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Life is Strange: Wavelengths is a cool extra chapter in the Life is Strange series that musically ties together two already existing stories. Especially players who are familiar with the original Life is Strange and Before the Storm will get a lot of satisfaction from this extra chapter. Still, it doesn't quite sit well with us that extra payment is required for this chapter while True Colors was already on the short side compared to other games in the series.

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I didn’t realize going in that this was all taking place inside the record shop, with everyone besides Steph just a voice (with one minor exception). I was kind of disappointed by it because of that. I appreciated the exploration of how Steph would think about the events of the first game, and also that it wasn’t pure fan service in that regard. I also found the Tinder mechanic weirdly compelling. All in all, a decent side story but not what I was hoping for.

Way better and more elaborate than a DLC bonus episode has any right to be. A cathartic closure of three games all set in one room. The dating app minigame opened a brief window into a reality where those apps aren't hell.

I don’t think this was as strong as Before the Storm’s Farewell, but I still enjoyed it. There was absolutely no reason for it to go on as long as it did, though.

It had cool references and a nice look at Steph's life after the event of the previous games, but it also had issues like being contained inside the record shop in its entirety, as well as little to none direct interactions with the existing cast. I also felt like it went on for longer than I would have liked, not to mention the fact that you get a (small, but still) loading screen to enter the radio room, which is very mind boggling

Besides the fact that Steph is an excellent character, the soundtrack is insanely awesome.