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Nomes’ AI could be much better. I was actually able to soft-lock the game twice lmao (on accident of course). Though it felt more interesting than a previous DLC.

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Harness the wondrous power of child labor in this continuation of the DLC trilogy.
Lack of a final boss is a bit shameful, but the encounter in the dark room is pretty good.


The Nome DLC.
I literally can't be mad.

Those shadows? Hmm...I'm thinking .... (Mikli will be lacking critical information in Little Nighmares II - Mad?)

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Much better than the previous Depths DLC. I really enjoyed the mechanic of adding the Nomes into gameplay to help you with puzzle solving, as there are a LOT of puzzles in this DLC and it really keeps it interesting. I’m a huge fan of bringing back the Janitor as the main villain in this DLC, as he was the scariest in the base game. Whereas the Depths had puzzles that you immediately knew how to solve once you entered the room, The Hideaway actually had some of the best puzzles in the entire game so far that really require critical thinking. There were many times where I had to stop in a room as I literally had no idea what I was supposed to do and I really had to rack my brain. There may even be a bit too much ambiguity as to what to do in each room, but I still enjoyed solving each puzzle nonetheless. I loved the heavy spirited away inspiration with gathering all of the Nomes to power the furnace with enough coal. It all felt like a very interconnected level to thoroughly explore in the way you want instead of just walking right until you get to the end. Unfortunately, with many new mechanics being added, some of them weren’t working as well as expected. Many of the nomes would frequently just stand still or outright disappear to a different room when they were supposed to be helping move objects. I also noticed frequent performance drops when playing on PS5 that weren’t present in the base game or in the Depths. It’s overall a wonderfully creative DLC that outdoes the base game in many ways, but also suffers from the same wonky controls as well as some performance and physics issues.

Personalmente la segunda parte del DLC de Little Nightmares es la mejor por las novedades que añade, siendo necesario completar distintos pasos para poder continuar. Esto está hecho de forma natural y me gusta el hecho de que se pueda colaborar con los gnomos. Sus problemas son la duración (escasa, al igual que la primera parte del DLC), además de que no incluye ningún enemigo nuevo. 7,6/10

little nightmares but slavery

I'm in LOVE with this part of the DLCs. Interacting with the Nomes and solving puzzles with them felt very cute and fun. And their shadows at the final... Welp.

They also reminds me of the susuwataris from Spirited Away.

Can't wait to see how this little story finishes.

Ils ont tenté une approche un peu plus "puzzle" pour ce chapitre, j'ai pas forcément accroché mais c'est toujours cool.

didn't love this one in that it's definitely the most obtuse of the DLCs to figure out but how it all works is pretty satisfying. feels a little cheap to have the janitor return the way he does but it's at least an improvement over the previous bonus chapter

You can pet the funko pyramid heads.

Pretty frustrating. The little guys often lose track of you and it's often confusing what and where you're supposed to go next.

I did like this part of the DLC but felt it was a little lacking. I really hated the lightbulb section and felt it was too finicky. I did, however, like the aspect of trying to get many Nomes to finish the big puzzle.

Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate pero con niños en minas de carbón falta la minería con explosivos

The gnomes add something different to the formula, which is enough to get through this mostly boring and repetitive DLC.