Reviews from

in the past

Mah boi this peace is what all true warriors strive for

I watched some balding manchild on the internet say piss shit and fuck while looking angry at the camera on youtube and found the cutscenes funny so clearly this must be one of the worst games ever made because I can't think for myself.

Yes, my favorite Zelda Game is Breath Of The Wild, how did you know?

In addition to my complaints of Wand of Gamelon, this one also adds more resources to switch between and collect, for some reason. It makes bombs more useful though, since not all bosses are requiring to have a certain item.

Soundtrack was also killer.

Gee, it sure is boring around here.

Lamp oil, rope, BOMBS? You want it? It's yours, my friend, as long as you have enough rupees.

Sorry Link, I can't give credit! Come back when you're a little, mmm, RICHER!

Played the Fan Remaster. Still a very bad Game, but the remaster made it at least tolerable and the Cutscenes are so bad they're good. not recommended to play, highly recommended to experience the Cutscenes

biggest crab I ever caught
that's a ghoma
you're pretty good. here, take this

This game has had more of an impact on my life than any other Zelda game and this is not even cap you know exactly why.

Has there been a more consistent source of memes than the CD-I Zelda games?

Meme sources have incredibly short lifespans, but memes based on the CD-I Zelda games are still going strong.

The only other meme I can think of that's possibly lasted as long is Rickrolling.

be sure to thank the glorious nation of the USSR for creating what might be the greatest cultural movement in modern history, whether they know it or not

Gee it sure is boring around here.

made me want to eat an octorock

Gee, it sure is boring around here.