Reviews from

in the past

best lego game

sadly no lego sex

I've always been tolerant of the Lego games, they seemed to dominate the (Non-Mario) platformer genre for a while just by being competent, humorous games for all ages. As in, ALL AGES.

However, Lego City Undercover will always hold a special place as one of my favorite games ever. 10-year-old me was doubled over with cramps from laughing at just the first cutscene, and the game never stopped impressing me, even now I can barely remember all the characters and plot points.

This is really one of the funniest games I can think of, and probably has more fun crime movie references and things to do driving around its world than its 2013 counterpart GTA V. The latter game of course more cynical and grounded but nowhere near as fun or carefree. One of these days I'll 100% it and relive all the fun I had as a kid through all of its great chapters, from the dock to the dojo to the prison to the ice cream shop to the museum to the space station to... well I don't wish to spoil it, but the final confrontation between Chase McCain and Rex Fury.

Maybe the best lego game?
It's actually pretty funny, the overworld is cool, and it has a tad more depth than usual.

O segundo melhor jogo de LEGO da história

This was my first time finishing a Lego game and maybe the formula just isn't for me. I found the gameplay loop very boring.

The game boils down to the same repetitive puzzles over and over, then every other mission you unlock a new costume which unlocks a new puzzle to add to the repetitive mix. I imagine this formula may be slightly more interesting when it's with a fun license containing characters that you know like the other Lego games. I can't say I was overly excited when I unlocked the "fireman" or the "miner". Every time I unlocked a new character I unfortunately thought "Great, another boring puzzle to add to the mix."

I will say, the humour was really stupid but got a chuckle out of me at times. Also the end... I really did not expect such a wild final sequence with a great music score.


Played before I created a Backlogged account.

I can't believe I actually got everything in-game and every trophy. I saw how much there was to do, decided it wasn't worth it, then did it anyways. And yet, it was fun. Lots of varied objectives. You'd have to be insane to do this without a guide though.

Já pensou como seria um GTA de Lego? Este jogo traz uma experiência similar, dentro das características que os demais jogos Lego possuem.

É absurda a quantidade de segredos que esse jogo tem, que vão desde os 450 tijolos dourados, centenas de personagens e veículos e dezenas de extras/trapaças. Quase tudo nesse jogo rende progresso no percentual de completude do jogo.
Por falar em trapaças, feliz seja quem teve a idéia de adicionar o extra de fazer a color pistol não exigir troca de cor, pois ô habilidade chata de manipular no mundo aberto. Só faltou ter uma trapaça pra ter dinamite no bolso o tempo inteiro (ou tinha e eu não encontrei).
Infelizmente o jogo tem problemas de performance, rodando a 60fps nas fases fechadas e a 30fps e caindo no mundo aberto. Além disso, o jogo crasha em alguns momentos, dando um certo receio de ter corrompido o save.
No mais, como todo bom Lego, o humor é um ponto forte. Houveram vários momentos que dei risada com piada boba e com as referências de obras famosas (alô The Shawshank Redemption). Gostaria de uma sequência em que corrigissem as idéias que não deram muito certo e sem os problemas de performance, com certeza seria um grande jogo.

This game set a very high precedent for the WiiU that really wasn't met again

This was the GTA V for kids who were'nt allowed to play the real deal. Still a fun game though with great charme.

I was promised GTA but Lego, instead I just got a bad game.

I knew someone who rode this games dick like he was getting paid

Me sorprendió este juego, me pase la historia y no esta nada mal, eso si los vehículos y la ambientación esta muy bien.

Sempre quis jogar esse jogo mas o começo é muito chato, jogo lego mid infezlimente

It’s basically Lego grand theft auto except you’re a cop. I had the misfortune of playing this on the Wii U

eu sempre adorei os lego da travelers tales na infância, e apesar de eu ter gostado do jogo eu não posso deixar de falar como a experiência a longo prazo fica muito truncada e repetitiva pelo simples fato do jogo não deixar você fazer ações básicas apenas pra vc ter que mudar de roupinha pra fazer uma ação simples, isso quebra o pacing de uma forma insana e dá uma puta preguiça de explorar qualquer coisa

mas como eu falei, eu acabei no fim gostando do jogo pq apesar do negócio encher a paciência lá pro final, o jogo tem uma aura tão simpática e um baita charme, que me lembra justamente os jogos deles que eu jogava na infância (tipo crash twinsanity, quem diria), a história é ultra básica mas a apresentação e os personagens são bem divertidos, tudo no jogo é bem humorado e a apresentação te fisga pelo jogo todo, tudo é super bem animado e apesar do problema do pacing, as missões do jogo são bem criativas e tem muito set piece bem maneiro

o jogo é falho mas ainda foi uma experiência que não me arrependo

Janky but pretty fun GTA clone for kids. Feels sort of like the Gen Z version of Simpsons Hit and Run.

3☆ - GTA Lego, what more can I say, I'll add more when I've played more.

Je l'ai fait 1 fois sur 3DS et WII U et 2 fois sur PC

D'abord débarqué sur WiiU, puis plus tard sur PS4, Xbox One, PC et Switch, on assiste au mariage un peu improbable entre les jeux à la sauce Lego et... GTA ?
Pas question d'être dans l'illégalité, la violence, le sang, et la cruauté que peut avoir la série de Rockstar, ici c'est bon enfant avec des petites briques à monter et casser, selon les situations. L'héritage des jeux Lego rajoutent une dimension puzzle et action légère. Ne pas s'attendre à enchaîner des combos, c'est très accessible et pas très compliqué à prendre en main.
Et avec ça, un système de costumes donnant droit à des actions spécifiques, pour varier un peu le gameplay.
Enfin, le jeu cumule pas mal de petites références qui prêtent à sourire. c'est vraiment bon enfant, et la transposition en monde ouvert est assez réussie. C'est fun, c'est accessible, et ça remplit bien son job.

Massively underrated LEGO game that people will have missed due to it not being a licensed game, like Star Wars or Harry Potter.

This is the best Lego game by far. The open world works perfectly since it provides numerous locations for sandboxing. There are many collectibles, platform challenges or straight fun activities to do. The story is great, filled with many easter eggs and the voice acting (the first Lego game with one) is fantastic.