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in the past

I really enjoyed this game. A lot of creativity with the different characters. Strengths and weaknesses to each that gets you constantly switching it up based on each encounter. I love that you could preview each battle before selecting characters and skill points so you could be really tactical without just having to try fail and modify.

The exploration in between each battle was well paced and helped to break up the gameplay. Happy I played it.

this game is actually so peak

I don't know what Xcom is.

Thank you Mario for inventing tactical RPGs and also the Rabbids. I can always trust you to be at the forefront of innovation in gaming.

I fuck with tactics games I think but this really felt like chewing air. Maybe it feels better later on, but definitely at the start it feels like im just pressing buttons to continue the combat and not really much thought put into it at all. It's probably because it too simplified (i understand its for babies). Grant Kirkhope soundtrack sounds very Grant Kirkhope. Rabbids are dope and evil.

Took me a long time to actually get invested in this thing (I actually bought this in 2019, and dropped it after a few hours in). But honestly, glad I picked it up again after getting into the Advance Wars series. I guess I'm accustomed to strategy games like these now, and this is a pretty good way to get introduced to the genre.

Fairly easy strategy game, though. But then again, it's targeted towards kids. So, if you're looking for a challenge, don't bother.

If you told past me that the Mario/Rabbids crossover game was incredible I would've called you a dirty liar

For me personally, this game was unexpectedly fun.
Once you get into the mechanics it really starts to take off.
Give it a try!

Nunca habría creído que esta extraña pero encantadora combinación entre Super Mario y los Rabbids pudiera funcionar, pero así lo hizo. Un divertido juego táctico familiar con un apartado artístico sumamente bonito, con un sistema de progresión que te invita a utilizar a todos los personajes y sacarles el máximo provecho. Aunque no es particularmente complicado, ofrece buenos retos en forma de desafíos que vaya que pueden ser verdaderos retos a superar.

Crazy that this game made the Rabbids somewhat less annoying.

A total surprise for me... I am not a big fan of turned based games, but seeing characters move around to cover and a slightly goofy spin peaked my interest. I gave it a go, and played a few maps. After awhile I was slowly getting hooked in without realising. Then all of a sudden it hits me, "I am dedicating waaaay too much on rabbids". You know why? Because this is a thinking game and it's done well.
Don't let the rabbids discourage you. They are sprinkled in to keep it light hearted not moronic nonsense. It is more like 3/4 Mario for a rough idea.
The music is world class and probably the 3rd best OST I've played on Switch so far.
Difficulty curve is steady and fair. I enjoyed the skill tree and item upgrades to add depth to the gameplay.
Choosing the right characters in later stages is important and gets you really planning your battles, choose wisely. The game is a good length of about 25 hours. Any longer it would of been tedious.
The game was good enough that I rushed to buy the DLC and had a great time with that also, shame you can't choose a team on the DLC. Some issues I had:
- I feel the game is a little buggy at times, especially when on an action shot angle
- The AI seem kinda predicable When backtracking to collect prizes
- The fast travel points did not match the campaign battle arenas and can be disorientating to know where you were at times

Hermoso juego spin off que le da un aire a la saga de Mario y añade el humor de los Rabbits. Una combinación muy buena que hace un juego que con pocas cosas a mejorar puede ser un título entrañable

This game has interested me for a while, but I just wasn't really buying new games much last year. It's taken me a while to really get to it, but I'm damn happy I did! This is a brilliant SRPG and is probably now my favorite in the genre. The writing, music, gameplay, design; everything is just so fantastically woven together for a fantastic whole. For the record, I completed every level and challenge, getting gold on nearly every level and never trying easy mode (also was never able to try out the co-op stages).

The conceit is certainly an odd one: Rabbids get meshed into the Mario universe and the ensuing mayhem needs to be cleaned up by a team of Mario-themed Rabbids and their Mario gang counterparts in a modern X-com-style gunplay bonanza. That said, this game had me giggling to myself all the time with how funny it makes the Rabbids in this context. As someone who never really cared for them in the past, this was a very pleasant surprise :)

The mechanics are really unlike any other SRPG I've played, but they allow for a lot of really clever stuff. Like an X-com, it has both full and partial cover your character can hop into, but the percentages are absolute. In full cover, you cannot be hit from behind it, while partial cover is a 50/50 chance, and no cover is a 100% hit. Of the 8 characters, each has a combination of abilities that makes then well suited for different play styles with an according skill tree you can use to upgrade or alter abilities in addition to new weapons you can find and buy. But even though I played through the game mostly never deviating from my team of Mario, Luigi, and one other (who eventually was permanently Rabbid Yoshi), I never felt cornered into a mission that felt like it required a certain character's ability set to complete it, even for the gold.

Each member of your 3-man team can do 3 moves a turn in their main fire (of which they have a standard gun which they can fire any time as well as an AOE-focused sub-weapon with a cooldown), movement (which can be used to both slide-dash enemies for an extra bit of damage as well as to team-jump on a team mate to get across the map), and a buff/debuff which both have cooldowns (such as drawing in or pushing away enemies, raising your team's power, or having that character go on overwatch (i.e. they fire when an enemy enters their line of sight) to name but a few). To add to this, while there is a movement allowance, they can move and do any number of things within that range. For example, if you want to dash-attack 3 enemies (if that player has that upgrade) all in opposite directions, then go a 4th direction to launch a team jump, that's totally okay. Given that many enemies have these same capabilities, it makes for a really tense atmosphere.

