Reviews from

in the past

love getting to do all the cool wizard quests!! and i love all of the character designs!! this game is so cute

I always preferred this over Animal Crossing because it had cuter designs and a spooky vibe. Genuinely a shame it never became too big here, it’s adorable.

Uma cópia de Animal Crossing que supera muito o original

Esse jogo é extremamente gostoso e divertido de se passar o tempo jogando, e diferente do Animal Crossing você tem motivo pra jogar porque tem, de fato, um monte de coisas pra fazer

A única coisa que eu acho insuportável dele é a falta de QoL. Tem um monte de tarefas que são tão mais lentas e repetitivas do que deveriam ser simplesmente porque sim?

E o pior de tudo é que eu sei que literalmente na sequência do jogo a maioria das coisas que me irritam vão embora então que saco!


cute but kind of confusing? would either loved it or never understood it as a kid

100% an experience that feels confined to the ds: utilizes it's controls even better than ac:ww but it's quite a boring experience emulated and played for sessions longer than 15 minutes. pretty gruelingly requires a daily check-in too. idk i admire it on all it's features and aesthetics but it's not my thing in this place and time.

I remember only 1 thing about this game since I last played it over a decade ago. It's basically wizard animal crossing, that has a Mr. Resetti like mechanic, where if you don't save you are forced to do a task, and one of them is making you clean the bathroom. What more could you ask for?

Te permite conjurar un hechizo que lanza una palangana a la cabeza a la gente no sé que más quieres

I can finally wed my animal pals

si lo hubiera jugado de crio me hubiera vuelto loco, pero jugandolo en ordenador fue un poco meh

Everyone calls it an animal crossing clone, but once you get into it you find out it's much more than that. Quite a lot more stuff to do compared to AC since it's not just decorating and selling stuff. Also the student/villager designs are pretty cool and more about the supernatural and weird rather than just animals.
Oh, depending on the version (american, european or japanese) the music is very different, one has public domain tracks and the other has original music, though i can't remember which ones in specific.

Ethically dubious Animal Crossing.

this is such a blatant wild world rip off but it does everything better if we’re being brutally honest. the villager designs are so interesting and unique and i’m still discovering new things every time i pick it back up

I picked up Enchanted Folk after seeing it on videos about Animal Crossing clones and being very interested on the features unique to it, plus it just looked well made

Gosh it was such a delight, I'd react to every new thing with "woah!" or "huh??', only accentuated by the fact I streamed it with the company of friends in the chat that were just as wowed by everything

You have all these features and QoL things that you'd only see in AC way later on such as tools not taking storage space, being able to see what haircut you can get, clothes and hair not being locked behind gender. And then there's ones unique to it, such as receiving items as rewards for giving fish/bugs to the museum equivalent, having a "magical trash" where discarded items go to, and CDs being able to just be bought at a store

while I didn't get far enough to romance anyone, all the ways you could interact with villagers and villagers interact with you would always lead to the funniest moments in a stream, it was either that or whatever happened during classes

Ironically I barely got to do Mystery Time, which was the thing that got me interested in the game. I had it happen once, enjoyed all the weird creatures showing up, and then the day after I met Krampus and he told me I was just average and left, I was demolished

Extremely solid Animal Crossing expy that's really only held back by its smaller budget and hardware. I recommend this especially for those disappointed with New Horizon's treatment of villagers and looking for something new in the same vein as Wild World or even OG Animal Crossing. Even a couple days in you really start to feel like your school is a community of very different people. The pacing of unlocking abilities and areas is also very slow, but for me it's been a nice practice in avoiding instant gratification. It's unique from its inspiration, it's cute, simple, and there's a lot to explore. Play it!!! AND TRANSLATE THE 3DS GAME!!!!


Fun game that feels like it has a lot more to offer than I'm willing to put the time in to experience. Charming graphics in a somewhat uncomfortable world.

wizard animal crossing.
it's very fun and the character designs are very unique compared to AC. it's a slow pace, but if you like the types of games where you check in daily then it'll work for you. there's a lot to do in this game but it takes a lot of patience.