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Una lesbiana y buena música 👍

I love Steph as a character, so being able to play as her was so much fun. I enjoyed getting a deeper look into her character and doing some mundane, low-stakes tasks as a break from the high tension of the main story.

Maybe is the RPG reference but I love this

If you're wondering how deep your Life is Strange knowledge has to be in order to appreciate this, I'd say it'd work eminently well as a standalone. Even though Wavelengths builds on both True Colours and the previous LiS stories, as someone who's only played through TC, and about half of the first LiS, I didn't need any more context for it to become one of my favourite things I've played this year. I loved the way it folds the relative monotony and constraints of its setting and structure into the storytelling. Crucially, it's not one of those things where the developers tries to excuse their choices by mocking and lampshading them, it's more like they actively use their limitations to heighten the immersion, to put the player into the headspace of the character they're playing as.

Like I said, I'm really not familiar enough with the previous games to know exactly how Wavelengths would play to tried and true LiS-heads, but I will say that the parts of this that hit me the hardest emotionally, were the ones that seemed to draw the most on that mostly-unknown-to-me history. Which is a pretty impressive feat on Deck Nine's part.

Oh, and a quick practical note: this is a pretty meaty game for a piece of DLC, so be aware that you're heading into a 3+ hour session if you want to play through it in one sitting.

A DLC em si é abaixo do jogo base,confesso que fiquei bem decepcionado em descobrir que essa DLC só se passa na loja de discos e não tem a participação fisica de nenhum personagem. Mas ainda há coisas boas de se tirar dessa DLC

I got bugged 90% of the way through my playthrough and was unable to finish the dlc, it was fine other than that tho ig

I enjoyed this DLC more than True Colors which is not a hard thing to do. Mind you, you will be stuck in a recording studio for most of the time and there's not a whole lot of interaction with other characters. There's also this like dating app minigame which is kind of fun but it never leads to anything so yeah. It has some good moments, there are some callbacks to Life Is Strange 1 which made me really wanna play those games again.

Lindo, quizás un poco repetitivo, podría ser más corto, especialmente porque me gustaría ver otras opciones sin hacer todos los chores de nuevo.

Bardzo dobra gra, dodatek też. Dla mnie 4/5. Fajne dialogi, feelsy, atmosfera, Steph jest spoko. To DLC domyka troszkę wątki nawet z pierwszego LiS. Obecnie Deluxe Upgrade jest przeceniony na 27 zł w sklepie MS, przejście zajęło mi aż 4,5 h (obejrzałem wszystko co tylko dało się wybrać) i za tę cenę bardzo warto. Polecam!

Life is Strange: Wavelengths é uma expansão que tinha potencial, mas acabou entregando quase tudo proposto de forma rasa e pouco profunda. Embora estejamos falando de uma DLC, isto não é justificativa para a falta de aprofundamento dos personagens e da narrativa. Como dito anteriormente, Steph é uma das minhas personagens favoritas de LIS, portanto, acredito que ela poderia ter tido uma construção muito melhor do que apenas pequenos conselhos na rádio e interações no celular.

Além disso, os aspectos da vida da protagonista poderiam ter sido melhor construídos, para que então uma carga emocional estive presente. Assim sendo, é decepcionante que após True Colors, um game que cada segundo transmite uma emoção diferente ao jogador, na DLC de Steph, a carga emocional seja mínima. Claro, emoções é algo subjetivo, me refiro aos esforços da narrativa em entregar situações emocionantes e de forte impacto, algo que ocorreu a quase todo momento no jogo base.

Por fim, Life is Strange: Wavelengths tinha tudo para ser uma grande DLC de personagem e finalmente dar o destaque que Steph merece. Entretanto, a narrativa que poderia ter sido melhor trabalhada acaba tornando a experiência apenas um complemento para True Colors, sendo que no fim, não causa o mesmo impacto emocional do jogo base.

Didn't really grab me. I like Steph as a character, but nothing about this captured my attention enough to finish.

Me da que si me juego el Before the Storm va a ser más por Steph que por Chloe.

Es un DLC sencillito, con su parte emotiva (que supongo que me llegaría más de haber jugado lo anterior), pero yo me quedo sobre todo con el día a día de Steph como DJ. Éste es uno de esos juegos en los que un trabajo que seguramente sería un coñazo en la vida real te acabe molando, y de hecho no me importaría probar algún juego que sea íntegramente de este estilo en algún momento. Además he podido conocer un poco más a Steph, y ya con eso ha sido suficiente.

