is nowhere in the same level as those 3 games as whole.

i don't get the hate for this game, it was pretty fun! sure it wasn't anything new but i still had a great time with it! and the final boss was pretty crazy too! would recommend

Earned 100% on my save file, unlocked all celebration pictures, cleared the Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go! campaign with all DLC characters and finished The Ultimate Choice on Soul Melter EX. Will not be finishing Guest Star on the remaining characters, or Soul Melter EX on the remaining copy abilities.

60€ para 1 hora de juego.