Reviews from

in the past

dawg the literal "master of breasts" was a lead character designer on this. it better be good.

The best SRPG on Sega Genesis and a high step up from its predecessor in all respects, with a banger soundtrack, great characters, very good gameplay, good level design, soul, challenging difficulty, and overall pretty fun with great execution as a whole.

Amazing game.

If you are a fan of hardcore games or really like SRPGs, I highly recommend this game.

Never played it but FE fans get butthurt if you mention this series so it's probably good

"In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental programmer or law? Is it like the hand of Lusheris hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control even over the RNG..."
- The mid SRPG youtuber

Put your grasses on. It's Langrissing time again.

This game is really fun and truly improved a lot compared to its prequel. Masaya's music team completely knocked this soundtrack out of the park with this one. Characters and story is improved. Controls feel much better at least compared to the first game's mobile looking remake. The graphics are much better and aren't at all incomprehensible unlike the first game's Mega Drive version. And of course, it's fun. Highly recommend you check this one out.

Everything from the first is improved. Might be the best Strategy RPG on the console along Shining Force 2. Still, pretty brutal game.

Game Review - originally written by Kitsune Sniper (aka Foxhack)

This game is what could be called a Shining Force clone, except that the series has been going on for a long time, spanning various consoles, and it’s quite fun. It’s also heavily story-driven, but unfortunately, I can’t make up much of it because it’s in Japanese.

It looks like Shining Force, it plays like Shining Force, but it’s much deeper, since you control whole armies using a similar interface. It can get rather tedious, but if you have patience, you can master it.

This is definitely one of those games in the "why the hell wasn't this localized" list of 90s rpgs, and I'm honestly glad I dropped Langrisser 1 and jumped straight into this. Langrisser 2 absolutely MOGS the first game in every area and emerges as a must play SRPG as a result, because when your game starts with Neo Holy War, Knight's Errant AND Leon's theme back to back there's literally no way in heaven or hell it could ever be bad.

There's actual characters and a surmountable story, the soundtrack is absolutely killer - one of the best on the mega drive without question, and the visuals are far more vivid and eye pleasing. The maps are actually well desigined AND let you save during them, there's a natural difficulty curve, in game hints and tutorials in the form of dialogue..the list goes on, and if Langrisser Dramatic Edition gives the first game all of this, I'd love to revisit it.