It was an interesting piece of DLC at times the choices don't feel like they matter but overall it was an interesting story and more time to play as steph. Apparently the scope of the DLC had to get cut down because of covid and with that I can see why it's more limited but it does fit nicely in the timeline for true colors.

A really nice dlc! A little bit of closure to Before The Storm, more Steph (always welcome), fun working as a radio DJ and exploring the shop, some really awesome music, some sad boi/wholesome moments and a nice little tie in to the beginning of True Colors. Theres also a little dating app "minigame" that perfectly captures what its like to use one, felt hard lol.

Nancymeter - 90/100

Reviewed for

Life is Strange: Wavelengths is a cool extra chapter in the Life is Strange series that musically ties together two already existing stories. Especially players who are familiar with the original Life is Strange and Before the Storm will get a lot of satisfaction from this extra chapter. Still, it doesn't quite sit well with us that extra payment is required for this chapter while True Colors was already on the short side compared to other games in the series.

Read the full review here (Dutch):

Essa DLC você só vai gostar se você conheceu a Steph no Before the Storm. Curti jogar.

I was bored as hell playing this

It could've been a total failure considering the restrains and limitations of the DLC, but somehow they made it work. The amount of tasks they give you is refreshing and satisfying to tick off, the song selection is on point, and if you're invested in Steph as a character you'll love reading her messages, exploring her trauma (in relation of your choice for Arcadia Bay in the first game) and trying to find her a partner on dating apps. Played the base game on Game Pass and I used Reward points to pay the DLC, so not necessarily the ideal person to talk about value, but I'd wait for a sale. $12 for a 3/4-hour experience that takes place in the same place and has off-screen VO for almost all of it seems pretty steep.

Really liked this as an oblique sequel to Before the Storm. Though I can't shake the feeling Steph is like one dude at Deck Nine's pet character. Can I call that Ahsoka syndrome? Pure speculation, sorry.

It's the video game equivalent of a bottle episode - two rooms, almost no other character models, they don't even show you the cat to avoid animating it - but the radio thing makes it work. It's pretty impressive how it can do a lot with so little.

nice prequel to true colors that utilizes a slice of life approach to story telling to give way more insight about steph.

A DLC é divertida, ver o lado da Steph em sua jornada de Haven é bem interessante, porém por se passar toda na Rádio e ter um duração curta deveria ser um DLC gratuita como outras da série

Nice add on to True Colors. Really loved that we got know more about Steph as a person to the point she may be my favorite character in the whole series.

This review contains spoilers

Achei interessante conhecer mais sobre o passado da Steph, porém essa DLC é bem mais ou menos. A qualidade do jogo continua incrível, só que o fato dele ser inteiro dentro da estação de rádio, torna bem parada a gameplay.

eu amo a Steph mas essa DLC não vale muito a pena

Pior DLC que eu já joguei na minha vida

Smaller in geographic and topical scope than was 'LoS: True Colors,' but there is a real charm to 'Wavelengths.' Until this side-story, I never clicked with Steph. She always seemed to be trying too hard. And was stand-offy in all the wrong moments. But 'Wavelengths' helped me to understand how Steph was uniquely impacted by the events of 'Before the Storm' and the original 'LoS.' And I cared. And I warmed up to her. I love the seasonal approach to the storytelling here. Though you never leave the record store, you really feel the seasonal changes and the year slipping away. I predicted the final moment of 'Wavelengths,' but it didn't make it any less magical when it happened.

this is ENTIRELY for before the storm and true colors fans, the random player even if he enjoyed the main story will probably be bored from this but as a fan of the franchise i really enjoyed looking at steph's soul and seeing how her life went.

nothing special tho

This was nice, although there's really no excuse for the Newton's Cradle to stop on its own. It's sole purpose is to demonstrate perpetual motion, game. Smh.

For real tho some nice depth to Steph and a bit of closure to some stuff from the Arcadia arc. (and ofc dumb jokes and nice tunes) Worth a play.

This was a great peek at the background of one of my favourite characters from the main game. Short and sweet!

It had cool references and a nice look at Steph's life after the event of the previous games, but it also had issues like being contained inside the record shop in its entirety, as well as little to none direct interactions with the existing cast. I also felt like it went on for longer than I would have liked, not to mention the fact that you get a (small, but still) loading screen to enter the radio room, which is very mind boggling