The biggest problems the game has are in player information and quality of life departments. A Fire Emblem-style toggle to show the maximum attack range of enemies would be REALLY nice compared to the existing system of hovering over one to see that individual enemy's maximum attack or movement range /from their current location/. Add on top of that the fact that where exactly tiles on the game-grid are is pretty difficult to suss out, and it's an immense chore, often totally impossible, to tell if you're going to be safe in a bit of cover you're about to move into.

Another big problem is the lack of an undo-button for movement. While the game does tell you if you have line of sight against enemies to the tile you're about to move to, for Luigi and Rabbid Peach's chasing, explosive sentry-bot (imo, the best weapon in the game), it doesn't. This leads to glass cannon Luigi often getting into places you think he can wipe out an enemy group from when in fact they are out of range of the sentry. This combined with how there is no movement confirmation can lead you often into mis-clicking the space next to where you wanted to go, placing you right in a line of fire. An undo-button would've been a god-send for this game, or at least the option for one. This said, these are but minor complaints on an otherwise fantastic game. With the addition of the easy mode, the stated problems won't be an issue for someone unless they're trying to complete EVERYTHING on the standard difficulty while trying for a gold-rank (as I did).

Verdict: Highly recommended. I'm not usually a fan of SRPG's, but this one is freaking brilliant. The small 3-man teams combined with the simple level-up trees and weapon upgrades make it very accessible to get into, but the very clever combat system makes it an easy-to-learn but tough-to-master game system that had me legitimately upset when the whole game was said and done. I basically never go back to games for DLC's, but when the new Donkey Kong-based story DLC comes out in a few months for this, I very well likely will come back to this fantastical adventure :D

Jogo de turno, me surpreendeu bastante, principalmente na sua jogabilidade. Achei o jogo um pouco extenso demais, fazendo com que eu zerasse de forma lenta.

It was pretty charming. Not that bad, but Nintendo could have done better.

Genel olarak keyifliyfi
Zorluğun giderek artmasi bir yana bolumu bitirdikten sonra açilan challenge bolumleri bir hayli zor ve keyifli.
Savaslar disinda olan bulmacalar guzel bir dinlenme alani olmus.
4 bolgenin tasarimi da birbirinden guzel gercekten.
Savas sisteminde ise düşman disinda istedigimiz yere ateş edebilsek bence daha da derinlik katardi. Ayrica escort, ve hepsini oldurme disinda farkli savaş modlari da olsa keyifli olabilirdi.
Silahlarin karaktere ozel olmasi biraz can sıkıcı olsa da her karakteri oynamak icin bir firsat diye dusunulebilir. Düşmanlar biraz daha cesitli olabilirdi.

Stranglely good XCOM-like.
Also the DLC challenges take this from a 9 to a 10, they're THAT good.

Really fun game, the combat is pretty good, the boss fights are great, the story is barely there but it's still enjoyable because of how goofy it is, and Rabbid Peach is the best character.

Now, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, this game does have some serious flaws, like the gameplay outside combat is terrible, the puzzles are bland and almost never reward you for finishing them, 90% os the chests are useless, except for the gold ones and the random brown ones that give you skill orbs, the normal enemy variety is very poor, they just change their skins in the different worlds and make them have a different super effect.

The party is also not well balanced, Mario being the leader and never leaving the party makes sense, but his kit is kinda bland, Peach's and Rabbid Mario's long range weapons are also terrible because they are friendly fire machines, and kits that excell in close combat aren't great either. Also didn't like how you are not able to not have a party without 1 rabbid.

(not finished the game yet)

from what ive played so far, its a good strategy game combining the charm of mario...with the chaos the rabbids bring.

I absolutely loved this game, two of my favourite franchises colliding into one amazing game that introduced me to a completely new genre that I hadn’t played before.


Love the idea that the Mario games exist within the Rabbids universe too, also I would totally love for someone to make Rabbid Kong into a L4D2 mod.

This game actually wasn't that bad. It was lighthearted and pretty fun. I'm not in a rush to go back and finish it but for what it is, it's pretty damn good.

I've heard multiple times about the game from Nintendo fans. All of them mentioned that it's one of the best not well-known games on switch.
I had some scepticism around mixing of Mario and Rabbids universes in one game that's why I postponed to start it many times.
At last I decided to give it a chance and I was not disappointed at all. It's a cute, funny and imaginative game which puts you into its world. It has nice soundtrack and animations of similar quality level as original Mario games do have.
I'm always looking for games which gives you enough level of challenge. And this one was great in that sense. It's like primitive version of chess when some matches require you to plan several steps in advance.
From negative sides I'd put some monotony in battles and puzzles. And that's probably it. Otherwise definitely must play for all Nintendo/Mario fans.

Actually surprisingly fun.

I remember dreading this game’s initial reveal when it was floating around as a rumor but we really did get the best of what we could’ve. My biggest issue though is that the gameplay loop gets repetitive for me after awhile and it didn’t have enough true charm to keep me excited to come back to it. Otherwise it’s pretty solid it could’ve been a lot regarding its premise.

surprisingly really a well made strategy game, with great turn based combat.

¿Quién diría que el primer RPG de NS sería una idea tan loca y tan buena?