Reviews from

in the past


This game was made for arcades. The character select theme has the most nostalgic and satisfying seven second loop you’ll ever hear. I don’t think this game feels right anywhere else but on an arcade joystick

Venom is busted btw

Juego donde MegaHombre y el espoidermon se agarran a vergazos

This game absolutely blew my fucking mind when I first heard it blasting in that K-Mart arcade 20 years ago. To see Spider-Man and Mega Man in a team beating up Ryu and Wolverine was unreal. Got the PS1 copy eventually.

Big improvement from the first 2 Versus games, and probably the best one up until Marvel VS Capcom 2 was released. This game puts a limit on the assist system and allows players to pick from different assists, which is different from Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter because you're using your second character as the assist.

The music is the standout for this game across the Versus series and every character has memorable theme music. Though some characters are still broken, this is still a good package ranging from the character roster, music and art style.

Enjoyment: 6.5/8
Replayability: 1/1
Graphics: 0.5/0.5
Sound: 0.5/0.5
Total: 8.5/10

better than the others, but Onslaught is a pain in the ass

Played this as a PSX Eboot through the PSP, the idea of having such a classic game being portable was too good to pass.
It's fun and left me with the feeling that I should check the later iterations; a good fighting game with a lot of charm

Pretty fun game, that's all I gotta say.

Meu primeiro crossover que joguei e me viciou, mesmo a versão de PS1 sendo a mais ruinzinha ela me divertiu demais, jogando liberando os personagens secretos e treinando combos.

if you play gold war machine please change and grow as a person

Clássico, super rápido e muito divertido com amigos

Ótimo "começo" da franquia, mesmo sendo o primeiro, ainda dá pra jogar muito bem atualmente, diria que é um dos jogos que mais envelheceu bem da sua época.


deedle-leedle-leeeee~ deeleleleeeee~

hah-ha-hah -BOOM BOOM BOOM-

I like this game more thna Marvel 2 tbh

Venom is broke in this one bro

The last Marvel game with 6 Button controls before they reduced it to four and alienated the hell outta me. Maybe someday ill get used to MVC2.

This is a good fighting game however as with all marvel style games this is very combo heavy compared to old school street fighter. And long combos are always the aspect I enjoy least about fighting games. Still a hype game

This game fucking speed dodges first game syndrome, this game is so fire.

Good game that still holds up to today. Really fun combos and good gameplay all around. Not as good as it's next 2 games, but it does have a lot of ups to it.

I took off half a star because having to spend meter to play Ken or Akuma is turbo lame.

This was the fighting game that really got me into the genre. I love the more aerial style of combat this series has, plus the crossover here brings a lot of interesting characters and pair ups. I love playing Venom and Morrigan. I have very fond memories playing this with my dad and getting totally rocked, being the main motivator for me to practice more. It's fun, but a bit light on content outside of the main fighting, which is still solid but would expand into bigger shoes and rosters after this entry.

I played the hell out of MvC in middle school... like 6 years ago

Solid, if not a bit underwhelming in terms of roster in comparison to later titles in the series. The inclusion of original assist characters and really nice pixel backgrounds is a welcome plus.

O primeiro jogo a gente nunca esquece

I don't really love the Vs games like that, but on an audiovisual front this one is Capcom firing on all cylinders. If asked to pick a favorite spoken word soundsample from a fighting game, it'd probably be "Here's My Sunday Best!" So, for that reason, I am glad the Vs games exist, and I continue to never want to play any of them.

except the power rangers one, that one's kinda okay

The ultimate Capcom fighting game for me.