Reviews from

in the past

A while ago I tried to play Marchen Veil I on the PC 88 and wasn’t able to finish it. I just found the game too slow to want me to see the end, so I stopped at around stage 5. I thought this version would be different but this was surprisingly a port with changes obviously but this one really improved the experience for me.

There are eight stages where you must do objectives, collect items and make it to the end while getting stronger. There are parts that may seem a little cryptic but the big story might help a little. It’s best to experiment like hitting rocks or trees to uncover items or defeat every enemy. You’ll even need to backtrack a couple of times. Your weapon is a sword and similar to Valis, it’s more of a projectile weapon that shoots projectiles. You can also jump but make sure your health is above 5 hearts or more. Just be careful as instant death is still a thing including pits you have to mash the attack button to get out of.

This port is a lot faster than the PC 88 version and doesn’t even do screen by screen. The game still can get pretty hard around the last quarter so be careful. Some items are gone and so are the descriptions and safe zones. The game even makes you load back into the game every time you are done looking at it. You can shoot diagonally which I’m not sure was in the original to be honest. Saving also doesn’t require a floppy disk but be warned that you’ll need to press up and A with the 2nd controller to actually save. There are no continues outside of a book item you can get and there’s only one revive potion which only heals five hearts so if you are emulating and lack a 2nd controller, use save states.

The story is a big component of the game and the visuals are now done with the in game graphics and even animate a little. A GameFAQs guide will translate the story if you wanna read it though I don’t know how accurate the translation is. The story seems pretty interesting though I just feel really bad for the Prince. Even by the end the game ends on a real downer and unfortunately still ends on a cliffhanger. This is pretty weird as a sequel doesn’t exist on the FDS.

The game graphically looks alright but it does have some choppy scrolling when moving around but for 1987 it could be worse I guess. Like I said before, the cutscenes look different and kind of lose some of the mood and scariness I felt from those originals though maybe I’m just weird. There’s also some loading here and there but nothing unbearable. The music sadly isn’t that good and can sound pretty ear grating at times. There are at least more tracks here which is nice but I just don’t like the sound some of these songs make.

This was a nice game that I’m glad I could say I finished and enjoyed. If there is one version people should play here, it’s probably this one. The speed is a lot more bearable and there’s an easy guide to read if you need help with anything. This is what I was hoping to enjoy when playing that PC 88 version but sadly I guess sometimes experiences don’t go how you want to. If you’re looking for a nice top down action adventure game, this isn’t a bad one to give a go. Just remember it can get hard so don’t get discouraged, hope you enjoy it if you ever give this one a try.