Reviews from

in the past

A decent conclusion to the trilogy. It plays more openly like the first one did, and the island setting is pretty cozy. The game manages to mostly retain the irreverent comedy charm, or at least is good enough to make you want to see it through to the end.

Good god, that has gotta be the longest title for a video game that I have ever seen. And not only is that probably the only long thing in this entire game (why yes, I am somewhat of a comedian), but it is also one of the only noteworthy things that can be said about this third entry in this overly repetitive series. Not that much changed in between games, other then them deciding to make the game more adult oriented again in comparison to the previous game, and how this time around, we have a new playable character, who I will get into later, but all in all, that’s it. It holds the same level of quality as the previous games, but of course makes itself just that tiny bit better with the updated music and style, which is appreciated for this entry, but really, all of them can be paired together side by side, and there wouldn’t be much you could use as a basis to pick one over the other. That being said, the game is still good, but it’s no surprise that I am now gonna be running out of things to talk about as we keep doing with this series.

The story is basically a “here we go again” plot, of course, but with some other whacky shenanigans mixed up in there to differentiate itself from others, the graphics are about on the same level as the previous entry, but they still look pretty good for the time, the music is definitely an improvement over the original, not just with the quality of the tracks being a factor in this, but also how now, there is always some kind of sound playing throughout sections of the game, rather then just being silent for a good majority of it, the control is the exact same as the previous two games, so no need to go into that much further, and the gameplay is also the exact same as the previous two games, while carrying the same grievances that come with this style of gameplay.

Once again, we have ourselves here a traditional point-and-click adventure game, where you travel through various areas, interacting with various people and objects, getting items to help you on your journey, and using the right commands to not only get through plenty of situations, but to also help Larry reach his “ultimate” goal. This time, however, you don’t just play as Larry Laffer only, but also a brand new character to play as for this game, Passionate Patti, who is just… another woman character. There’s nothing really all that unique about her, and she isn’t any major development that she goes through in the game, she just sort of is… there. That’s not to necessarily say that she is a bad character, but she really doesn’t stand out whatsoever when compared to Larry, and she has no real memorable traits that I could really point out, so I’m not exactly sure why they gave you the ability to play as her other then for the sake of “trying something different”, even when it really isn’t different.

Of course, we still have the same problems that were in the previous two games, including awkward movement, guide game mentality, moments that may come off as dated and/or offensive, and overly specific commands sometimes needed to proceed, although this time around, it isn’t that bad (at least from what I am remembering), but still, it is a factor. And paired alongside all of that is yet another instance where the shitty movement gets in the way in a really annoying section, with this one probably being the worst out of the bunch that I have seen in these games so far. So, there is a part later in the game where you are playing as Patti, and you are traversing through a dangerous jungle to try to save Larry. I would say that this is one of the best sections of the game… EXCEPT for one section. Near the end of this section, there is a mini game you play where you are riding down these rapids, and you have to avoid obstacles while swerving around on your log.

Now, all in all, this shouldn’t be a hard task, right? It is pretty simple, and you get simple controls to do so. Well, let me tell you, while it may be simple on the surface, it is extremely irritating once you take on the challenge yourself. The obstacles come at you very quickly, and you only get a split second to react (with a little input delay, just to make sure it isn’t too fair), and I died A LOT during this section, and had to redo parts of it over and over and over again. Normally, I wouldn’t complain about a challenge like this, but again, considering the speed at which these obstacles come at you, and that tiny bit of input lag that I mentioned earlier, it makes it much more stressful then it needed to be. Other then that though, everything else went smoothly.

Overall, while the music is improved, there are more playable characters, and while the ending is actually pretty funny, it is more of the same song and dance that we have come to expect with Leisure Suit Larry, with no major changes to the gameplay to make itself stand out from the other titles. I can recommend it only for those who are big fans of the Leisure Suit Larry series, as they will be pleased with what they get here. Oh well, who knows? Maybe some part of the gameplay will change whenever we get to Leisure Suit Larry 4…………….. wait a minute…

Game #284

If you liked the first two parts, you won't be disappointed in this one, either. Very underrated adventure classic.

Better than two, but not quite as charming as the first. In terms of story, it feels like a great conclusion to Larry's arc, with him going from the twerpy loser he was in the first game to a decently well put-together guy. The final section definitely felt like a bit of a drag, though, but the ending was cute. Overall, solid.

Não é nojento que nem o segundo, nem tão bom quanto o primeiro (que nem era tão bom assim, diga-se de passagem!).