Reviews from

in the past

i'm rating this one star because i don't remember anything about it. 🥲
played this like half a year ago i guess.
this could be the greatest game ever made but i doubt it given that i've spent a little over 20 minutes on it and got every achievement apparently.

I think what wins this game is mostly its crude but somehow interesting to look at visuals -- It's very interesting to see how a handful of pixels can really look like something else when arranged right, makes you see why the Game Boy was so successful in a way.

The story was... Fine, interesting I'd say, this dude loves its damn lighthouse, even becoming an obsession when we realize the things he's done just because of the lighthouse on his 20 year shift.

Some might say that the voice actor having a very thick accent was faulty, but I see it as charming, the game takes place on Russia I believe so it would make sense, not everyone has a perfect American accent.

You can't really go wrong with such a low price. It's interesting

Надеюсь, там будет календарь

Тут мог быть небольшой обзор, но я понимаю, что не смогу здраво оценить и описать эту игру. Мне нравятся все творения Nikita Kaf включая это произведение. Поэтому я просто посоветую вам самим ознакомится с его творчеством. Главное помнить, что все его проекты это скорее искусство, а не игры в привычном понимании.